Buzzfeed Attacks TV’s Favorite Couple for Religious Beliefs

Yesterday, the Left declared war on Christians. As you may have heard, BuzzFeed launched an attack on Chip and Joanna Gaines, the stars of the popular HGTV show “Fixer Upper.” The piece was titled “Chip And Joanna Gaines’ Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage.”

Apparently attending a Christian church makes you a bigot these days. BuzzFeed’s hit job is a blatant attempt to get HGTV to kick the Gaineses off the network for their religious beliefs.

If you believe in religious freedom in this country, you have to stick up for the Gaineses. You could watch their show, which is available online, to prove to HGTV that the Gaineses still have an audience. And you can buy their new book, “The Magnolia Story.”

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