CNN: Should We Retire ‘Inherently Sexist’ Movie ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’?

Even holiday classics like It’s a Wonderful Life have come under vicious scrutiny in our politically correct, brave new world, with CNN openly questioning whether the beloved film is secretly sexist and should, therefore, be “retired” from American culture.

CNN writer Carol Costello says she has “cooled to classics like ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’” lamenting that in a post-Harvey Weinstein world, she can never again watch that movie “in the same way [she] did when [she] was a kid” because she keeps wondering if it is “inherently sexist.”

“And that’s a good thing,” she adds.

Seen through the revisionist prism of radical feminism, the classic Frank Capra film starring James Stewart and Donna Reed becomes part of a patriarchal plot to keep women subjected to men.

After all, “if gorgeous, brilliant Mary had never met her George Bailey,” she would have never ended up working in a library, Costello suggests. Poor Mary threw away a stellar career for the mere love of a man.

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