Tim Allen Trashes ‘Precious Snowflakes’

Baxter family patriarch Mike Baxter (Tim Allen) took aim at political correctness and microaggressions in the latest episode of ABC sitcom Last Man Standing, entitled “Precious Snowflake.”

The episode sees Mandy Baxter (Molly Ephraim) ask her father to deliver a speech at her business school’s graduation. The speech, however, must be approved by a school committee tasked with rooting out any offensive language, words commonly referred to by the PC police as “microaggressions.”

“Microaggressions?” Mike asks Mandy. “You mean, like, ‘midget warriors’?”

“No,” Mandy replies. “They’re objectionable words or phrases. For instance, ‘Midget warriors.’”

“I know what microaggressions are,” Mike says. “It’s the latest liberal attack at free speech. And a lot of fun if you do ’em right.”

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