‘Fight Club’ Actor Edward Norton has Bizarre Anti-Trump Meltdown on Social Media

By Bridget Laudien - http://www.bridgetlaudien.com/, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16126755

Another liberal Hollywood celebrity flexed his Twitter fingers to weigh in on ‘mobster’ President Trump’s ongoing battle to challenge the 2020 presidential election results.  

“I’m no political pundit but I grew up w a dad who was a federal prosecutor & he taught me a lot & I’ve also sat a fair amount of poker w serious players & l’ll say this: I do not think Trump is trying to ‘make his base happy’ or ‘laying the groundwork for his own network’ or that ‘chaos is what he loves,’ Actor Edward Norton began in an early Friday morning tweet storm.  

The Fight Club star thinks he knows the President’s ‘endgame’ for contesting the election. “The core of it is that he knows he’s in deep, multi-dimensional legal jeopardy & this defines his every action,” he wrote.  

“We’re seeing 1) a tactical delay of the transition to buy time for coverup & evidence suppression 2) above all, a desperate endgame which is to create enough chaos & anxiety about peaceful transfer of power, & fear of irreparable damage to the system, that he can cut a Nixon-style deal in exchange for finally conceding.”

Norton, who once played a cheating card hustler in the movie Rounders, used a poker analogy to describe Trump’s strategy to remain in office. 

“But he doesn’t have the cards. His bluff after ‘the flop’ has been called in court. His ‘turn card’ bluff will be an escalation & his ‘River card’ bluff could be really ugly,” he posted. “But they have to be called. We cannot let this mobster bully the USA into a deal to save his ass by threatening our democracy. THAT is his play. But he’s got junk in his hand. So call him.”

The Oscar nominee called the President “a whiny, sulky, petulant, Grinchy, vindictive little 10-ply-super-soft bitch,” that was giving the county “a tiny-hand middle finger,” with no regard for the Americans affected by the pandemic.  

“His contemptible, treasonous, seditious assault on the stability of our political compact isn’t about 2024, personal enrichment or anything else other than trying to use chaos & threat to the foundation of the system as leverage to trade for a safe exit. Call. His. Bluff.”

He concluded his long-winded outburst with, “faith in the strength of our sacred institutions & founding principles is severely stretched…but they will hold. They will. He’s leaving, gracelessly & in infamy. But if we trade for it, give him some brokered settlement, we’ll be vulnerable to his return. We can’t flinch.”

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Craig Murphy
Craig Murphy
3 years ago

Interesting theory. Got any facts. Can you name the crime(s)?If not, go back to poker.

3 years ago
Reply to  Craig Murphy

This Ed Norton is a pud compared to the Ed Norton I grew up with.
The chaos and anxiety that this dip shiiit is referring to has been created by the media, the Dems and the deep state..
It was great to see gov. phil murphy told off in front of his family by those two women. We need the equivelant like ALM and antifa to get the message across loud and clear to the other side.A little fear of God never hurts.

Vic Arminio
Vic Arminio
3 years ago

Get a life you has been creep!

Rogers Gerrard
Rogers Gerrard
3 years ago
Reply to  Vic Arminio

Norton is a sissy from way back. A real petunia loser ?

Susan K Dudak
Susan K Dudak
3 years ago

I used to really like Ed Norton but now have no use for him. What has he ever done that has helped this country. He isn’t even worthy to mention Trump’s name. This country will miss Trump big time; more than they think within one year. Biden and his criminal Democrats will ruin this country in a very short time. Trump can then rerun in 2024 and help put us back together again.

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan K Dudak

I’m sure everyone has already forgotten Ed Norton. Nobody will ever forget Donald Trump. The best President in my lifetime.

3 years ago

He just alienated at least a half of the country. Please Republicans and conservatives, Do not give these rats any of your hard earned money. When one of their movies comes out, don’t go. wait a little longer until it comes out some other way. There are so many in hollywood that need to be hurt in their pocketbooks.

Latina Quern
Latina Quern
3 years ago

Another star (whose movies I will no longer see) trying to sway public opinion against Donald Trump, & yes with baseless facts. Stick to your movies no one wants to hear you trying to be a politician.

3 years ago

Why is it everything this person sees in President Trump, I see in all of the Democrats?

3 years ago
Reply to  H.D.

Accuse you enemies of what you are guilty of…. Commi Playbook.

3 years ago

Too bad his “federal prosecutor” father didn’t tell him that fraudulent elections get investigated. I wonder if his dad had anything to say about Comey, McCabe and Stryxk trying to undermine a President and lying to Congress and getting away with it.

3 years ago

I’m not sure that even he knows what his point is. His Dad may have some knowledge, but Norton better just stick to acting, because he knows nothing. America hopefully is getting tired of simpleton celebs expounding on politics and political theory as if their very celebrity makes them some more wizened beings. There are a few that have enough intellect to weigh in, but only a few. Norton – your analogy was ridiculous and you are coocoo for cocoa puffs as they say. TheViewFrom2500.
p.s. I think you are a very good actor, but you are one more actor that I will be sure to never spend another dime on watching any of your movies (and DeNiro, Sarandon, and many more. The left likes to tank people and their businesses, black list conservative actors and musicians, and so now it is time for the rest of us to do unto you all as you have done to others.

downing hitt
downing hitt
3 years ago

u donot know what u think u know-what a boat load of BS

downing hitt
downing hitt
3 years ago

i guess living in hollywood makes u a genius–not at all- it makes u a sleezy democrat like so many others there-puke

3 years ago

Trump is trying to hide all his crimes? You mean the crimes that he actually did or the crimes that you pretended he did for years of investigation and then found nothing because they were all concocted.
Let’s make up some crimes that Ed Norton can defend himself from with an unlimited budget with 20 prosecutors that hate him and let’s see him deal with that kind of attack, multiple times over, then he can tell us all about it.

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
3 years ago

Never heard of this Ed Norton but he looks a little like Art Carney. He seems to be the same kind of dufus, acts like he has the same IQ and works in the sewer. Hmmm…

3 years ago

The President who I remind you is Donald Trump has every legal right to contest ,and to have his legal challenge decided by the Supreme Court of the US and should not expose any of his proof to anyone but the Supreme Court. Nortons dad would have surely told his son this one important fact. You do not show your hand if you plan to win. If this is so wrong how come the Dems did not cry when Al Gore cried foul an we let him challenge an run its legal course. The Media run Democratic companies are trying to declare the election an make public believe their the final call on the race. Keep legal.

3 years ago

These bitter, unhappy has been’s are desperately trying to hang on to a career long since over and hate Trump with a passion because he represents the man who has had it all! Envy is one of the deadly sins!!

Mark McAcy
Mark McAcy
3 years ago
Reply to  Gia

Their career will be over in a little over a year. When Biden takes over, he’ll start raising taxes, and tax heavy on the millionaires. The people who said that they were going to move if Trump ever got elected, well, watch them leave in droves. It will probably be a little expensive to make movies in the country, so they will start making them overseas. All those tents in Pelosie’s part of California will end up on Rodeo Drive and into Beverly Hills, as soon as they open up the floodgates and let all the illegals into OUR COUNTRY!!

Mike Mensing
Mike Mensing
3 years ago

Who cares what the Hollywood socialist think, stay with your so called acting!!!

3 years ago

Ed Norton’s father sure bore a self-indulged jackhole. I hope he’s proud. His son has imaginary dreams of being a cogent blogger but hasn’t got the chops. He should try and get a bit part somewhere and lay off the drugs. His fixation with Trump has helped rot his mind as well. Nothing there go back to your bong.

3 years ago

Trump has a Royal Flush.

3 years ago

Hollywood, a lot of High School dropouts that are hated by the American people.

3 years ago

EVIDENCES!!!= if your Dad did his job properly, he should have taught you this primordial lesson: EVIDENCE and provable FACTS are the mainstay of a great legal system. What is lacking in your feeble mind is evidence of wrong doing on the part of President Trump. What is ABUNDANT in your weak little mind is your STUPID HATRED of President Trump. Because you cannot think for yourself, and you have to repeat the stupidity coming out of the mouths of the leftist politicians, who hate the president because he is not part of the clique, Deep State, like schumer, nadler, pelosi, ( all over 30 years in the “””service””” of the people). Your idiotic mind is to want to be seen by your peers as a good boy. So you will not be “””black listed””” and you can keep on working. Working as a “””PROFESSIONAL LIAR”””. Good for a poker player and an actor. Not good for regular people like all of us who love President Trump. Who fulfilled ALL his promises. Unlike ALL of your leftist politicians.

Ginny Rocco
Ginny Rocco
3 years ago

He’s a lousy poker player and actor.

3 years ago

What a loser. Who cares what he thinks.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ginger

Unfortunatelly there are lots of brainless scumbags who care and do not understand that he and his peers are about to make AMERICA a shithole.

Jane Stacy
3 years ago

moron boy its a fact democrats have been lying cheating and acting like scum bags for years of course there is voting fraud mentaly challeged biden couldnt win any other way and as for the liberals go cry in your safe rooms

Christine Leveille
Christine Leveille
3 years ago

The Dems conspired to get him out at all costs including cheating because he was planning on cleaning up the swamp. Clinton should have been in jail already, Biden and his son should be in jail, do I need to go on? The dems are about as corrupt as you can get and they are afraid of Trump. We either need a revote with no mail in votes and signatures or we need to accept that Trump won hands down…cheating and paying for votes can’t count!

3 years ago

Dems cheated in dozens of ways and will pay the price, be it legally or by civil war.

3 years ago

just a little deranged. Not as bad as some. Can’t they get their screws tightened ? they all seem to be very loose.

3 years ago

Edward Norton must be placed on BOYCOTT LIST….he is a communist and a anti America.
ONE THING…any and all things these entertainer/hollywood/media types promotes, sells or charity they are spokesperson for, WE 73 MILLION PLUS AMERICANS can NEVER give our money to a cause they are part of…yes, I said CHARITY….what they call a charity I call promoting freebees for illegal aliens or to help the communists….

chris kelly
chris kelly
3 years ago

This punk is not even a tough guy. His father was.

3 years ago


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