William Shatner Breaks Down in Tears After Successful Space Flight

By Super Festivals from Ft. Lauderdale, USA - William Shatner Q&A GalaxyCon Minneapolis 2019, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=91834797

‘Star Trek’ legend William Shatner boldly went where only a handful of men have gone before on Wednesday when he lifted off with Amazon Founder Jeff Bezo’s ‘Blue Origin’ space travel company.

At one point during a post return interview Shatner broke down in tears as he described the historic event.

As CNBC reports:

“What you’ve given me is the most profound experience I can imagine.”

Those were the words of William Shatner moments after returning to Earth from a trip just beyond the edge of space during an emotional talk with Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos.

The Canadian actor, who famously played Capt. Kirk in the original “Star Trek” television series, added that the spaceflight was “unbelievable” and something that “everybody in the world needs to do.”

“It was so moving to me,” Shatner said.

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