Liberal actor Mark Ruffalo took to Twitter to apologize for accusing Israel of committing “genocide” earlier this month while the government’s battle with Hamas was in full swing.
“I have reflected & wanted to apologize for posts during the recent Israel/Hamas fighting that suggested Israel is committing ‘genocide.’” The Hulk actor wrote. “It’s not accurate, it’s inflammatory, disrespectful & is being used to justify antisemitism here & abroad. Now is the time to avoid hyperbole.”
Ruffalo was accused of anti-Semitism by critics when he shared a petition calling for sanctions against the Israeli government on May 11. “1500 Palestinians face expulsion in #Jerusalem. 200 protesters have been injured,” he tweeted. “9 children have been killed. Sanctions on South Africa helped free its black people – it’s time for sanctions on Israel to free Palestinians. Join the call.”
The apology was celebrated by some, including Stand With Us executive director Michael Dickenson, who wrote: “Correct. There is conflict, sure. And people of goodwill work for peace. But there is no genocide. The “genocide” lie is used to incite violent – sometimes deadly – antisemitism. It matters that you set the record straight and used your voice to reconcile and not divide.”
But the actor’s reversal infuriated pro-Palestinian activists. Bishop Talbert Swan questioned why Ruffalo changed his views. “You never referred to the Palestinians who were being slaughtered as ‘Hamas’ in your previous tweets,” he replied to Ruffalo. “What happened? Who got to you? Were the 70+ murdered children fighting for Hamas?”
Twitch streamer Hasan Piker responded, “You should tell the families of the 200+ murdered Palestinians in Gaza that were declared enemy combatants in the latest IDF propaganda that their occupiers aren’t actually committing ethnic cleansing when they “mowed the lawn” last week.”
To which transgender Espionage Act violator Chelsea Manning wrote, ““Mowing the lawn” is easily the worst and most telling phrase the IDF uses.”
Too late, Ruffalo! You showed your true anti-semitic colors. However, that’s probably the same feelings as most of Hollywood. I never understood that since there are so many Jews in the “entertainment” industry. I could never reconcile their actions and statements against Israel while being Jewish. Then it was the late, great Rush Limbaugh who explained it in one sentence. “They’re liberals first, Jews second”.
It’s called self-loathing. It’s called virtue signaling. It’s called ignorant of history. It’s called indoctrination. If you can believe it, the “social justice” Rabbinic students at Boston Hebrew College actually side with Hamas. Talk about idiots who want to self destruct. What self-righteous fools. Maybe they should head to “Gaza and ask Hamas if they can help them. Let’s see how that would work out for these woke dimwits.
Everybody want to say how many Palestinians are being killed but they never mention the hell that a reign of terror that the Palestinians and their leaders in Hamas perpetrated on the Israelis over the years, it’s easy to blame the terrorists but then condemn the victims for retaliation
He is an actor , he is capable of delivering somebodies script. Not noted for intelligence just delivering the message, like the guy who delivers the beer to your favorite bar, just not as smart.
insincere. maybe he can go to rehab and get all better
who gives a rats tail so tired of hearing ALL the critism about what people say wear it out aint u got nothing better to do no wonder were in the crap
Nothing surprising here, Ruffallo has had a recent history of sticking his foot in his mouth.
Let’s follow some numbers. Hamas fired some 4,300 rockets into civilian regions of Israel. There were actually 4,700+ rockets fired towards Israel, but approximately 10% of the rockets failed to leave Gaza’s airspace. They were random, short-lived blunders, exploding in Gazan neighborhoods and crowded commercial zones. Hamas and their confused supporters hide those casualty numbers. The resultant murdered Palestinian children and adults, their homes and businesses are consistently blamed on Israel. Is that fair? Is that intelligent? It is stupid.
The Israeli armed forces are unique in world military history in the extraordinary efforts to prevent collateral damage and civilian deaths. I suspect both Hamas and the Israeli military have a fair idea how many of the couple hundred dead Palestinians were killed by Hamas’ failed rocketry. It may well be the majority. Imagine 430 rockets randomly slamming into 430 crowded neighborhoods without warning. Two hundred dead people should be considered miraculous.
The surgical strikes to pick out specific Hamas leadership and their underground tunnel network occupants avoided civilians. THINK. Israel is incredibly merciful. Hamas are monsters.
Piss on all of them let BiBi take out the camel jockey terrorists.💥❌💀
I guess Ruffa doesn’t know that Jews have had genocide practiced against them since before they had enough of a population to band together and call themselves Jewish people, more recently by the Nazis in WWII and still now by the nation of Islam. The mistake the Jews made with Mohammed who couldn’t read or write and he landed among the remaining Jews after another bad take over by haters of Jews, he heard Jewish stories of their prophets and Mohammed wanted to be a prophet too. He tried to tell the Jewish stories and the crowds ended up laughing at his poor retelling of the stories so bad he had to run away to non Jewish grounds where he was so mad at the Jews he invented his own religion with its main goal of wiping out every Jew there is. His idea of conquering the world is to make sure he killed eventually every Jew. By the way, in WWII the middle east Muslims sided with the Nazis turning in Jews figuring Islam would get land in return for helping the Nazis. Ruffa needs to study history and find out the real haters in this world and it is not the Jewish people.
Mark Ruffalo is apologizing because he wants to continue to work as an actor in Hollywood. Antisemitism, hate speech and unfair criticism of Israel defending itself from Hamas in Gaza is not a winning strategy in Hollywood. Theater goers like me are watching.
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