George Takei Weighs in on Muslim Registry

It’s no secret President-elect Donald Trump’s xenophobic policies and nationalist platform are ripped from the pages of Hitler’s playbook.

And as Trump’s administration is beginning to take form — and already cracking down on Muslim registration — George Takei is urging our nation’s next leaders not to make the same mistakes of the past.

In a Washington Post essay published Friday, the Star Trek alum recounted his harrowing experience of being forced into a Japanese-American internment camp at just 5 years old.

The 79-year-old is worried a similar measure could be enforced for Muslim-Americans based on the rhetoric he’s heard from the President-elect and his surrogates. He wrote:

“The stigmatization, separation and labeling of our fellow humans based on race or religion has never led to a more secure world. But it has too often led to one where the most vulnerable pay the highest price.”

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