Colin Kaepernick is a huge supporter of the left and that has been further evidenced by a large donation to pro-abortion groups across the U.S.
According to The Daily Caller:
Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick donated thousands of dollars to pro-abortion groups across the U.S., furthering his career as an advocate for the far left.
Kaepernick reportedly donated $25,000 to the pro-abortion group, Center for Reproductive Rights, a group that focuses on “birth control, safe abortion, prenatal and obstetric care, and unbiased information.” Kaepernick also reportedly gave $25,000 to the Lower East Side Girls Club with nearly $8,000 directed towards the pro-abortion Women’s March in Detroit, according to donations posted in an article on Life News.
The news comes as the former NFL quarterback has recently taken heat after he posed in Nike’s new ad campaign. The ad ran during NFL’s opening game. “Believe in something,” Kaepernick’s script reads, “even if it means sacrificing everything.”
Kaepernick has continued to raise money for organizations around the world since leaving the NFL in 2016, most of which help “fight oppression of all kinds globally, through education and social activism,” according to a mission statement on his website.
Despite recent backlash of the former quarterback Nike has regained all of its stock market losses.