Trump Slams ‘Failed’ Oscars, Hollywood Liberals At Massive Texas Rally

President Trump laid waste to liberal Hollywood and what he called the ‘failed’ Oscars at a giant rally in Texas on Thursday. As Fox News reports:

Trump spoke to a crowd of approximately 30,000 people gathered at the American Airlines Center in Texas, where he derided the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates and much, much more. Among his targets was the Oscars, which the president touched upon while commenting on the news cameras recording his speech.

“Don’t worry. I won’t say anything bad about your network,” he said to the assembled press. “Because a lot of the times, I get ready to do a number on these phony networks and you know, you see those red lights go off off off off. They don’t want their viewers to see it. But that’s OK, I’m not going to say it tonight. I’m going to say, ‘You’re legitimate media.’ I don’t actually mean that.”

“But look at all those cameras,” Trump continued. “That’s like the Academy Awards used to be before it failed. You know why it failed? You know why it failed? Because they came after us. That’s why it failed. It failed because they had stupid people saying horrible things about us. Stupid, stupid people.”…

“They are stupid people, and their ratings have dropped like a rock, and I love seeing it, I’m telling you. Love it,” Trump went on. “But no matter how hard they try, they will fail because the people of Texas and the people of America will never surrender our freedom to those people right there.”

The Oscars experienced their lowest ratings ever in 2018 when they were hosted by notorious anti-Trump comedian Jimmy Kimmel.

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