Conservative Actress Torches Hollywood Stars Complaining About Texas Abortion Ban

Wikimedia Commons, Jeff Balke,

Actress Rose McGowan ripped on “Charmed” co-star Alyssa Milano, and other celebrities upset over the Texas heart-beat abortion ban in a snarky tweet.

McGowan posted a screenshot of a Deadline article on Twitter that read: “Reese Witherspoon, Kerry Washington & Alyssa Milano Among More Than 100 Stars Expressing Outrage Over Texas Abortion Law.”

She captioned the tweet with “This is really going to help for sure absolutely moron achievement unlocked,” on Friday.

After the Supreme Court denied an emergency relief request to block Texas’ new law that bars abortion after six weeks on Wednesday, Hollywood stars expressed their dissatisfaction with the ruling.

Milano, Reese Witherspoon, Yvette Nicole Brown, Mandy Moore, and Eva Longoria, amongst plenty of others shared an image with the text: “I stand in solidarity with Texans & people everywhere seeking reproductive freedom.”

“We should all be able to make our own decisions about our health & future. We have to fight for everyone’s reproductive freedom,” tweeted Kerry Washington, with a link to a Planned Parenthood petition that declared the Texas law is “a full-scale assault on abortion access.”

“Texas passed one of the most extreme abortion bans this country has ever seen. Known as S.B. 8, this law bans abortion after six weeks of pregnancy — before many people even know they’re pregnant,” the petition reads.

“This is a red alert moment for sexual and reproductive rights,” the text continues. “Other states will likely follow Texas’s playbook. We’ve seen it time and time again.”

“The Texas abortion ban is unjust and harmful to all of our rights,” “Jeopardy!” host Mayim Bialick added. “Every woman deserves her own choice of what she chooses to do with her body, no matter personal beliefs. Women’s rights are human rights.”

McGowan’s “Charmed” castmate Alyssa Milano blasted Governor Greg Abbott and the “Texas Taliban” for passing the law in an interview. “Abbott and his Texas Taliban have shown over and over and over again that they don’t care about women, the poor, or people of color. But they do care about money, above all else,” she said.

The actress also supports abolishing the filibuster because “Democrats won a united government, and need to use it.”

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3 years ago

This is the 21st Century, no excuse for an unwanted pregnancy. If you have intercourse be on birth control or take the morning after pill.

3 years ago
Reply to  SuzieWi

Yes,obviously THEY think women have gotten stupid,rather than “progressing”! Everyone still HAS a “CHOICE”,it’s called a ZIPPER. IF they didn’t have that “choice” & they are the 2% that were raped or could die,the law is there for them,so STOP THE SLAUGHTER & your B.S.!…IT’S KILLING US!

S Patin
S Patin
3 years ago
Reply to  Trish

Very true. The best contraceptive is to keep her knees together. If the woman chooses to have sex she accepts the risk that she could become pregnant. That sometimes results in a living human being that is totally without fault. Killing babies is just wrong.

3 years ago
Reply to  Trish

Women and men can hold an aspirin between their knees when the urge is there but no pregnancy wanted. Works every time.

robert sanders
robert sanders
3 years ago
Reply to  SuzieWi

rubbers help too.

Charles M.
3 years ago
Reply to  SuzieWi

It just shows how dumb people can be , I agree with you 100%. Use common sense , If you’re going too be having sex ,use birth control and the man use protection also . I agree with Rose . No one is taking away any woman’s reproductive rights . It’s all about be responsible in what you do .

3 years ago

Women have option for birth control, use it and you will not need surgery! How many women have to die or have huge damages to their bodies before they use common sense
birth control they can purchase from drug stores

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

All this tells me is what garbage we have in Hollyweird. These people are ALL lost souls! To Kerry Washington, if Margaret Sanger would have had her way, you probably wouldn’t be here spewing your garbage. Such ignorance you rich and famous display. Never disappoints.

3 years ago

To bad their Mom didn’t have abortion with them maybe the world will be a better place for you and me

3 years ago

Ask these Hollywood progressives where they stand on mandatory vaccines….I bet their tune changes fast! How about my vaccine rights? My body, my choice, right ladies?

3 years ago

Typical leftist Hollywood bull they think they are right all the time. If you have sex use protection with Hiv and aids unless you know ur partner then you should be on birth control or the morning after pill plain and simple. There is no reason you need to have an abortion unless you where raped or in cases of incest

3 years ago

Abortion is not healthcare. Pregnancy is the only way for human beings to come into this world. Stop having sex if you do not want to get pregnant and use birth control or have your tubes tied but stop using abortion as a way to take care of your problem of being pregnant. In today’s times, there is. Zero reason to get pregnant if you do not want children at the time. No one has to to end the life of a voiceless human in the womb today. Abortion is a cowards way to making a life pay the price for your sins.

3 years ago

I’m curious: I wonder how many Afghan women would love to live in Texas and vice versa?

Earl Young
Earl Young
3 years ago

Boy what’s libs scared of god taken over All Abortion is is simply another word for MURDER period pretty it anyway you choose MURDER is MURDER period

3 years ago

Should a mother have a right to kill her baby a few days after birth if she does no any longer want it? Its her body to decide if her body wants to be shackled to care for the infant.

3 years ago
Reply to  Henry

No woman has to care for the infant. There are many people who would love to have children but can’t for whatever reason. It is no problem to find parents who are willing to adopt. No one would want someone who doesn’t want the baby to keep it. BUT there are other options.

3 years ago
Reply to  Henry

Its not her body..the body she has inside her is it’s own body with it’s own unique DNA.Also..we all belong to God who created us..we do not own ourselves..we werepaid for by God at a ransome..the death of His Son on the cross…and we will have to make an account of how we lived the life given to us when we face Him on our particular judgement day.

Gary Von Neida
3 years ago

Once again We see that the Liberal mind never bothers to think nor investigate, they simply get their “marching orders” and read the script handed them. What I find very revealing is the way they support a Woman’s right to do as she wishes with her body and yet believe the government demands for everyone to be vaccinated —- even if they do not want to TAKE THE JAB. It is also revealing that there. seems to be no backlash against the State Department’s terrible job of withdrawing from Afghabistan stranding American Women and Children to be beheaded by these 7th Century throwbacks ??

Linda Riva
Linda Riva
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary Von Neida


3 years ago

This Texan wants to tell these Hollywood ho’s (we know about the casting couch) that you can keep your baby murdering opinions to yourself. Afraid of running out of baby juice? You are the modern equivalent of Madame Bathory. Ghouls.

Alicia Lynn
Alicia Lynn
3 years ago

All they care about is money?!!! Non sequitor! A heart beat can be detected at eight weeks. It’s the heart beat of a living being. I don’t believe in killing living beings. If you need an abortion, have it before that. It’s murder to kill newborn babies. The demons on earth have approved doing so in New York. Look it up. It’s true. If that doesn’t repulse you, you can always go there…

3 years ago

Just a bunch of hypocrites! Too many women use it as a method of birth control. I wish I lived in Texas.

3 years ago

The #, of women that regret having an abortion is extremely large If you never want babies have the doctor remove your uterus your never going to us it anyway

3 years ago
Reply to  lobo

Tubal ligation, it takes minutes in operation room with doctor approval…

Hate communism
3 years ago

Really Hollywood! You use abortion for birth control! Too lazy or what not to have babies by using birth control. You people want me to get a vaccine which is untested and poison but it your body your right. Well I can say the same thing. My body my choice not to have a vaccine. Your submission to stupidity is getting boring. Your not the boss. Your murderers who kill babies for personal gain. Stop whoring around. Keep your granny panties on and you won’t need a abortion. Too hard to control yourself!

Kristine (Kris) Roney
Kristine (Kris) Roney
3 years ago

If I was in favor of killing unborn babies, I would be wayyy too ashamed of myself to admit it! These women are disgusting.

S Patin
S Patin
3 years ago

I understand the argument of the pro abortion people, women’s rights and all that. But no one considers the baby. I think the Texas law is the right way to go, and I hope many other states do the same thing. Killing babies in the womb is just wrong.

3 years ago

Everyone has a choice here except for those fighting for life.

3 years ago

Reproductive freedom starts before you have sex, not after an innocent life is striving to live.

C.L. Sinisi
C.L. Sinisi
3 years ago

Interesting that they claim that this “is unjust and harmful to all of our rights” but when one does not want to take the mandated Covid-19 vaccines; they tell us to shut up and take the Jab and that its good for all of us. Or they say “Screw your rights”. Marxist Liberals are the epitome of hippocrocy!!!!!

3 years ago

A baby is NOT part of the mother’s body!! They are a completely separate individual. The only thing they are dependant on from the Mother is their nourishment and waste removal — not much different after they’re born.

Pissed OFf Patriot
Pissed OFf Patriot
3 years ago

The blacks will go nuts as they have an incredibly high percentage of the abortions. They will all be moving to Califonication or New Yahk.

Carolyn HODGES
Carolyn HODGES
3 years ago

So, I will not have to explain to GOD why I choose to murder the most precious giftnhe gave me.

Carol Marie Anderson
Carol Marie Anderson
3 years ago

Personally, when my daughter was killed it was request that I have a partial abortion. I asked the doctor what that was. I was 7 1/2 months pregnant and just ran over by my ex. (this happened on Mothers Day 1982) I thought that my baby had been through enough, she was alive when we made it to the hospital but passed away after just an hour. Now if this had happened today, she just may have lived, but not in 1982.
I agree that it is ultimately a woman’s choice but only in cases of rape, insist or at the cost of a woman’s life, especially if the child is already gone.
In my case, there was no reason for me to put my child through a partial abortion, especially knowing what is done to the child. And in not choosing the partial abortion I carried my baby until my body naturally aborted her. I delivered a 6.9 lb. baby girl on June 2, 1982 (the day before my 20th birthday) I was able to request an autopsy, which showed that my baby’s umbilical cord and been crushed before it was severed. “That takes an abundance amount of trauma, like being ran over by a car.” (the examiner had no idea how my baby died, just that I refused the partial abortion and opted for the nature body aborted delivery) again, this medical examiner had no idea what happened just that we needed cause of death. With his findings, we were able to have my ex arrested, but then his family gave him an aliby and despite the damage to his car, he never saw one day in jail.
So I say to all you socialites, do “your” research on exactly what happens to these babies who are aborted because not all are dead when their arms and legs are removed. Abortion is not birth control, either use birth control or say “no” and if need be, get the morning after pill.
But after movement or a heartbeat (4-6 weeks) there are hundreds of people who want a child but can’t have one.

3 years ago

“Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams
“Before I knit you in the womb,I knew you” God
You can not believe in God and support abortion, God is the Creator,the Giver of is He who decides how life comes into the world,and how it leaves the world..For those who say “my body,my choice”’s not your body.You were bought at a ransome by Jesus who died on the cross for you..He created belong to Him…your life is not your own and whether you believe it or will have to account for what you did with your life and pay accordingly.The life that grows inside you is also not your body…it is entirely it’s own body with it’s own DNA.Abortion is the greatest lie of Satan after his main one…that he does’nt exist.We can not expect a much different reaction than the typical outrage expressed by these celebrity women who play make believe for a living.They compromise their souls for a role to play.They work in the town run by Satan…Hollywood.
One more quote…”The fruits of abortion is nuclear war” St.Theresa of Calcutta…we will draw the wrath of God upon ourselves if we keep killing our babies in the womb.We already have cheapened life as such that we murder and kill at alarming rates without any thought about it.When you can kill a baby in the womb in the most horrifying way as to rip it apart because it’s an inconvenience brought about by have become a monster. Advice to Hollywood whores…grow in reality…and you better find God.

3 years ago

You’d be surprised how well keeping your hands to yourself works.
And no innocent has to be killed.

2 years ago

You can always go to Kalifornia to murder your child, you may even have the pleasure to be part of a Satanic ritual.

2 years ago

I’m old enough to remember when even the Readers’ Digest, a bastion of Middle American values, regularly railed against blanket abortion bans and the backstreet abortions which were the consequence of those policies. Roe established a “viability standard” which essentially outlawed abortions during the last trimester, while providing complete protection of abortions during the first trimester, and leaving it up to the states how 2nd Trimester abortions should be handled. NOTHING in Roe allowed such abominations as “partial birth abortions”. On initial examination, however, this Texas law might seem to violate Roe insomuch as it does intrude on abortions during the first Trimester, however, because Roe used a Viability standard, that first trimester part is subject to adjustment based on evolving medical care. The main problem is that Roe is simply a pathetically bad piece of legal reasoning and even those in sympathy with its result are embarrassed by how it got there. Abortion rights advocates should be careful in raising too great a stink over this law because, if Roe returns to the Sup. Ct. on a case like this, the result could be even worse than the Texas law.

2 years ago

WHEN did Rose McGowan become a “Conservative actress”? She’s not. What she’s actually is a not atypical Hollywood liberal who came up against the hypocrisy of the Left – and when that hypocrisy bit her in the rump (rather literally, in her case), she finally spoke out. Let’s remember that Harvey Weinstein was a rich and powerful supporter of Democrats and other Liberals and their causes, which made it entirely okay for him to also be a pig and rapist. By God, the man paid for that privilege and, as long as he was a ready source of cash and influence for the Left, he could do no wrong. Since one of the people whom he’d “done wrong” was Rose McGowan, she was obliged to step outside her usual role as a typical Hollywood liberal and actually call him out, which made her a pariah in Hollywood – not conservative, but worse, a TRAITOR! And an ingrate – how dare she call “foul” on Mr. Weinstein who had been such a generous supporter of Dems and the Left? She should have dropped her panties for him and then dropped her complaints. Just shut up about it – that was just part of her duty to “the Cause”. Apparently, she didn’t agree to that but Hollywood would have simply shut her down had Harvey Weinstein not been even more generous with his perversions and importunities than he’d been with his money, and when enough women came forward, even Hollywood had to pretend that they were offended (well, except for St. Oprah, who, apparently, is not to be held accountable for her facilitation of old Harvey’s little hobby). Nope, Rose McGowan is not and never has been a “Conservative”. She’s just a victim – one more victim – of the Left’s hypocrisy and the stink she’s raised has everything to do with her personal pique and damn little to do with Left or Right or even with right and wrong.