Show Gets Panned For Suggesting Age-Appropriate Porn Could Teach Teenagers About Consent

By Another Believer - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

A television show took to Twitter to enquire if teenagers should be allowed to watch age-appropriate pornography, so they could learn about respectfulness in regards to sexual situations. 

The BBC Women’s Hour posed the following question to their Twitter followers on Wednesday, “What’s the best way to inform teenagers about porn?” 

“Should there be age-appropriate porn as has been suggested so they can learn about consent and what’s respectful and what’s not?” The post pondered. “What do you think?”

Most social media users had strong negative reactions to the line of questioning. “Age-appropriate porn? WTF?” One user replied. “How about teaching them about consent without porn? A wild and crazy idea, I know. But it just might work. Are you f**king deranged?”

“Who suggested this?” Questioned another. “Only suggestion I have for those people is to not have children and to get off the coke.”

“Absolutely not. Are you mad?” One replier asked, before proposing an alternate idea. 

“Tell teens that this is an exploitative industry that causes the premature death of women sexually tortured for men’s entertainment,” she wrote. “And that the material will make it hard for them to experience genuine intimacy when they reach the age of consent.”

Surprisingly some people actually thought the Women’s Hour came up with a good idea.  

“Stop treating it as [the] crime of the century,” one commenter wrote. “Kids need to see naked bodies in life; it’s not rude, it’s what humans look like. Take away the stigma, take away the mystery = take away the problem.”

“My teenage boys were upset by the hardcore porn their friends would show and talk about in school,” another commenter wrote. “Boys are always going to look for porn, so I agreed with the original suggestion that there should be age-appropriate porn. I have no idea why people got [so] cross about this.”

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Ed D.
Ed D.
3 years ago

Stupid is , as stupid does!

3 years ago

Idiots come up with crap like this

Joseph C Myers
Joseph C Myers
3 years ago

Ineptocracy in action

3 years ago

How about serving “age appropriate” cocaine to kids so they can learn its dangers? Duh!

Michael Bluemke
Michael Bluemke
3 years ago

Oh, my God, will it ever end? These people that want all this CRAP exposed to our children, and teachers teach our children about porn, about trans, about gay…
Sorry I don’t agree with ANY OF THIS SHIT!!! Were are we going here in AMERICA?? The path taken by the biden/harris COMMUNIST REGIME IS A DISASTROUS PATH. Just have to look back 7 month’s, there’s a WHOLE LOT OF DAMAGE, ONLY 7 MONTH’S!!
Scary, it really is!!!

3 years ago

Sex Education happens whether it is taught by Parents or kids seeing magazines, however, the difference between “Right and Wrong” should be taught by Teachers within the Education system by Qualified Teachers, NOT

3 years ago

Liberal pedos are grooming the children.


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