Liberal Website ‘Mashable’ Releases ‘How To’ Guide For Toppling Statues

Wikimedia Commons, By Sharon Mollerus

The liberal media website ‘Mashable’ has now released a ‘how to’ guide for toppling statues. As The Daily Wire reports:

On Wednesday, the leftist site Mashable released a smug video with instructions for protesters on how to topple statues and monuments.

In the video, Mashable reporter Morgan Sung commences her pitch by preaching, “Right now, we’re living through a societal revolution against racism in almost every form. Part of that reckoning also involves acknowledging that a lot of our historical figures, regardless of their legacy, were pretty damn racist. That’s why, in addition to joining protests, a lot of people are also calling for the removal of statues of slave owners and other racist figures …”

After citing Camden, New Jersey, where the city voted to remove a statue of Christopher Columbus, and Albany, New York, where the city took down a statue of Revolutionary War General Philip Schuyler, Sung continues, “But in other places where lawmakers aren’t budging on this issue, people are just taking matters into their own hands.” She smirks, “Obviously, we’re not telling you to commit any crimes, and we can’t tell you to deface any property, but we thought it’d be interesting to look at a purely hypothetical way to safely remove a statue.”

Sung then references Sarah Parcak, a professor of anthropology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham who won a $1 million TED Prize for 2016 and recently ignited a firestorm when she posted a Twitter thread issued a Twitter thread with specific instructions on how to destroy a monument or statue. Sung raves, “She has over 20 years of field experience” before offering some tips, including “Use chains, not rope,” “It’s also important that everyone wears gloves,” and “most importantly,” to stay a “safe distance away from the statue.” Another pro-tip: “Use a really upbeat song.” Another profound tip, and stated in a language that leftist protesters are familiar with: “Get the f*** out of the way.”

Parcak instructed her followers exactly how to topple statues in a video she posted to Twitter:

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4 years ago

use a chain and topple her

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

She’s a liberal scumbag!

4 years ago

If you were to hypothetically come across an ignorant little twit that was in need of removal, would a chain work on toppling her?

4 years ago

All of the defacers of our history should be rounded up and deported to Venezuela where they can live in a socialist country and see how things really work.

4 years ago

Deport her to China.

4 years ago

All this slime trying to destroy destroy America by Burning, Looting, and Murder should be arrested, tried, and executed quickly under this US section of laws (with link):

Big Ed
Big Ed
4 years ago

Destruction of our history, as exemplified by the removal and vandalism directed toward statues and memorials is against the law. It is punishable by a hefty fine and up to ten years in the can. Trump has indicated his administration intends to fully enforce these laws and to the full extent of the laws (maximum sentences for prison). It can’t happen soon enough to suit my preferences. It has been a long time since the current “demonstrations and protests” were about the death of George Floyd. These demonstrations are a first step toward moving the US to socialism, initiated by the Floyd death (you know, never let a good crisis go to waste). These thugs are after nothing less than the violent overthowal of our government-treason, in other words. Ten years in prison is not nearly sufficient punishment.

Dennis B Anderson
Dennis B Anderson
4 years ago

Heres what I will do for you I will slit your throat from ear to ear. Don`t like it here get the f–k out. BLM we Americans are ready bring it on you`re not going to make it this time.

4 years ago

America stand up now or be forgotten as a free nation. Let our leaders know right now we have had enough and be there in november or kiss this nation goodbye.

Alan Doud
Alan Doud
4 years ago

As guilty as the principle. When the technique she describes get used and the perpetrators get caught arrest her as well for instruction. It may buy her jail time and serve as a message to those like here. And if she doesn’t get convicted it will cost her time in court and attorney fees. we need to show these immature thinkers there are consequences for their actions.

John J
John J
4 years ago

Rid America of all anti American’s, terrorists and their supporters

Floyd Hardee
Floyd Hardee
4 years ago

We collectively own all these statues and monuments, parks, etc. There are laws against their destruction and they prohibit vandalism. Tell Trump to send Federal Marshalls to the States and arrest either the Governor, Mayor, Police Commissioner, or whomever, is responsible for allowing them to be destroyed. Arrest all from the top down and charge them Millions in fines and send them to prison. That means the vandals and their cohort supporters no matter who they are!

4 years ago

If you don’t like America and our history please leave! By all means, please let the door hit you in the A__!

4 years ago

So this spoiled little Asian is an expert on destroying statutes in America.
No doubt she was educated at a very good American university. Certainly her parents were probably born in China.
So this POS has the audacity to post a tutorial for destroying American history.
Hey skank….why don’t you go back to your homeland and post a how to destroy Chinese culture and see how that works out for you.
And if you’re so concerned about racism, why don’t you go live in North Philly, Watts, S Central LA, East St Louis, South Chicago, Oakland, Baltimore, East Cleveland, Detroit, Atlanta, south Miami…..etc., etc. so you better experience what real racism is. YOU GOOF!!!!!!!

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

She might be a Commie instigator/ spy to stir up the WOKE and Snowflakes. I have seen a system to protect property from people like you. Lock and Load, Place cross hairs on ear or forehead, Take smooth breath, steady, squeeze trigger, watch head spatter all over other A$$ holes helping you. Line up next player for repeat until NO Players or they stop rioting.