Hasbro Discontinues Conservative Actress’s Toy Line After Woke Backlash

By Flickr (Michael Dunn)

Toy making giant Hasbro has discontinued its product line featuring conservative actress Gina Carano after she was canceled by unhinged leftists for holding conservative views.

As The Daily Wire reports:

The toy maker Hasbro has reportedly canceled its line of Cara Dune action figures – toys based off of actress Gina Carano’s role in Disney’s “The Mandalorian.”

Hasbro scrapped the toy line after Carano was ousted from the Star Wars spinoff last week over a now-deleted social media post that LucasFilm, the Disney studio producing “The Mandalorian,” called “denigrating” of “people based on their cultural and religious identities.” Critics accused Disney of manufacturing a reason to oust the actor, known for posting conservative opinions on social media, over politics.

A spokeswoman for BigBadToyStore told The Hollywood Reporter in a statement on Monday that its order for a shipment of Cara Dune action figures was canceled by Hasbro “due to recent events.”

“The Star Wars Black Cara Dune figure was released in 2020 and sold out not long after the inventory was received,” the BigBadToyStore spokeswoman said in an email. “Hasbro planned for another production run and we were accepting preorders from that production run. Due to recent events, Hasbro was no longer approved to produce any more of this figure.”

Carano was fired by Disney from her role on the hit show ‘The Mandalorian’ after posting a conservative image on her social media account.

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3 years ago

Cancel Cult Strikes again!

3 years ago
Reply to  vinnie

Time to cancel Hasbro! Dox the board of directors too!

Richard Haley
3 years ago
Reply to  Michael

How come these so-called chief executives never have ANY backbone, let alone show any backbone? Also, how come they do not recognize that they are canceling 50% of their potential customers?
And they get paid the big bucks for putting their tails between their skinny legs!!!

3 years ago

Looking for Apes in the jungle? She should have brought along some more Hollywood types, maybe they would see some similarities and learn about Real Humanity (Unscripted)

3 years ago

This is disgusting. Last I knew this is America. Stop this bullshit. Everyone has a right to their own thoughts an opinions . Stop telling Americans what they can do or buy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Elaone

Thought it was against the law in California to discriminate due to political affiliations.

c b
c b
3 years ago
Reply to  Doug

not yet. bill just introduced, not passed. Do you think it actually has a chance? Who controls CA?

3 years ago

Boycott Disney because Disney side with socialism.

Anti communism
Anti communism
3 years ago

Boycott Hasbro, if conservatives stop buying Hasbro products they will then learn who has the clout in this country, stand up for out rights boycott all who threatens the livelihood and rights of conservatives.

3 years ago

I am cancelling Hasbro. They won’t get another purchase from me.

Richard Haley
3 years ago
Reply to  Dave

My opinion; When they say the country is split practically 50-50, I think they are about 12% off in favor of the Libs; They are 62% conservatives::38% of the liberal pursuasion.
Just saying.

3 years ago

Screw you Disney and Hasbro!!! You will see an impact on your bottom line!!!

Mary Murphy
Mary Murphy
3 years ago
Reply to  LMB

I sure hope they suffer mightily on their bottom line!

3 years ago

hasbro is now on my “no business” list along with disney!!!

3 years ago

Wow these people are just vicious. Won’t buy anything else Hasbro, screw them!

3 years ago
Reply to  Christine

Nah, screw you libtard!!!!

3 years ago

BYE .. hasbro

To Dee
To Dee
3 years ago

Well, HASBRO just lost MY businessI. Each year, I would spend abouT $400 per year on their products for Toys for Tots and our church’s Military Outreach Mission. NO MORE!

Why don’t they just “sell toys”, and SHUT UP! Everybody has opinions, and they have a right to them.

I’ll vote with my wallet.

George Lukens
George Lukens
3 years ago

Well, just another company crossed off my list of the companies that get involved in politics. I know you just can’t help yourselves. If you lose as much as other companies you deserve it.

3 years ago

Stop buying CCP Hasbro shit !

3 years ago

I guess I won’t be buying anything from Hasbro again.

Mark Brickey
Mark Brickey
3 years ago

Surely, some conservative clothing designer, pillow maker or news program can pick her up. As cute as she is, and she seems to have a strong persona, backbone & uncompromising in her character just to please others.

Original Anna
Original Anna
3 years ago

Goodbye Hasbro.

3 years ago

Hasbro huh. Well they no longer exist for me. Cancellation works both ways.

Ursus Logicus
Ursus Logicus
3 years ago

What would be the most permanent way to make Hasbro a hash been?

1 year ago

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