Former Obama Official Says Biden Has ‘Remarkable American Story To Tell’ As ‘Older White Man’

Vice President of the United States Joe Biden adresses the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland...U.S. Embassy Bern/ Eric Bridiers

Former Obama White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri on Wednesday said President Joe Biden has an extraordinary story to share, especially because he’s an “older white man.”

Biden is set to give a Wednesday address from the Oval Office on his decision to drop out of the presidential race, according to CNN. Palmieri on “Katy Tur Reports” said she hopes Biden discusses his career during the address, including “being vice president to the first black president” and “turning the torch over to what he hopes to be the first black woman president.”


“When he was elected to the Senate in his late 20s … he met with Indira Gandhi when he was a young senator, that’s how long he’s been a figure in American politics and has been a leader in foreign policy,” Palmieri told host Katy Tur. “And I think that it’s sort of remarkable what happened on Sunday, Katy. He has now cemented himself as a major figure in American political history.”

“We think about when he started his first campaign, they called it the ‘child’s crusade’ because he was so young and his sister who was also young ran it and they had a lot of young volunteers,” she added. “And has gone all the way, more than 50 years in office to being president of the United States and not running for reelection in this fashion. Being vice president to the first black president and then in fact being that transitional president who turned the torch over to what he hopes to be the first black woman president.”

Biden endorsed Harris, and the vice president secured sufficient support from Democratic delegates to become the party’s presumptive nominee on Monday.

“That’s historic and interesting, and there’s the phenomenal amount of legislation that he got accomplished in his one term as president,” Palmieri said. “So it is a remarkable American story to tell, and, you know, particularly as an older white man, that sort of arc of history, so I hope we hear all of that. ”

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten sounded the alarm Tuesday about how “difficult” it will be for Harris to defeat former President Donald Trump because of his popularity boost after the Republican National Convention and surviving an assassination attempt.

Featured Image Credit: U.S. Embassy Bern, Switzerland

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