Former ‘Superman’ Star Dean Cain Bashes Marvel’s New Anti-American Comic Book

Wikimedia Commons, by Alan Light:

Conservative actor Dean Cain, who starred as the titular character in “Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” beside Teri Hatcher in the nineties, isn’t happy about Marvel’s new woke Captain America comic book.

Marvel is currently receiving a lot of flack for politicizing “The United States of Captain America,” which claims that the American dream is the American lie.

In the first issue, the comic reads: “The first American dream is the one that isn’t real. It’s one some people expect to just be handed to them… When the truth is, it never really existed in the first place… other cultures. Immigrants… We’re at our best when we keep no one out. A good dream is shared. Shared radically. Shared with everyone. When something isn’t shared, it can become the American lie.”

Cain said he’s extremely fatigued by the “wokeness and anti-Americanism” currently saturating the media.

“We just celebrated our 245th birthday. In my opinion, America is the greatest country in history. It’s not perfect,” he commented. “We are constantly striving for a more perfect union, but I believe she’s the most fair, equitable country anyone’s ever seen, and that’s why people are clamouring to get here from all over the globe.” 

He doesn’t believe in the comic’s message that the American dream is a lie. 

“I believe in individual freedom, I believe in equality of opportunity – not outcome, competition – the ability to compete fairly, hard work, which brings you material wealth, which in turn gives you self-reliance,” he went on. “That’s what everybody wants on the face of this planet, that’s what everybody strives for, that’s why they are trying to come here.”

Cain thinks that wokeness has spread into every facet of American life, and it is influencing the next generation to disparage the country.

“The cool thing to do today is to bash America. The comic books do it, the schools, they indoctrinate our kids, they do that, our movies, our television shows are full of it, celebrities, athletes, actors, the media – they love to bash America,” he concluded. “And I find this wokeness – it’s pervasive. It goes through everything, it’s in our school system.”

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D Truth
D Truth
3 years ago

I bet Stan Lee is ‘rolling over in his grave’ on this!

Martin St John
Martin St John
3 years ago

Way to go Dean! Thank you for speaking “truth to power”. As much as I have made it a mission to ignore actors and performances more concerned with their virtue signaling than their integrity, I will make it a mission to support you and your career whenever I can.

Original Anna
Original Anna
3 years ago

Well, I guess when I see a marvel movie I don’t have to see it. It’s fake any ways just like the anti American comic book which I will bet you is for sale in China and written for China’s communist lovers. I would like to know why these sick creeps running the movie industry is only interested in hate America, does it have something to do with the money China is paying them for their pro commie propaganda. Why can’t Hollywood wait until China takes over this country and let us Americans, the real Americans enjoy this country before it disappears into Chinese hands thanks to these rotten hate America sick creeps. Can’t wait to see how the kids being taught to hate each other get around to turning on Hollywood.

3 years ago

Just as an idea, how about the “woke” crowd move to Canada. I have heard that they are an evolved society as in comparison to us and the rest of the world. They should be very happy there. Wait, they have closed their “evolved” boarder and their leader wore a “black face” in his distant past. I’m guessing that the woke minions will never forgive him for this as the woke are perfect and have never made any mistakes or ever will. Nice to knw that Jesus isn’t the only perfect being to walk the earth.

Lisa Burpo
Lisa Burpo
3 years ago

I am so glad that there are some people out there that still support our country. I was beginning to think all actors were horrible people. Glad that there is intelligent people out there in lala land. Hopefully they can bring to light the wrongfulness of how these so called woke people are

3 years ago

Hmm, so just what perfect country would Captain America think is better than this one? If he can name one I’ll be we could take up a collection to send him there one way of course!


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