Hollywood Reacts To Britney Griner’s 9-Year Sentence

By УГМК - http://basket.ugmk.com/ru/gallery/20246/index.php?from15=8, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=77680979

WNBA Phoenix Mercury star Brittney Griner was sentenced to nine years in Russian prison for smuggling a cannabis vape pen into the country in February, and celebrities reacted with disgust and dismay. 

Rapper 50 Cent posted a photo of Fox News’ coverage of the ruling on Thursday, captioning the photo: This is wild, [shaking my head] you don’t ever want to get caught up in the politics, They are gonna tell her like 10 years for a vape [pen] watch.”

Popstar Justin Bieber shared an Instagram Story that offered up his resources to Griner. “This hurts,” he wrote in all caps. “If anyone knows of any way I can help please let me know.”

“30 Rock” actress Sherri Shepherd tweeted Time magazine’s cover featuring Griner, along with the caption: “My heart breaks for Brittney Griner, her wife & her family! I need America to do all that it can to get this woman home immediately! End this nightmare! Free Brittney Griner!”


“How to Get Away With Murder” star Viola Davis said she had “no words” about the sentencing, but added that the “scales of justice just broke down,” and pointed out that “in 9 years she will not even be able to go back to basketball… for a vape.” 

“Red Table Talk’s” Jada Pinkett Smith shared an Instagram Story celebrating that four Louisville police detectives were federally charged for the death of Breonna Taylor, but in the next slide noted that “On the same day where we finally got some justice for Breonna… I find out that Brittney Griner just got 9 years in Russia.”

“Rosemary’s Baby” star Mia Farrow chimed in that “the Russian judge ignored everything Britney Griner had stated. He sentenced her to 9 years in a ‘penal colony’. For carrying 2 vaping cartridges – medically prescribed. Damn. Heartbreaking.”

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Heinrich Glockenspiel
Heinrich Glockenspiel
2 years ago

It’s called breaking the law, something you elites will never understand. She was in a foreign country. Where is your outrage over all the people Biden left behind in Afghanistan? Cry me a river.

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2 years ago

But Dostoyevsky wrote “The Devils” and “Crime and PUnishment”
Solzhenitsyn wrote “The Gulag Archipelago”
These were required reading at one time. Guess the poor girl will get to verify their validity.
Her being so tall, she’ll be able to knock salt off the high places.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

She Hates America