‘Avengers’ Star Mark Ruffalo Attacks Pence, Accuse him of Displaying ‘White Male Supremacy’ During VP Debate

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Mark Ruffalo, star of Marvel’s ‘The Avengers’ and ‘The Incredible Hulk,’ made an unhinged and bizarre attack on Vice-President Mike Pence after his debate with Kamala Harris.

Although many observers were vocal about their opinions that Mike Pence mopped the floor with Kamala Harris, Ruffalo claimed that Pence displayed his ‘White Male Supremacy’ during the debate.

As The Daily Wire reports:

On Wednesday night, after the vice-presidential debate between Vice President Mike Pence and California Democrat senator Kamala Harris in which Pence dominated the debate, actor Mark Ruffalo, AKA Marvel’s “The Incredible Hulk,” whined that Pence displayed “white supremacy” and “disrespect for black women.”

Ruffalo tweeted, “Just going over it all in my head. The way Mike Pence constantly interrupted and spoke over @KamalaHarris was the prime example of white male supremacy and its common dismissal and disrespect for black women.”

Ruffalo’s hatred of white conservatives goes back years; in June 2017, he targeted the “white conservatives” allegedly being hired en masse at NBC and MSNBC. Ruffalo posted a petition demanding NBC executives “stop the white conservative hiring spree.”

Conservatives on Social Media weren’t buying it however:


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Tractor Man
Tractor Man
3 years ago

Like Said, she uses her disgusting “helpless little girl” voice to her brain dead base. She was a DA in San Fran, CA – good Lord ! She isn’t helpless.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tractor Man

She reminds me of Ernestine (Lily Tomlin) the operator on Laugh In. One ringy dingy, two ringy dingies.

S Lucy
S Lucy
3 years ago

That voice of hers is soooooo annoying. I cannot listen to her. I turned it off. Her attitude was also ridiculous. Very disrespectful.

Dennis L Ruffin
3 years ago

Mark who?

Nina B Zick
Nina B Zick
3 years ago

I was asking the same question

Demo fumes stink
Demo fumes stink
3 years ago

Just another Hollywood freak lost in LaLa land

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

The land of make believe.
Hope he saved his money. Theaters are shutting down everywhere. LMAO

3 years ago

Mark, the idiot liberal who yaps like rabid mole who is given a spotlight by the left wing media and think he can lecture Americans how to think and who should to vote for.

3 years ago

Mark Buffalo shit.

3 years ago

Another talentless POS liberal DOUCHE BAG showing its stupidity. You think the idiots would learn to keep their mouths shut.

3 years ago

This is the problem. The Dumbocrats only see it one way. So much for the party of acceptance and tolerance. What a bunch of hypocrites.

3 years ago

Yeah sure, and Ruffalo just showed us his Green male supremacy. What a putz.

Louie Rey
Louie Rey
3 years ago

Can you say a-hole boys and girls? It’s clear that he has an acute and severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome because you know and I know that he’s actually attacking Trump via Pence. What a waste of carbon life form.

Steven Stein
Steven Stein
3 years ago

Go ahead Mark and support a communist. Is this who you want as your next president? I thought kamala held her own so she deserved what she got weather she deserved it or not. She is in with the big people so she can play the game just as well and act like a big person. You should learn to do the same.

3 years ago

Stupid, really ignorant, shallow make believe CRAP you are spreading Mark! Pence was masterful at exposing the pretend Democrats who are really afraid they might be found out. I guess you like this blue state America of lawlessness, violence, lies, burning of businesses, looting all for the Satanic One World Government by the well financed by Soros & Obama, to destroy the U.S., Antifia & (the three witches founders) BLM thugs that beat up old people and murder decent people AND PRETEND IT’S WHITE SUPREMACISTS! Philadelphia are your Black Panthers going to AGAIN. be at mostly Republican prescient’s with their BILLY CLUBS intimidating white people?

3 years ago

those poor babies in Hollywood!!! Call your mommies!!! she will soothe your hurt little feeling!!!

3 years ago

The feebleness displayed by this Mark Ruffalo person, whom I do not know and don’t care to know either, is his way of saying racist things and attempting to get away with it.
ANYONE calls another person any type of Supremacy is not only showing the world just how racist they are, they don’t care who knows it…

William J. Levy
William J. Levy
3 years ago


3 years ago

Never heard of him until he started spewing vile hatred towards other human beings ..like ..weak man child fulla Hate

3 years ago

Women are either equal with men or they are not. They cannot be “fragile little girls who need protecting” when questioned by a man. Kamala Harris acted like a “pwecious widdle 3-year-old” even as she said “Let me finish! ‘Kay?”
What does she plan to do if she’s elected and replaces “incompetent” Joe Biden in the Spring as president — wink at Putin and Xi? Scrunch up her little nose? Giggle incessantly? Expect softball questions and a pass when she refuses to answer?
Where is someone like Geraldine Ferraro? (Those types are all Republicans today) — I did not agree with her politics but I respected her expertise and professionalism.

3 years ago

Maybe they should start there not hiring white males with him. I thought vice President Pence was as gentlemanly as he could be considering a liberal moderator and a snarky, lying opponent.

3 years ago

You display liberal anti American Tinseltown
Fairy Syndrome. TRUMP 2020

Art Crosby
Art Crosby
3 years ago

She’s a”Black” woman..Doesn ‘t he know he’s gotta bend down and kiss her a**

Robert 3
Robert 3
3 years ago
Reply to  Art Crosby

She is not black , indian and jamaican

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert 3

Stats also say she has Arab genetics. All of these are far from Black. The one thing we all know is that she is a rabid liar. The smirking was so beneath dignity. I’d like to see her take on foreign domestic situations. They would melt her down to the ground & insult her in the worst possible manners. The foreign leaders aren’t weak PU…..s like Biden. They probably wouldn’t even give her the time of day & never have her in their country.

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert 3

Not American black anyway. No slave blood.

3 years ago

Mark Ruffalo is just another brain-dead, limp-wristed Liberal Libturd actor/somebody Wannabe. e should just put his head back up his ass and shut the ell up.

3 years ago

What the Hell is wrong with these “entitled Liberal self-absorbed” Hollywooders?
They really have lost it and don’t live in the “real world” with the rest of us! We don’t want Socialism/Communism Mark. Move away if you don’t like Freedoms here because Kamala and Joe will take that away!!!!

3 years ago

This Commie Clown is such a tool. I’m surprised that he’s lived so long without getting his a** whipped daily. Without CGI, this guy could never be The Hulk.

3 years ago

Was this guy watching the same debate I was? I did not see Pence “constantly” interrupting her as this person said. He behaved in a calm, respectful way. Of course, he was going to negate the things she said which were not true. I’ll tell you what I did see though. A hateful, arrogant woman who behaved in a patronizing way. Her saying “I’m speaking” over and over again, which the left loved so much, came across as someone who felt self-important and arrogant. It always amazes me that these type women want to be “equal” but then want differential treatment when it comes to competition. This woman is running to be the Vice President of the United States (and very much might end up President) so people need to see what she is really about. After seeing her I can tell you who I won’t be voting for.

3 years ago

CLAMITIA HARRIS IS NOT BLACK.she is a half breed, just as obummer. when i want a black president, i want him to be PURPLE BLACK. so there is no mistaking anything!these people making up ethnics as they go, have got to be called out. END OF STORY

3 years ago

one more thing she was so revisionist history about Lincoln! The congress was out on recess til December. So he couldn’t do anything! As for cocksucker harris, the American People Do Not Choose the SCOTUS. jeez people, if there was more name calling on these debates, maybe just maybe, someone would leave WITH their pants on.

3 years ago

Somehow actors believe they somehow understand the real world and the dreams and desires of people that inhabit the real world, they are so delusional yet they seem to believe their opinions should stand above the rest of us because they are actors??? That is a truly insane belief system, far out on the deep end of normal thoughts of the real world, but they are so oblivious of where they inhabit on that spectrum. I feel sorry for their delusion and I feel sorry for our society that people actually listen to these distorted views that have no real place in rational everyday thought.

3 years ago

Another Libtard from Hollywood. No one gives a crap what you think. As soon as you start spewing the liberal propaganda and male white supremacy you show what a racist fool you are. And tell your candidate to keep her legs crossed. She was attracting a lot of flies into the arena.

Rose Grossius
3 years ago

It is called a debate for a reason, Mr. Ruffalo! Go back to your honky dorry overpaid actor job! Stay out of politics!
You & yours have no clue what real life is all about… yours is the prime white supremacy existence in Hollywood!!!
No one cares what Hollywood thinks anyway! How do you become so very hateful toward our President & Vice President?! The only explanation I can come up with is that… It’s demonic!
You need prayer!

3 years ago

WOW! This is the big time. Can you imagine Putin and Xi worrying about whether they were acting woke enough? Laughable excuse for a pitiful performance.

3 years ago

I’ll gladly tell him who I’m voting in person for if it don’t like it suck it up buttercup don’t care trump 2020 he the man not a pedofile and pervert like Biden fondling little girls smelling their hair kissing them I’d slap him so hard it would jar his ancestors if they were my girls don’t care who he is

3 years ago

I thought women wanted to be treated as EQUALS!
guess I was wrong.

Ginny Rocco
Ginny Rocco
3 years ago

Hey, white man Mark. If you believe in equality than give up you acting career and give it to a black person when asked for the next role. Share some of the millions with the poor BLM. Your a jerk and I won’t watch a thing your in again. Hypocrite.

3 years ago

Kamala was treating Mike Pence during the debate as though she was a prosecutor in a Court Room. She rambled on saying nothing and would have taken up all of his time. She is Loud and Rude and Uncouth. I thought he went about getting his time allotment in a very polite way.. He could have said to her shut the F##k up and let me have a turn speaking. It was a debate not a one sided courtroom drama.

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