Comedian Kevin Hart Stands by Insane Claim That Trump Told KKK to ‘Stand Back and Stand By’

By Eva Rinaldi -, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Comedian Kevin Hart has announced that he is standing by his insane remarks about President Trump.

Hart claimed that Trump told the Klu Klux Klan to stand back and stand by during his debate with Joe Biden on Tuesday night. A claim which is completely false.

As The Daily Wire reports:

Comedian and actor Kevin Hart said in an Instagram post Wednesday that President Donald Trump told the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to “stand back and stand by” during Tuesday night’s first 2020 presidential debate.

This, of course, is not close to being true. In fact, the president has routinely denounced white supremacy and announced the designation of the KKK as a terrorist group.

“When [T]rump was asked to address the KKK. THIS MAN SAID & I quote… ‘Stand back and stand by,” Hart posted to Instagram.

Captioning the post, Mr. Hart wrote: “If this isn’t enough to make you go vote then I don’t know what is….Wake up!!!!! This man is promoting hate at the highest level. Blunt f***ing racism…..F***ING RACISM!!!!”

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3 years ago

Kevin is and has been another person without any intellect. Just becasue he’s a star makes him believe he’s smart and people want to hear his opinion, just like other Hollywood elites. He’s an uneducated person trying to be relevant – as if any one cares about what he thinks or says.

3 years ago
Reply to  Oul

And he’s a foul mouth liar!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Oul

Give him an IQ test…..
(So that his white followers will know they idolize a dummy. lol )

3 years ago

This is completely false! Kevin could not possibly have watched the debate. It’s so very sad when incorrect information promotes racism and violence.
Kevin should be embarrassed for using incorrect information to promote violence and racial discord.
God bless America ????

C Davis
C Davis
3 years ago

Go report his comment as false information and let Instagram censor him like they censor conservatives; at least this post is actually a lie.

3 years ago
Reply to  C Davis

Never happen….he has the lifetime Free Pass
(he’s black)

3 years ago

Who the F**k is Kelvin fart anyways, just another hollyweird freak. Stop listening to hollyweird they are all freaks of nature or the Devils only friends.

Tony Barreda
3 years ago

And I stand with Kevin Hart, a man who isn’t afraid to tell the truth about trump. Truth is something alien to trump. One can only see the evidence trump has in the White House, the man pulling trump’s puppet strings, extremist Stephen Goebels Miller.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tony Barreda

Typical dumb Follower. Video shows the truth and Hart is not saying the truth.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tony Barreda

Perhaps you can point to the place in the video of the debate where Trump told the KKK to stand by and stand down? Look as long and hard as you want but you won’t find it, because it isn’t there. If you were watching, the phrase was offered by Chris Wallace…It did not originate with Trump. He asked Wallace to identify a group, so Wallace said “the Proud Boys.” Trump merely did what Wallace challenged him to do using the phrase Wallace suggested. Now I have a question for you: Why didn’t Wallace press Biden to denounce the rioters, not the protesters, associated with Antifa and BLM?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tony Barreda

This is completely false and can easily be proven. You should check the facts before you stupidly agree with someone that isn’t being truthful. They were talking about Proud Boys, and they are definitely are not white supremist, check who their leader is!! That’s a problem with DEMOCRAPS, they blindly follow on the lies of other libtards!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Tony Barreda

Apparently you cannot perceive the statement the president said as well an try to read what you want to help you weird racist views. Research before commenting.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tony Barreda

Perhaps you can point to the place in the video of the debate where Trump told the KKK to stand by and stand down? Look as long and hard as you want but you won’t find it, because it isn’t there. If you were watching, the phrase was offered by Chris Wallace…It did not originate with Trump. He asked Wallace to identify a group, so Wallace said “the Proud Boys.” Trump merely did what Wallace challenged him to do using the phrase Wallace suggested. Now I have a question for you: Why didn’t Wallace press Biden to denounce the rioters, not the protesters, associated with Antifa and BLM?

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
3 years ago

Is it possible this nut never learned to read?

3 years ago

Kevin Hart is an idiot. There is nothing else to be said.


So there Kevin ( male version of Karen), you are the epitome of the Hollyweird elite who suck in every aspect of life…just a little history lesson my illiterate friend… the Democratic Party IS the party of the KKK as well as Jim Crow and all that is bad in history soooo, STFU and learn before you open your watermelon mouth!??

George Horvat
George Horvat
3 years ago

Yeah! keep using the “F” word to influence me and see how fast it gets me to even read the words you speak Kevin. After the first “F’ word I shut you off. I suggest that you search out the first pig sty you can find and roll around in the mud where you belong.

3 years ago
Reply to  George Horvat

Lots of people use the F word without even knowing what it stands for…This particular word is extremely bad …it means
“Fornication Under the Crown of the King”
The “King” means “Jesus”
So before you let it slip remember that fact.

3 years ago

Kevin hart…. racist black idolized by stupid white people!!
This guy is flat out lying!!
(Like trying to rationalize with a 12 year old)

Jenny Mills
Jenny Mills
3 years ago

Really Kevin, is your “career” that far in the toilet that you have to lie about President Trump to get recognition? So sad, you were just barely funny, now you are just pathetic. Why don’t you ask your friend “The Rock” for another job?

3 years ago

Why would Trump have a say to what the KKK wants to do? It was created by Democrats and still ran by Democrats.

Earl McAFoos
3 years ago

Just another scare tactic by a deranged democrat.

3 years ago

Kevin when we try to inturpit what people mean to say we get caught up in B.S. ok deeds not words

3 years ago

Does Kevin talk to his mother with that mouth? Thanks for voting for drooling little girl gas is $3.00 a gallon…
What a GENUIS midget LIAR