Fox News star Tomi Lahren published a video for her Facebook followers in which she decried the behavior of American men, claiming that they were frequently undateable.
The video, entitled “PSA for Boyish Men,” has since gone viral with some commentators accusing Lahren of having an anti-male bias.
Lahren claimed in the bizarre video that American men all over America, with very few exceptions, are “trash” who don’t know how to treat women.
Unsurprisingly, many commentators on social media found Lahren’s rant to be sexist and offensive:
Apparently, @TomiLahren thinks all men are trash. I wonder if she’s ever considered that the common denominator in her failed relationships is HER??♂️
— ???? ?️? (@GregoryEck) August 6, 2020
Tomi, just because you can’t find a guy who’s willing to have sex with you, that doesn’t make them pussies. It just means their taste in women rises above trash.
— Jon Cooper ?? (@joncoopertweets) August 5, 2020
I've been single for over 3 years. And I think Tomi's take is dead wrong.
Dating IS frustrating. People don't communicate. They aren't upfront. They're disrespectful. They lie. It sucks.
But bad behaviour isn't exclusive to men. BOTH sexes can be
— Sydney Watson (@SydneyLWatson) August 5, 2020
1. Sounds like someone got dumped.
2. Most men are not trash… my man is not trash.
3. I have no doubt the men Tomi dates tend to be trash.— Em Carpenter, Lawyer to the Stars (@wvEsquiress) August 6, 2020
Is Lahren right that American men have declined in quality over the years, or is her rant indeed sexist and offensive? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
I think she should stop trying to date metro-sexual progressive liberals! Come to the “Right” side where real men exist! ROTFLMAO!!!!
Wow, obviously she hangs is the wrong circles. I guess most guys in her ‘circle’ think the top of her head is her most attractive feature. Tommi – look inside a guy’s heart, not his pants and you’ll be better off.
Lahren should try not be so judge mental about men! Women have the same issues! Maybe join a Christian church for awhile that has social gatherings. You might find someone that can be true to you as you should be true to them!
I doubt many christian men would have her!
Gary Moore
i somewhat agree; the kids now a day’s i just dont understand why they do what they do; but i do know there r great man wonderful men; but far and in between; all i have to do is say hi to some of the young man that work around me; they just dont wont to work; the drugs r rampted and they like to beat up and demand while they sit; about 60 percent of them have not been able to pass a drug test; pretty sad; when i ask them u have 10 mintues and u can not leave if u can pass one; most usally have been walking out; and said no; they will not take one;
I have a wonderful 30 something single son who knows how to treat women. He has a great job, a house, he’s good looking, smart, funny and very responsible. He got out of a long term relationship last year and is ready to date again. Call him, Tomi. 😉 PS — He is a conservative independent who supports Trump.
You shoot her her a message at Facebook- Maybe she can take a chance with your son. 🙂 Good Luck!
American Women are no picnic either; I am so glad to be married to a woman who loves me, and whom I love. Women today think they make the rules because they have the “controlling interest.” That may be true in the short term, but long-term relationships are built on partnership, trust, and love; not coercion…
You can say that again. I gave up on American women and married an Asian LADY. Having a respectful partner in life is such a joy.
right on!
I’m so sorry that you’ve had such a hard time. I’m glad that you found a good one! 🙂 I’ve been married to my husband for nearly 28 years. The good ones are out there, it’s just the process of weeding out the wheat from the chaff.
i agree both sexes can be guilty! i’m old school and growing up in the early sixries learned to respect women.but it’s part of life and not all relationships work wonder 2 out of 3 marriages fail.i think some of the olld values we were taught are sadly missing today!
for sure!!
Amen! Two way Street with Compromise whilst not being weak!
This particular issue is like anything else…there are ”good” and ”bad” in both sexes and let’s face it, with the advent of ‘social media’ and ‘hiding’ behind a screen, the fine arts of manners and conversation have suffered; just my opinion but I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for 31 years and counting; we TALK to one another about everything and we treat one another with mutual love and respect. Keep looking and be picky.
And dont ALLOW sex to be the driving force behind ANY Decisions(plural).
Kinda hard to do at times BUT much more benefiscial in any long haul.
First get off Facebook. Drop all your unsatisfactory relationships. Avoid any guy that goes to a coffee and internet joint. Stay away from married men. Find a professional firearms instructor who is married with children. Compete in one or more firearms disciplines. You’ll find a good guy.
Amen to that!
great, find good old boy. God, Family, Country
Yes, a lot of American men “do not know how to treat women” but its mainly because we women have been sending the wrong signals to them. No wonder they’re confused–they’re constantly bashed for being either wimps or chauvinists and our current culture is no help. Must really be tough to be a guy these days.
I’m an old guy., and I think she is absoully correct. Men no longer view themselves as bread winners and family/mate protectors. Now they are self serving, self loving video game heroes with no idea how to love and respect women. SadThe truth is, I see both men and women ranting about the same thing all day on facebook
Today to many males have been conditioned by extreme femanists and the media they must stand 3 fet away from women or they will be cast as sexual harassers. This will be broadcast and follow them decades later. So Tomi, blame your sex for creating this as men fear retaliation for a simple hug or touch of affection. And in many cases just to get your attention.
Matter of fact it is seen nowadays by “HEADBUMPS” as a demeaning gesture to Open a Door for a woman. Absolutely Absurd how the Minds of today have been hijacked by Psychological Academia and Media!
Since she probably restricts herself to Obama Loving Liberals, I doubt that I’d like the people she associates with, either.
What about her Father & her Grand Father ?
May be she is from VENUS & does NOT have them?
Maybe someone should tell her that if you dig in a garbage can your going to get stink and garbage on your hands.
Maybe it is you Tomi???
She needs and older ex-Marine,I Forgive you…Take me I’m Yours Tommi <3
I thought she was a little over the top with her criticism of ALL men under 60, but lets face it – the majority of them ARE p*ssies, who are proud of getting a participation trophy and get butt-hurt if someone says or does something they disagree with or that makes them feel sad. Remember the old adage – You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince.
She sounds more like a 2-year old throwing a tantrum than an adult.
To I needs to break her own cycle of dating bad men. She attracts the same type probably because she’s looking in all the wrong places and expecting Mr. Perfect. Hate to tell you honey, but Mr. Perfect doesn’t exist except I your head. There are quite a few of almost perfects that would never give someone like you the time of day.
I met my soul mate in church. We’ve known each other since we were kids and started dating when we were involved in the Youth Group at church. Been happily married now for over 40 years. Sometimes in order to find “Mr. Right”, you gotta start with the decent, God fearing men… don’t go to singles bars, strip joints, etc. Libraries are also a good place to find people who like to expand their minds… also a good start. They’re out there, you just gotta know where to look.
some of what she says is very true I have watched my daughter go through so much in the last 18 years she married a man she lived with for almost 10 years with in one year of their marriage, he cheated on her, got the girl pregnant and left my daughter, then she met some one 2 years later, she was engaged for 5 years then thank god his true colors appeared a control freak and a extremely Jealous man, he was jealous of her children, myself and other family members, when her adult son died in a car accident this last March that’s when the true self of him came out and I praise God they did not marry, she is now in the process of taking care of her and getting some grasp back in her life, as she needed some one to not only care and grieve with her she needed some one to understand the loss she has endured some men are just selfish and self centered and get off on kicking someone when they are down. I am sure they are out there but parents of this last generation have let their children down. in values and self esteem and manners .and caring about others.
I don’t know why everyone is talking trash about Tomi , She is absolutely right about the substance of men these days, the majority are weak, lazy, narcissistic, cheaters, Liars and horrible marriage material. Only a small % of woman say their husbands are Honest, dependable and great people. I think that the men these days have so much baggage and personnel flaws that a large % are not even worth wasting your time.
For a different perspective, as a septuagenarian male, I’d say she’s at least partly correct. I’ve very rarely met younger men (say under 30) for whom I can generate much regard. They’re afraid of responsibility, expect to be taken care of, feel entitled to respect and material well-being, fail to appreciate what they have and few are willing to do hard work or to put their lives on the line for the country (which they’ve been taught to hate). . Only part of the blame for that can be placed on the schools and their parents. The rest lies squarely on them.
I know exactly what’s her problem .. by being a newscaster and on TV, have created
a screen in her mind that she is BETTER THAN ANY OTHER WOMAN, Lahren men do not like women that wants to be treated as a Queen, whom you have to reverend at any time you move., come back to REALITY, we men love women, but women that wants to be loved and care, we love to care for the women that makes us HAPPY, AND IN TURN WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY WITHOUT THE GARBAGE OF IF YOU DONT, I WILL NOT. that’s not love, love is free, love is especial, it is sincere, not proud, love is to share it without price, you must give yourself without waiting what I will bring when come back home tired of working. it looks like you are too childish yet. Believe me Lahren I like you a lot, you are pretty and educated, but frustrated at yourself.
all too many people these days are selfish,inconsiderate,and just don’t really posses the communication skills necessary to have a relationship and I think that this is due largely to social media and not personal interaction. Tomi, don’t give up yet there are some decent men in this world
I’d hit that.
She’s definetly hit her head . She needs to stop dating the trash she finds on the streets . There are real genuine men out there that knows how too treat women ,just look in the right places .
Did some “MALE hurt her feelings again? This is a male genetic based problem that is often easily controlled by being disciplined. Discipline and control of oneself is no longer demanded by parents and the education system. Case in point “Portland”.
The hardest person to blame is yourself! There are still many of us gentlemen out there, you just have to look hard for us.But you know, to put the shoe on the other foot. Many of us gentlemen are abused by the opposite sex all the time. I’m not out there crying out to see just who might be listening. To find the right partner is a challenge! Today there is so much anger and hate. Everyone lives on pins and needles, awaiting the next catastrophe. A relationship requires 2 things. RESPECT and TRUST. While we’re at it, let’s not forget a relaxed sexual relationship.
Sounds to me like she’s running with the wrong crowd. My bet is that she and the others she refers to are looking for a guy with deep pockets, and by and large they are wusses. If she wants a real man, maybe she should drop back a notch and start paying attention to the blue collar guys. It would be interesting to see if she could stand up straight and walk after a tryst with a 30 something year old pipefitter or trucker. LOL
The biggest reason men are messed up these days is that I Feminists have destroyed good relationships. They have men afraid to even try and date women!
Is she just another leftist newsie? If so, any men with brains will avoid her like the plague. If not, she needs to take a dander in the mirror and figure out why she’s going thru men faster than gas.
Didn’t get her Narcissistic supply this week.
if shes that aginst men why dont she find herself a good woman and shut the hell up
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