Friday Update: Tom Hanks Criticized for Not Being ‘Anti-Racist,’ Eric Clapton Iced by Music Industry for Reporting Vaccine Side Effects, Liberals Turn on Jon Stewart for Lab Leak Theory

Wikimedia Commons, By Zach Catanzareti

We’re tracking the conservative culture clash with woke Hollywood hypocrites to keep you up to date on who’s winning and who we hate. 

Here’s what happened today:

Doing the Right Thing

A-list actor Tom Hanks isn’t anti-racist enough according to NPR critic Eric Deggans. Though Hanks recently penned an opinion piece urging the nation to learn about the Tulsa Race Massacre, Deggans said the star “has built a career playing righteous white men, and is “personally and specifically connected to the elevation of white culture over other cultures.”

The critic cited Hanks’ historical roles in Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan, and Forrest Gump as examples of him playing “American white men Doing the Right Thing.” I am saying it is time for folks like Hanks to be anti-racist,” Deggans remarked. “There’s a difference between non-racist and anti-racist.”

He wants the Oscar-winning actor to acknowledge how his work has contributed to systemic racism and make “specific commitments” to changing the film industry.

“People often say columns such as the one by Hanks are published to start a conversation,” Deggans continued.  “Well, here is my suggestion: Let’s make part of that conversation how baby boomer filmmakers have made fortunes amplifying ideas of white American exceptionalism and heroism.”


Anti-Vax Backlash

Guitarist Eric Clapton claims that he’s been cut off by his musician friends after speaking candidly about the horrible side effects he had after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.  

“I’ve tried to reach out to fellow musicians,” Clapton said in an interview. “I just don’t hear from them anymore. My phone doesn’t ring very often. I don’t get that many texts and emails anymore. It’s quite noticeable.”

Despite the fallout, he’s happy about “becoming a nuisance for [politicians]. I’d love to be an annoyance to some of them that sit ’round that table; that would give me tremendous satisfaction.”

He also called out pro-vaccine propagandists for “making it so that you’re responsible for other people’s lives,” noting that it is a very “powerful” ploy to weaponize the unvaccinated. “I could be labeled a murderer, and people would really believe that.”


Liberal Outrage

Comedian Jon Stewart became a target for progressive rage after promoting the Wuhan lab leak theory on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”

“[Stewart] was being racist as f**k. And it doesn’t matter where a pathogen arises, does it. I don’t recall pointing fingers at French airline workers, do you? And @jonstewart didn’t allow for any possibility except it being CREATED by the lab. It’s from f***ing earth,” one lefty user posted

Another thought Colbert was at fault too. “F***. That was disappointing. Not just Jon Stewart’s anti-Chinese rants, but that Stephen Colbert was cool with it.”

Some acted as if he joined the right, “Jon Stewart talking about a covid lab leak hypothesis as if he became a crazy MAGA republican wtf,” while others whined that his comments could have dangerous consequences, “What @jonstewart just did was downright dangerous to all Asian-Americans.”

He’s definitely lost more than one woke fan after voicing his opinion. “Jon Stewart was one of my idols until tonight. He’s giving credibility to the Wuhan lab leak conspiracy and spreading dangerous lies.” 


High Flying

Jenna Bush Hagar honored her late grandfather former President George H. W. Bush with a freefall out of an airplane on his birthday. Hagar continued her grandfather’s annual tradition of skydiving with the U.S. Army Golden Knights with a jump on his birthday.

“Oh god, why’d I say yes to this,” she questioned at 10,000 feet. “We’re doing this for ‘Gampy’ okay,” she went on right before taking the plunge.  Once she was dropping she described the experience as “exhilarating” and “terrifying.”

Watch the video: 



A lawsuit against embattled actor Kevin Spacey was kicked out of court after the anonymous accuser who was suing for more than $40 million in damages refused to identify himself when the judge ordered it in a May 3 ruling. 

The man, identified only by the initials “C.D.” accused the “House of Cards” star of sexually abusing him in the 1980s when he was a minor. His co-plaintiff, “Star Trek: Discovery” star Anthony Rapp claimed that Spacey made sexual advances upon him in the 80s while he was a teenager.  

C.D. reluctantly decided to drop the complaint after his lawyer reported he felt “extreme anxiety and psychological distress at even the thought of being required to proceed publicly.”


Sing Again

Britney Spears says she isn’t sure if she’ll take the stage again, ahead of the June 23 conservatorship hearing to wrest control of her multi-million dollar estate from the control of her father Jamie.  

“OK, so I hear that you guys have been writing in and I’m here to answer all of your questions,” Britney said in an Instagram video. “The question is, am I ready to take the stage again? Am I going to take the stage again? Will I ever take the stage again?”

“I have no idea,” Spears continued. “I’m having fun right now, I’m in a transition in my life and I’m enjoying myself so, that’s it.”

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3 years ago

One thing Tom Hanks doesn’t have to do is apologize for portraying a white man in movies.He is a white man so stfu Eric Deggans.

Ginger Firestone
Ginger Firestone
3 years ago

If the court won’t give her control over her money again, at least take away control from her father and give it to a neutral 3rd party. Think about it, he’s using her money to hire lawyers to keep her from her money. She’s not a minor and if she wanted to blow it all, well, she earned it. In times gone by, parents of child starts would blow the money their kids were earning – seems like this is a continuation of the same thing..

Dolores Wulffert
Dolores Wulffert
3 years ago

What a waste of time. These complainers need to work on things that really matter. I am so sick of this generation of big babies

Garden Goddess
Garden Goddess
3 years ago

They were raised to believe everyone wins and gets a trophy. Welcome to the real world where you have to work hard. And by the way, you still may not get that trophy. LOL

Ginger Firestone
Ginger Firestone
3 years ago

As to Tom Hanks – of course he plays roles of white men – that’s what he is. Yes, he plays the good guy, he just doesn’t have the face to play a bad guy. Hollywood really needs to get their collective heads out of their collective “bums” and wake up to reality, not the world they live in of make believe.

Linda Morgan
Linda Morgan
3 years ago

Deggans must have a mental disease. What else is Tom Hanks supposed to portray! What an idiot!!!!!!


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