Ivanka Stunned by Attack From Super Model Sister-in-Law Karlie Kloss After Capitol Attack

Photo by Gage Skidmore

First daughter Ivanka Trump was reportedly left ‘surprised and hurt’ after her supermodel sister-in-law blasted her father and his family in an outburst on Twitter in the aftermath of the disastrous attack on the Capitol building last Wednesday.

Only hours after the attack Kloss tweeted:

She then continued, making it very clear she was also referring to Ivanka and the extended Trump family:

As The New York Post reports:

A friend of the family revealed: “The tweet was brought to Ivanka’s attention and she was mostly surprised because they’re so close and talk on a regular basis, but never really about politics.”

The insider added that “Karlie likes to position herself publicly as an activist, yet she’s never approached Ivanka on any of the issues [the model has] championed like paid maternal leave, women in STEM and criminal justice reform.”

They said that for Kloss to claim she’s tried to discuss her different views is “simply not true.”…

“But they are very close and they really enjoy each other’s company, so Ivanka is hurt.”

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A proud Deplorable
A proud Deplorable
3 years ago

Ivanka – I think you and your Dad and brothers are quite KEWL!!!! I, and millions of us are behind ya!!! We’re all praying and hoping that the inauguration on the 20th is YOUR DAD!!!! Not that disgusting liar and cheat!!! Your Dad is right – he WON that election!!!!

3 years ago

Besides being an Election Judge, I’ve also been on Federal Grand Jury Duty. From what I’ve PERSONALLY seen and heard between the two jobs, I’d be ASHAMED to be a Democrat. People have NO IDEA what these politicians do that sells us taxpayers out. The corruption is unbelievable. And not just for MONEY, but things like CIGARS, Country Club memberships, tax breaks, luxury cars, and menu items named for them in restaurants. One politician didn’t like the cut of meat in the item being named after him, he made the owner upgrade it. Not that there isn’t corruption in BOTH parties, but, I think the Democrat voters in particular, are in DENIAL as to just how DIRTY their party REALLY IS. I’ve seen the Democrats bring in the Mentally Handicapped and “help” them vote, on MULTIPLE occasions. That’s just DESPICABLE to use the handicapped that way. May God have mercy on their souls, if they HAVE one.

3 years ago

Kloss has gotten into computer coding, so, she of ALL PEOPLE should understand how you can program the voting machines to flip ballots when certain triggers occur. My first time as an Election Judge in Cook “crook” County IL was for Obama’s 2nd run. Several people told me BACK THEN that the touchscreens were changing their votes to the Democrat Candidates. I thought it was just another glitch with the machines. They had to change their votes back a couple of times before their choice stuck and stopped changing. Who knows how many people DIDN’T notice it changed before hitting the send button??? This isn’t the FIRST time there’s been rigging, just the first time somebody has called them on it. GOOD for TRUMP!!! He doesn’t let anybody steamroller over HIM, or AMERICA. God Bless him and America.

3 years ago
Reply to  Patty

I agree with you, Obama did not win in 2012. Soooooo many people I have talked to had were conned and fooled and voted for him in 2008 but saw through his lies and voted for Romney in 2012.I do think that was the start (2012) of heavier fraudulent voting in the U.S.
Keep the faith and see how all this pans out over the next few weeks.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rastus

There’s so many ways to legally sway elections. Now they bring in the mentally handicapped and “help” them vote. A black woman brought in a group of severely mentally handicapped men, sat them one by one at the machines and voted for Obama only. It’s DESPICABLE. We can’t ask for ID in ILLINOIS unless your account specifies we need more, like if you haven’t voted before or haven’t for some time. So, if you know that someone didn’t vote and you know enough about them, if the Election Judge doesn’t care that their signature doesn’t even REMOTELY match what’s on file, you can vote as someone else. THEN, if the REAL person tries to vote, they’re told that they already did and get a PROVISIONAL ballot. Which may or may NOT be counted. For all you people who think we want ID laws to PREVENT voting from minorities, keep in mind what I told you the next time you’re told you ALREADY show as having voted!!!

3 years ago

They said that for Kloss to claim she’s tried to discuss her different views is “simply not true.”…” So another lying woman. Who could possibly believe that. I believe ALL of the women.

jerry morrow
jerry morrow
3 years ago
Reply to  Allen

The whole point is that the election was not legitimate. The election was stolen. There is plenty of evidence and people coming forth who witnessed fraud. Why would pole workers not want observers see what they were doing? What about pole workers running stacks of ballads through the machines over and over. What about some who were caught pulling suitcases from under tables after hours? What about voting machines that could switch votes when no one was allowed to check those machines? Before anyone has the right to say the election was legitimate,let the evidence be presented in court. Why did judges refuse to take these cases?
President Trump should be upset along with the 75,000,000 who voted for him. Also, all those who were involved in stealing this election should be charged. They helped steal one of the must precious things we Americans have “our vote”

3 years ago

Everyone should close tweeter, FB, Instagram accounts, dump their stock if own any before they are worthless, stop buying from Amazon, buy direct from the seller/merchant don’t wait.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marina

You’re right. But people won’t close Amazon, FB, Google, Instagram, Twit, etc. That’s too much of a personal sacrifice for people who’ve forgotten they actually had a life before these were around (a more active life at that!). Our founding fathers–real Americans–cared enough to make personal sacrifices. Their children like to boast of the title “I am an American,” but we’d rather whine and complain and ‘hope’ someone else will make sacrifices for us.

3 years ago

Dump the beetch. The left are all backstabbers. Kloss is in the entertainment business and has to act radical to get jobs and improve her career. She’ll stab Ivanka in the back any day of the week to promote herself. I hope she’s not invited to any more family gettogethers. President Trump is one of the greatest presidents in our history. His list of accomplishments are long and stellar. He worked hard every day to make Amerca great. The left, Democrats, big high tech, the entertainment and sports indusgtries and the media are all nothing more than socialists/communists working to take ouir country down. People like Karlie Kloss are morons who have no idea what is happening. For God’s sake, she’s a model with no higher education or knowledge about anything but how to walk in high heels without falling down on the runway.

Dennis Milker
Dennis Milker
3 years ago
Reply to  Willie

You and your family are just great. Keep up the good work

3 years ago

The problem with Kloss’ statement is the word “legitimate”. This wasn’t a “legitimate” election by a LONG SHOT. Machines flipping votes, dead people registering and voting, people voting in states they no longer lived in, more people voting than registered, signatures missing or not matching, fake addresses, ballots shipped from other states, ballots that supposedly were MAILED in were in PRISTINE condition, poll watchers banned from watching, ballots appearing as if by magic from under covered desks etc. No sweetheart, this was NOT a LEGITIMATE Election. Better you stick to what you do best, walking down fashion runways nearly naked.

3 years ago

I agree with Karlie’s tweet. Accepting the results of a legitimate democratic election is patriotic. And if an election were in fact a legitimate democratic one, there wouldn’t be any issues.

Original Anna
Original Anna
3 years ago

Relatives don’t stab you behind your back unless they don’t really want anything to do with you. Drop her, keep in contact with the kids if they have not been poisoned by their mother. Her back stabbing so out in the open has been her feelings right along but she figures you and your family are gone and she doesn’t need to act being nice now. Look at it this way, she finally let you know how she feels and it is not your problem and you don’t have to go along with her for not rocking the family boat, she has already done that. Move along as her kind says when it’s convenient for them. Remember she is a model and knows how a bad comment can spread like the wind and thus she did it any ways. Nobody needs friends or family members like this in their lives and nobody needs the emotional distress that come out of family member actions and words like this.

3 years ago
Reply to  Original Anna

These are the people who throw fundraisers and support those who say the 1% should pay more in taxes, and THEY ARE THE 1%. Only difference is, they can afford the best Tax Attorneys who know the loopholes that the 1% don’t want US using. Your celebs like Springsteen, know how to use a tiny bit of their estates for certain tax breaks. Plant some vegetables in a garden and claim it as a farm. These are the same people who use tax loopholes that they don’t want TRUMP using when he filed bankruptcy. Trump just used the laws that were on the books already, he didn’t write them. And it wasn’t Trump’s fault back then that people didn’t have disposable income to use at his properties. But, don’t try talking SENSE to Liberals. It’s like banging your head against a brick wall. BOTH activities will just make your head hurt, and Tylenol will make only ONE of those pains GO AWAY.

Art Nickel
Art Nickel
3 years ago

I pray you and your Dad and family don’t buy into the utter Claptrap Karlie wrote, Americans don’t, not one bit.
They call D.C. a “Riot” yet they call the 6 weeks of looting and burning and the 4 years of assaults against real Americans “peaceful protests.” People like Karlie are disingenuous, at best. In reality they are bigots, placing crooked politicians on pedestals while castigating the only honest President we’ve had since Ronald Reagan and assaulting his children. These people don’t deserve a single thought from you or your family.
God bless you and thank you for standing up for FREEDOM and COMMON SENSE and the U.S. CONSTITUTION. Thank you for standing up against the CRIMINAL, MARXIST POLITICIANS. Please, tell your Father I will vote for him again and will vote for you and your family should you choose to run.

Karlie Kloss Sucks.png
3 years ago

In the age of the “Me Too” movement, how on EARTH did Biden get more votes than even Hillary or Obama, when he’s been accused by someone of his own party of sexual assault, hid in his basement, makes gaffe after gaffe, can’t tell the difference between his sister and his wife, he said his son is the smartest person he knows, so THAT says a lot right there, he’s on video threatening to withhold aid if someone wasn’t fired, can’t even read off of a teleprompter, and I could go on and on. He said he broke his foot trying to pull his dogs tail, Where’s PETA??? He sniffs and gropes kids, where is CPS???

3 years ago

The rats are winning the numbers game.
Look at what the next generation of Amerikans are posting on Facebook and if you DARE to question one (any) of them you will be immediately assaulted by a tirade of profanity that you never heard before.
Indeed, the young, indoctrinated generation of stupid Americans richly deserve what they so desperately crave.
I will be laughing when they get it!!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Eliot

They commit crimes, VIDEO TAPE themselves doing it, plaster it on the INTERNET because they want it to go VIRAL, and then they can’t believe they got caught!!! Someone could be beating up their family members, and instead of stopping them, they’ll video it hoping it goes VIRAL and gets millions of likes!

Wm. Patterson
Wm. Patterson
3 years ago

Where is the outrage on Antifa and BLM burning down and destroying federal bldgs/rioting/looting, burning down cities! What about when dems took over the Federal Bldg in DC? It is OK if the leftist commies do it!!

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

Another self important BLOWHARD that has NO EFFECT on the current events. Just another 15 minute off famer at work. Go Away and sit it the corner. The election was rigged and the demorats admitted it and that’s why OBIDEN didn’t come out of the basement because he knew it was already in the bag. Before this is over they may have opened ” Pandora’s Box” to their dislike. They are afraid of the “WE the PEOPLE” and that’s why Obiden wants to take your guns. Don’t give them up unless you want to die or go to slave labor camp.

3 years ago

Ivanka remember one think some members of the family are better on a picture.
Let her be and see when she will start caroling, she will one day.