Oscar winner Matthew McConaughey laid into forces he characterized as ‘illiberal’ and ‘unconstitutional’ and dangerous to American society in a stunning interview with ‘Good Morning Britain’
In particular, McConaughey blasted liberal ‘cancel culture’ for undermining Americans’ freedom of speech.
As Deadline reports:
“We need liberals, what I don’t think we need is illiberals,” he told hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid. “What I don’t think some liberals see is they’re being cannibalized by the illiberals. There are extremes on both sides that I think are unfair… the extreme left and extreme right completely illegitimize the other side. They exaggerate the other side’s stance into an irrational state that makes no sense. That’s not fair.”
The actor also broached the topic of cancel culture. “Where the water line is gonna land on freedom of speech, what we allow and what we don’t, where this cancel culture goes, is a very interesting place that we’re engaged in as a society and are trying to figure out. We haven’t found the right spot,” he said.
The famously loquacious McConaughey, who is promoting his new book Greenlights, an unconventional memoir that also unravels his mantra for living, claimed our society needs more legitimate confrontation and for people to hear opposing opinions to allow our democracy to function.
“You’ve got to have confrontation to have unity. That’s when a democracy works really well,” he commented. “I would argue we don’t have true confrontation right now, confrontation that gives some validation and legitimizes the opposing point of view. We don’t give a legitimacy or validation to an opposing point of view, we make it persona non grata, and that’s unconstitutional.”
Reports have emerged recently that McConaughey make be angling for a career in Republican politics. Should he make the move, and would you vote for him if he did? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Finally!! A celebrity with common sense!! I applaud you Mathew McConaughey!!!!
Ditto, Amanda!
NEVER FORGET….Matthew McConaughey IS a BIG Hillary Clinton supporter along with supporting Obama/biden/harris…meaning whatever ROLE he is pretending to play as if he were a conservative republican running for OFFICE….. BEWARE, he is and always will be….
A HILLARY SUPPORTER first and foremost.
he would have to come clean on that for us Republicans… who is he, them or us?
The Powers that Be are attempting to have him run for office as a republican. Laying the foundation now for that, but, NO ONE should ever forget McConaughey is a Hollywood actor and is by no means EVER going to be a republican conservative no matter how good an actor he thinks he is…Hollywood gives those Oscars to anybody that supports their ideology.
IT IS ALL EGO…. period!
He may have been in the same place most Dems were – a place of self imposed ignorance; believing a biased, corrupt media that is simply owned by the far left socialist Democrat Party. Without any critical thinking and the decision to ignore the many crimes committed by your favorite Democrats it’s only natural we end up with Biden – lord help us all!
We have enough RINOs as it is. For every forward step our President takes, he has to take two backwards steps because of a RINO(s) not supporting him. Shame on you Mr. McConaughey, playing with peoples emotions at this very crucial time in our history.
He can’t have it both ways! If he thinks and lives like a Republican and votes like a dumb democrat, then he needs to choose a side! Living well and voting for a democrat is a HUGE mistake!!
I’d vote for him as a senator right now and after Trump some time soon maybe president. . . I like what he says. I have told college students and some professors that keeping differing opinions from being allowed is NOT the way to go. IF I BELIEVED STRONGLY ONE WAY I WOULD BE, AND WANT TO BE, VERY SURE OF MY OPINION SO COMPAFARING IT TO THE OPPOSITE VIEW IS GOOD NOT BAD. . . .UNLESS ONE IS AFRAID THEIR OPINION WONT STSND UP UNDER LOGIC AND THAT WOULD REQUIRE FURTHER STUDY AND DISCUSSION. BUT THE LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP IS AFRAID THIS MIGHT HAPPEN SO THEY KEEP IT OFF CAMPUS ! ! !
Matthew is absolutely correct. It’s only a starting point however. The media selected a mentally unstable candidate that will be unlikely to complete his term. Had the media covered the Biden (Hunter) scandal with 1 % of the effort put forth towards the completely fabricated Russian collusion scandal keeping in mind there is solid evidence proving the Biden’s corruption, Trump wins convincingly. Had the media reported, as is their job and responsibility, Trumps positive accomplishments it’s a Trump landslide win. Try prison reform, spoken of by many, only done by Trump. Removed us from the corrupted Paris Climate Accord saving American taxpayer 100′ of Billions of dollars with the same results (allowing the worst polluters to continue with no change while the US is strangled into insolvency). Only an idiot or someone receiving kick backs or both could support this proposal. No new wars. No Benghazi! Tax cuts and a reduction in regulations allowing a period of the lowest unemployment in US history. The list goes on but there is no question – Trump would have a second term in the bag if the media was fair, balanced and just. This is asking a lot but I pray Biden has enough brains to keep Trumps accomplishments in place. He may as well, after all much like Big O he’ll be given undue credit for everything. Face it our media is to the Democrat Party what Pravda was to the old Communist Soviet Union government.
Matthew McConaughey has clearly benefited from–if not an excellent classroom, then from an academic atmosphere of the first class. Highly unusual philosophical acumen for him…a Hollywood performer.
As are some of the characters McConaughey has played, Matthew is at once both right and wrong. Easy to so be when discussing a misunderstood intangible like “Liberalism.”
This actor has gauged Liberalism as a political-philosophical position, which slides along to the left or right of some center point within a continuum. While human opinions may indeed vary and slide between politically antithetical points of a philosophical spectra, shifting here and there depending upon the weather, one’s digestion, or one’s foot is caught in a bear trap, Liberalism is an eternal, universally cosmic, constant, force.
If creativity, organization and unity is a “Ying,” then liberalism is its “Yang.” Physicists refer to “Entropy.” Apostle of Christ, John, refers to “Lawlessness, ” or “Unrestraint.” Liberalism is an absolute, a “force of nature.”
McConaughey seems to say that “I liberalism” is a state of being or frame of mind that is just so “extremely” Liberal, that it becomes self-defeating–and that the Liberal’s proper solution is to “hear” and “validate” or “legitimize” opposing views. This is where Matthew errs.
Views which oppose Liberalism are views which impose constraints. Logic, moral and spiritual–as well as naturally laws, rules, authority, organization–COMPLIANCE–these are all principles which Liberalism must reject…even as matter must reject antimatter.
In the human mind, perhaps that nitwit, Michael Savage, has best summarized Liberalism. It is disorder. Of every sort.