Meghan McCain Comes out in Favor of Impeaching former President Trump

By Jay Godwin -, Public Domain,

‘View’ co-host Meghan McCain announced on Tuesday that she was in favor of impeaching, and presumably convicting, former President Trump.

While making the announcement McCain claimed that she was born and raised as a true ‘conservative’ in contrast to people (presumably Trump supporters) who she categorized as merely ‘heretics.’

As The Daily Wire reports:

Speaking on “The View” Tuesday, McCain said she still believes in the principles of the Republican Party after the ascendancy of President Trump.

“I mean, I’m a lifelong conservative, unlike a lot of these heretics,” McCain griped. “I mean, I was born into this, raised into it. It’s my whole entire life in all ways, and I truly at the bottom of my soul, I think, as all of you know, I believe in the principles that I was raised on.”

Going forward, McCain said the Republican Party would be better served if they impeached President Trump, drawing a line on what the president can or cannot do.

“I believe President Trump should be impeached,” she said. “I believe we have to take a stand and have a fine line about what is acceptable for a president to do or not. He incited a riot, people got violent, people died, full stop.”

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3 years ago

This “Porker” is just Butt Hurt because President Trump called out her traitor father. I’m so glad he is here no more.

Dan Moylan
Dan Moylan
3 years ago
Reply to  Norman

like her dad she doesn’t know the meaning of conservative go have another bag of Ho-Ho’s with Whoppi

Bernie 99
Bernie 99
3 years ago

To her conservative means not quite as far left as her Hollywood buddies.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bernie 99

She has buddies????

Mary Murphy
Mary Murphy
3 years ago
Reply to  Judy

good one!!!

3 years ago

Drug addiction.

3 years ago

john Mc Cain was never a conservative and neither is he daughter. When he ran for president he had a lot of support and respect because of his military service, but once he closed his Michigan campaign offices and others, before the election, he basically conceded defeat to Obama ! It was very upsetttimg to those who donated and voted for him! John McCain was the original Rino ! Meghan McCain should not be passing judgement on anyone! Of course being on the obnoxious View program, it’s whats she’s paid to do! Never watched it and never will!
God bless and save America from the Rinos and from the liberal progressive communist democrats and joe Biden.
God bless America ??????

Georgina Mathias
Georgina Mathias
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay

She is out of her mind. Her dad was a Senator, I do not know how many years. Lady you are not a true conservative. You are an insult to your father and the party. You sit with those ladies in view, and talk like them. Watching view is waste of time. ( not productive) I will never watch that show waste of time. The reason they have it at the time for housewives’ who stay home and has time. Sorry for your comments and opinion, learn from Democrat party how they support there party. Do you really belong to the party as your father.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jay

right , Jay. When he first entered the political field , both parties lobbied to get him on their side as a candidate. He blew with the wind ever since …. until his death. Never a conservative.

John M
John M
3 years ago

Like father like daughter.

True American
True American
3 years ago

Like father like daughter .

3 years ago

You are a conservative yet when the guy passes nothing but what conservatives have been saying they were going to do for years, you bash him. So results don’t matter for Meghan McCain, only how you go about losing to the left matters. Talk about people who have incited violence and riots, the left has been doing it for 4 years, Meghan has not said a thing. She has no proof Trump had any involvement at all in the storming of the Capitol, quite the opposite actually, but it doesn’t matter to her because she is a conservative! Meghan, that party that you are defending does not exist anymore, because we found out it never really existed other than to lay down when it counted. Trump stood up to the leftists in this country, without your “conservative” support. Your father is famous now for one thing, not killing ObamaCare with the disgraceful thumbs down vote, it is seared into my memory for eternity. You are as feckless as your old man, as you hide behind some conservative invisibility cloak. The heretics as you call them got more of the conservative agenda in place than the conservatives, so that kind of makes your support of conservatives as sad as your endorsement of another sham impeachment. You and Mitt and John Kasich can go form your own party if you like, I am sure you and your family along with another couple hundred supporters will do well, espousing conservative platitudes as you will comfortably be unable to enact any of your plans because you will be despised by an overwhelming majority of the voting public. That seems to be the goal of “conservatives” like you, talk a bunch of BS with no real intention of ever enacting any of it. We figured out the fraud with the pretenders that want control of the GOP, time for you to run along now.

Pamela Schultz
Pamela Schultz
3 years ago

She is a delusional hypocrite!!

3 years ago

Like father and mother. What is new.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Shows how much they care for the country.

3 years ago

Your father was a traitor to the Republican party doesn’t she know that…

3 years ago
Reply to  Jerry

He was a traitor to the Country and to his fellow soldiers. The guy was an arrogant @sshole. There are people who should never be allowed to have kids and John and Cindy McCain are those kind of people! She’s as bad a person as her parents!

3 years ago

She is not a Republican. She is a Democrat in disguise.

3 years ago

Some of these comments are sick and tasteless. John McCain was an American hero (even if he didn’t always vote the way I would have liked), in contrast to the morally bankrupt Donald Trump. It’s time for the Republican party to move on from Trump. Character counts.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jason

American hero he was not! He was responsible for letting a missile loose and burning an aircraft carrier — thus killing quite a few of his fellow navy and marine buddies. Remember the USS Forrestal? Do not forget that ship.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jason

The O admin.FBI and DHS used McCain to bring dossier back to USA.
President Trump gave them one of the Air Force One’s to transport all of the family and deceased for 3 ceremonies honoring him.

3 years ago
Reply to  C A

Jason, Sorry you’re lost in a delusional world. There really is no excuse for your kind of ignorance!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Look up John McCain USS Forrestal, Sophocles. With heroes like him, who needs enemies?

Jean Wood
Jean Wood
3 years ago

It must be interesting at home for her. She hates President Trump so much and though I wouldn’t call her husband a supporter, he at least seems to be fair when covering him. Ben Domenech actually seems to be a nice guy. I actually feel sorry for him if McCain is as nasty at home as she is in public. And she needs to get therepy so she can get over her father’s death already. She is a grown woman. He lived a good long life. I am tired of hearing her crying about her dead daddy. All children loose their parents at some point. That is just the way things are. She needs to stop feeling so sorry for herself.

3 years ago

You can’t just say you are a Republican because your family always has been. In your gut, you are a true lefty. That is where your loyalty lies– with your liberal friends at work. You have said you love Whoopie. After having a baby, how can you befriend creatures who think it is okay to tear an infant apart thru abortion?

Oh well McCain died
Oh well McCain died
3 years ago

Tunc Muc

downing hitt
downing hitt
3 years ago

just another RINO-fence rider

tina jacobsellis
tina jacobsellis
3 years ago

I and so my other VETERANS have no time for her bullshit. We have better things to do, so GET OVER YOUR DADDYS SKIRT

Ben Matthews
Ben Matthews
3 years ago

She’s what ‘passes these days’ for conservative, …now, you know why, libturds are laughing at conservatives!

3 years ago

Heretics? Shame on your big mouth!!

Old man
Old man
3 years ago

She is just a vendective woman that hates Trump because he disagreed with her father, a pow does not make you a person that is great it just makes you an ex-pow

Old man
Old man
3 years ago

The only reason she was elected was rriding on her father’s coat tails, alone she would not have been elected dog catcher.

3 years ago

Bee, I am SHOCKED….SHOCKED I tell you. Just like her old man. They have no principles.

3 years ago

Her butt is the size of the USS Forrestal.

3 years ago

Meghan McCain you are not a true republican if you really think Trump should be impeached. You are just as stupid as the left side. Trump did not make anyone go and do what was done at the capitol on January 6th. If you get all the facts you will see their were antifia and a lot of lefties there pretending to be Trump supporters.

3 years ago

George to Jerry on the Seinfeld show. George I’ve got to take a lie detector test and your the only one I no who can beat it. Well Jerry it’s not a lie if you truly believe it! This poor woman has truly been indoctrinated!

John J
3 years ago

Daddy’s girl, traitor just like him

3 years ago

Too many booze effecting her brain

Jerry Moore
Jerry Moore
3 years ago

Just like her big mouth dad all bullsht talk

3 years ago

Yeah…. Well, as an 18 year old conservative who campaigned for Barry G in 1964, enlisted as a Marine from 67-69 (including my tour in ‘Nam, campaigned for Reagan in 76, 80 and 84 and Trump in 2016 and 2020 and has maintained my belief in the Constitution (but NOT the DC establishment), neither this little twit nor her father meets my standard… Now, her grandfather did.

Mary Murphy
Mary Murphy
3 years ago

She is a total jerk!!


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