Mike Pence Hands Off Golden Microphone to Lady Gaga In Controversial Inauguration Moment

SMP Entertainment via (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en) Wikipedia Commons

Former Vice-President Mike Pence handed off a Golden Microphone to Pop star Lady Gaga during the Wednesday’s inauguration of President Joe Biden.

The moment became a viral sensation online and a somewhat controversial one to boot.

As Bustle reports:

Lady Gaga’s performance at the presidential inauguration of Joe Biden was memorable for a million reasons, but one quiet moment really caught social media’s attention. Shortly before she sang the national anthem, the singer was handed a golden microphone and her brief interaction with Mike Pence sparked an influx of jokes and memes about the awkward pairing.

The singer, who wore a custom red and blue Schiaparelli gown with a gold dove brooch, earned rave reviews for her passionate performance of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” as well as for her seemingly cool reaction to the now-former vice president. Though it’s unclear what, if anything, the singer said to Pence before her performance — though she clearly spoke to Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the Obamas — Gaga has frequently been a vocal critic of Pence and his policies.

Did Pence debase himself by handing a golden microphone to Gaga, or just for showing up at Biden’s inauguration at all? A place full of people who hate him? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

Mike pence should of never been there. Traitor!
Should of been at President Trump’s send off.
Mike you’re not getting my vote in 4 years.

Fred Mertz
Fred Mertz
3 years ago

Mike is probably there at Trump’s suggestion. He likes Pence a lot, trusts him and wants him to run in 4 years. Give Trump AND Pence more credit than that!

3 years ago
Reply to  Fred Mertz

Mike Pence is more than just a traitor, he is a coward! His lack of action with the election fraud will allow Corrupt Joe to reverse everything Trump fraught and stand for! I will never vote 4 Pence!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Fred Mertz

Pence is an a**hole and he’ll never win another election as a Republican.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  Fred Mertz

To be honest, I highly doubt that.
But thank you for your kind response.

John Henry Jones
John Henry Jones
3 years ago
Reply to  Fred Mertz

Fred you are sadly wrong! Pence and some other Democrats who ran as Republicans have shown their true colors, so now we know who to campaign against!

3 years ago

Nobody cares what you think, Island
Girl, just another hater!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jennie

You cared enough to respond.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  Jennie

Oh really??? Why did you respond???

Glenda Gilmer
Glenda Gilmer
3 years ago
Reply to  Jennie

So are You, Jennie!

3 years ago

Nine island girl, you are just another behind kisser of GAGA most people don;t even care for her its the media that does. They haven’t figured out as yet if she is a female or someone in drag.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  connie

What???? I didn’t even mention her, much less be a fan! She’s the one that’s a hater! Oh, and all the while claiming to be a “catholic”
Just because I called out mike, doesn’t mean I agree with her or anything she stands for.
Don’t even listen to her music.
I suggest you go back and read my comment.

rick reeve
3 years ago
Reply to  connie

some body said he/she had their little p s removed even showed an after photo no matter still a demorat

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john wiederhold
john wiederhold
3 years ago

She has no talent and no brain. She would love to have Communism is the USA so she could help stomp on the necks of all peace loving patriotic Americans. Deport her to Iraq, China or North Korea.

3 years ago

why are all these people still here that said they would leave if trump got elected???get out of the country or keep your mouth shut..for what is worth i thought gaga was terrible saw it on computer..she looked like she was in a daze to me not knowing where she was and got some of the words wrong on the antham.
i did not watch the program..can’t stand jlo either .she has gone slutlyall she wants to do is show between her legs. i feel sorry for these movie people who have kids terrible up bringing…Pence another word for him…he said AFTER ALL I HAVE DONE FOR TRUMP…WELL MR. PENCE THAT IS YOUR JOB..

Michael Lowenstein
Michael Lowenstein
3 years ago

With her comments a few years ago about blowing up the white house, why isn’t she in jail? Oh I forgot, she is a democrat and has no brains (but I repeat myself.)

3 years ago

That was Madonna, But you were close enough, most Bottle Blondes look alike…lol

V Taylor
V Taylor
3 years ago

Your voice Gaga was a gift from
god, not to be used to humiliate. You overrate yourself…and “in the blink of an eye”…your blessings could and will end someday. Humility is not your forte’

3 years ago
Reply to  V Taylor

Well stated! be a little more humble Caca!!!

kevin mac kenzie
3 years ago


3 years ago

To Kevin Mac:
I fully agree !!!!
All the RINOs are nothing but traitors !!!!!

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  Martha

@Kevin and Martha,
Senator R Paul of KY has come out and said that any Republican who votes for impeachment is damaging their political career and hurting the Republican party. I absolutely agree with you both and him as well.

3 years ago


3 years ago

I care nothing about what Lady Gaga thinks. She sure does not care what I think.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sage

I am with you, Sage. I wonder how many people were actually watching this garbage. I for one had better things to do. There were reruns of Hogan’s Heroes on TV.

3 years ago
Reply to  Allen

YES!! I watched the Andy Griffith and Golden Girls, shows! Mash too!
and for the next four years will be catching up on good books, movies time will fly until 2024!!

3 years ago

and that is why you don’t go to the party with the bratty, spoiled children, lesson learned Mike?

butch t
butch t
3 years ago

Big mistake for Pence to allow himself and the rest of the patriots to be made fools of.You rep. better wake up and see what or how much the dems hate us and the feeling is damned sure mutual.

Mary J. G.
Mary J. G.
3 years ago
Reply to  butch t

Maybe he was there, to show the Unity that everyone calls for. Even Trump. As far as L. GAGA goes she is a bad person for not graciously taking the mike. Also her outfit was the ugliest I have ever seen. Guess she wanted to really stand out.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  Mary J. G.

There will be NO UNITY!!!! PERIOD!!!
I hope people will NOT forget how we and the President have been treated for the last 4 years?
And now, we’re all terrorists. Really?

3 years ago


3 years ago

For the first time in my adult life I have the duty to say ” Biden is NOT my President”.

John M
John M
3 years ago

If he didn’t show up they would bad mouth him anyway.
The optics are indisputable. He’s there, they cannot say that he wasn’t. So what?
It’s a shame that there isn’t a real press covering this event. They might have pointed out the peaceful, but awkward, transfer of power.
But after my time in the re-education camp I will remember how glorious this inauguration was for President Harris.

3 years ago

Can you possibly focus on anything less important??? And I’m pretty sure that was an eagle, not a dove

3 years ago

It seems mr pence doesn’t understand after all these yrs what is happening right under his
Nose.. there is no common sense in the so called democrat party .. only evil insanity!!!

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
3 years ago

Gaga hates Pence for his religion because it’s different from hers (whatever that is). She’s blind to her own bigotry. FWIW, I’m not a religious man but tolerate and respect others as long as they treat me the same way. Arrogance, intolerance and corruption that now characterize the democrat party are anathema to any constitutional republic, particularly the U.S.

Lawrence Guidry
Lawrence Guidry
3 years ago

If this is the healing process, Pence screwed up, not my vote next time. Trump needs to think this through carefully.

3 years ago

“ healing process”?????
They are talking about raising our taxes to the point to force us to pick between food or medicine , they are talking about putting us in “ re-education camps”, they intend to allow millions of invaders from all over the world and force us to pay fir their medical care, housing, schools, they are talking about confiscating our guns while defunding police and freeing the criminals out of jail, also they are banning free speech … etc … and Mike Pence is kissing their behind and talk about “ healing process “ ????? Do they really think we are blind, deaf, and stupid ??????

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  Martha

If I could give you a thousand thumbs up, I would have. Everything you posted is spot on, and we can only pray it doesn’t come to pass.
But, I have my strong fears that it will.
We need to unite our people and hopefully come up with a plan of resistance.
God Almighty help us.

3 years ago

To Nine Island girl :

3 years ago
Reply to  Martha

They don’t care. When you can rig a Federal election with many instances “caught on video” , mathmatical impossibilities, thousands of witnesses of ELECTION FRAUD not to be confused with voter fraud..they will ram this socialist agenda down our throats and make us eat it. Read Saul Aliski’s Rules for Radicals and Clowerd and Piven and you will see what they are doing to this once great country. We are done and there may be now way to get it back without force if we still have the 2nd amendment to protect us when this is done.

Barbara Klipa
Barbara Klipa
3 years ago
Reply to  John

I just hope those who voted for Biden get hurt the most. Sorry, not sorry.

Barbara Klipa
Barbara Klipa
3 years ago
Reply to  Martha

Ye#, they al) think we’ll *all in line. Ain’t happening.

Barbara Klipa
Barbara Klipa
3 years ago
Reply to  Barbara Klipa

Meant fall in line. No, not happening.

Edith M Pelham
Edith M Pelham
3 years ago

Mike Pence is a gentleman. “Lady” Gaga is no LADY!

3 years ago
Reply to  Edith M Pelham

He might be a “ gentleman “, apparently, but he is certainly a dumb one !!
Sorry, it’s true !!

Fred Mertz
Fred Mertz
3 years ago

I hardly think it possible for Lady Gaga to successfully humiliate Mike Pence. She’s about 100 IQ points shy of having that capability.

3 years ago

Who really cares what these so called celebrities think!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

Not me!

Barbara Klipa
Barbara Klipa
3 years ago
Reply to  Amanda


Paul Alexander
Paul Alexander
3 years ago

So good to see that GAGAG is politically declined! It is amazing how many of these turkeys who live in their castles, think that it entitles them to a world changing opinion that we should embrace completely! Good voice but dumb as a rock

3 years ago

He should have known better after the way the Hollywood sickos, entertainers, sport players and teams have treated President Trump and him. He should have known how he would be treated by those and the enemy of the people the lying press and tv stations such as cnn, abc, nbc, cbs and the rest. In six months or less the uninformed voters who voted for the extortionist, thief, and exhibitionist
will be sorry.
God help the United States with it and the camel face ho in office.

Dan Winright
Dan Winright
3 years ago

Satans convention. Braying and donkeywallering cacophony.

3 years ago

Lady Gaga is just a one trick pony! a has been! Overrated! No talent! Use cheesy gimmicks to get attention! Stand 4 nothing but her selfish ego, like a lot of millennials! Two peas in the same pot!

3 years ago

I didn’t watch it! I found better stuff to watch on my Firestick. Better programs on YouTube.

Don Wilcox
Don Wilcox
3 years ago

I am glad Mr. Pence was at the ceremony. I wish that President Trump would have showed up also just to remind Biden of his stolen presidency. It is the freak gaga that was out of line. Typical liberal. Maybe she needs to go to a reeducation camp. democrats have spent 4 years harping on the stolen election from clinton and now they think everything should go away re stolen elections. Not going to happen.

3 years ago

Lady GAGA is a big nothing. Don’t know why anyone would ever listen to her sing or perform in any way. Going forward the media will get down on her and that will be the end. She does not know how to deal with the masses unless they are kissing her behind.

3 years ago

Lady Gagag is a piece of crap, no talent low life!!!

Sohm Won
Sohm Won
3 years ago
Reply to  John

And they talk about UNITY. Also a piece of crap. The UNITY has to come from them!

3 years ago
Reply to  Sohm Won

It’s kind of expecting us to “ unite” with the devil
The meaning of “ unity” to them is “ concede”
That would be the only way for them to “ unite”
Which is the essence of socialism, period !

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  Sohm Won

Yes, they want us to unite.
However, only if we agree with their point of view.
Never going to happen for me.

3 years ago
Reply to  John

Like I said before : more like “ lady caca”

Tony Winters
Tony Winters
3 years ago

Did you ever drag your fingernails across an old chalkboard, if so then you know what Lady GooGoo sounded like singing the National Anthem? She looks as if she got dressed in the dark out of an old GoodWill dumpster. You would think that a person with her money could afford a decent dress. Lady GooGoo I think JC Penny is having a party dress sale this weekend. Don’t these Hollywood Elite know that Socialism doesn’t care about who you think you are, or where in the social order you used to be placed. Under Socialism, only the high-ranking government officials have money and power. Look at Venezuela the only Multi-Millionaire in the entire country is the President’s daughter.

Terri Rivera
Terri Rivera
3 years ago

I think he should have not gone. What this tells me by him going is that he’s dumber than I thought. He should know he’s hated like they hate Trump. And I just wish these Republicans and RINOS would realize that the Dems are coming for them no matter how respectful or nice they are to them.

3 years ago

So much for spreading unity

3 years ago

I don’t care about Pence. He’s a backstabber and a turncoat. He didn’t go to President Trump’s farewell address or mention Trump’s name in his own farewell address even though Trump thanked Pence for his service in his own farewell address. President Trump has more class and Christian charity in his little pinky than Pence has in his entire body. Americans will NEVER forget. Pence was the bargaining chip along with Sessions when McConnell and the GOP said that they’d endorse Trump back in 2016. Trump should have picked another to campaign with in 2020. He should also have fired Barr when he didn’t do any better than Sessions and replaced him with Rudy Guiliani,Trey Gowdy or some other conservative who would have gotten the job done and who would have worked tirelessly to ensure that we had a fair election system prior to the 2020 election AND that Biden and/or his son, Hunter, would have been indicted for Burisma.

Kenneth Saundry Jr
Kenneth Saundry Jr
3 years ago

Mike Pence is a class act gentleman. He was an excellent Governor in Indiana, Senator and VP. He at all times was humble and unfailingly gain credit to President Trump throughout the Warp Speed COVID program.
The Republican Legislatures were spineless to not “stop the steal” at the State Levels. Pence conducted himself in accordance with the Constitution, followed the law with the cards he was dealt. Why he’d subject himself to the vile and hateful attacks would be a good question. If I were him, I’d start to collect my pensions from Governor, Senator and VP, and live his life with his family in Peace, write books, gives speeches…… If Mike Pence ran for ANYTHING, I would certainly vote for him.

  • President Trump put Pence in a very awkward, “no win” posture when he said Pence should interrupt the Jan 6th certification. The spineless state legislators dropped the ball. Jan 6th was NOT the time to “stop the steal”

Get rid of Dominion Systems, Get Rid of mail-in ballots. Let the Dem’s overplay and abuse their “new toy”, and we can take back the House in 2022….

3 years ago

Mike Pence, by refusing to return the duplicate sets of electoral votes to their respective state legislatures for certification, handed our nation of liberty over to a bunch of communists without a fight. Face it, the Democrat Party has become an evil criminal enterprise bent upon ruling as a tyrannical totalitarian regime. The Washington Establishment republicans have destroyed any loyalty to the Republican Party which has diminished itself in prestige and dropped to a great depth in the eyes of Trump supporters. In the future, I will vote for a republican only if have a good reason, not simply because there is an “R” following the name. The Republican Party has a very long road back to respectability.

3 years ago

No one should care about any of those fake idiots!
If LGaga fell off the face of the earth tomorrow, would it matter??? NO!!!
This is ALL for show!!
The libetards won, now they’re going to make everyone acknowledge them.
Who Cares!!??!!

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago
Reply to  ranman

I couldn’t have said it better.

Jeffrey Moore
Jeffrey Moore
3 years ago

True Christians realize that God is the One to enforce His laws, not Christians. We are to love our enemies. We are not to be enemies to our enemies, no matter how much they are enemies to us. But we are also to keep ourselves from their evil acts, no matter how much they insist we condone, endorse, or participate in them. We don’t force people to do or believe anything, but we keep ourselves from their evil.

Jo brown
3 years ago

VP Pence should have done what President Trump and family did, left town and left the liberals bask in the sins alone.

3 years ago

I am not now, nor was I ever, a fan of Pence.
Not sure what all the fuss is about, Pence attended the burning of the Constitution is how I view what happened yesterday.
It is up to us, 74 MILLION PLUS Americans, to make sure the Constitution will be given new life in a couple of years, that is, if we can ever vote again. Not too sure tht will ever happen again.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

I agree. But, we have to organize and when the time comes, head to the polls.
Not voting won’t resolve anything. Start by calling your state leaders, then call or E-mail your Congress people. That’s what I do and I’m not stopping anytime soon. I think Republicans are reflecting on how to handle 80+ million of us.

3 years ago

“Lady” Gaga lecturing Mike Pence on what it means to be a Christian would be the biggest laugh if it weren’t so serious–for Gaga. Pence agrees with God about the sexual depravity of sodomy. It’s clear who Gaga agrees with.

3 years ago

Lady Gaga had on the worst outfit I have ever seen!
She is the epitome of low class Hollywood trash!
And her singing was horrible too ! Typical uneducated liberal progressive anti-American trash!
In my humble opinion……

Mary Murphy
Mary Murphy
3 years ago

Thank you, Fred!!

Bernie 99
Bernie 99
3 years ago

I hope he washed his hands after touching something she was touching.

3 years ago

not a big fan of either one. She is a graceless, rude, immature ___ who is too impressed with herself and needs to grow the___up. He is useless at best and a traitor whenever.

Richard P. McArthur
3 years ago

Pence was just following a fairly useful tradition by attending the inauguration, even if the inauguree is of the opposite party.

John Henry Jones
John Henry Jones
3 years ago

He showed us that he’s a traitor! I can promise you that he doesn’t need to think about running for president because the 76 million Trump voters will never forget what he did!

3 years ago

Ever notice that the rich well to do Dumbocrats are the most hateful anti america bawl babies.

3 years ago

Did not watch do not care about nut”Lady”Gaga. By the way she looks on this picture like she just shit her whatever she was wearing.

Phyllis Little
Phyllis Little
3 years ago

It was in poor taste to attend Biden’s inauguration. Hopefully he was trying tosay no hard feelings or was he pandering to the Dems? What would a Rep VP have any place in a Dem festivity?

Stephen Makovec
Stephen Makovec
3 years ago

This is a legitimate transfer of power, and V.P. Pence did his duty to represent the outgoing administration. His actions at the event were awkward because the President maintained [without proof] that the election had been stolen from him, but at least Pence represented them at the inauguration after the President left and wished the new administration well.

3 years ago

So GAGA is killing a bay in the womb “Christian”? Or better yet outside the womb? Ask your fearful leader how he’s a Christian but allows this belief? Someday your talent to go away, while your looks well may never have been there in the first place.

3 years ago

Lady Gaga needs to go back home and hide her face for being the biggest disgrace of the world! Here is to sucking up Gaga!

3 years ago

They’re desperately seeking something, but Susan (Rice) is now in charge.

3 years ago

I am sorry our great vice President had to share the same atmosphere as the singer Gaga. He has so much class; she has none. He should be very glad he doesn’t have to deal with her types anymore.

3 years ago

Very sorry that VP Pence lowered himself to be in the same space as the ever disgusitng Gaga and her cohorts. They were all too happy to insult him or make him feel unacceptable.

rick reeve
3 years ago

kinda liked stefani until i saw her hugging biden now i have no respect at all