Singer Keri Hilson Slams Twitter’s ‘Dangerous’ Ban of President Trump

By Eva Rinaldi - Keri Hilson, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Singer and actress Keri Hilson came out swinging against Twitter’s draconian ban of President Trump, slamming it as ‘dangerous.’

Hilson also said that ‘democracy must include the freedom of speech’ and that, in any case, the ban would be unlikely to silence Trump.

As The Daily Wire reports:

“This may be funny. But it is a little dangerous too,” Hilson posted in an Instagram story. “Take Trump out of it for a moment…A democracy must include freedom of speech. Imagine other leaders or popular figures not being able to voice their opinion if it opposes majority of world leaders…Our freedom of speech being taken from us.”

“Slowly but surely (censorship),” she warned. “If the leader of the ‘free world’ can be removed. Imagine that same right of civilians. Imagine believing every time you read ‘false information detected’ and propaganda, deceptive reports, and flat out lies being the only thing we see.”

Hilson was bombarded with ridicule over her warning from fans accusing her of “defending” President Trump. Hilson, of course, is a left-wing activist, even performing at a campaign event for Democratic darling Stacey Abrams back in 2018, during her unsuccessful bid for governor of Georgia.

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3 years ago

An unfortunately rare case of when two ends of the ideological spectrum can agree.

3 years ago

Wow, really, a lucent, rational comment from a left wing person in the music industry. I am amazed. Unfortunately she is probably .01 percent of those. Look and listen to the rantings of Taylor Swift. A true moron.

3 years ago
Reply to  Allen

We’ll never see Taylor Swift or any woke white wannabe apologist relinquish their fortunes to the black community that they so care about.
We’ll never see her give up her singing career to some poor aspiring black singer will we!!!!!

3 years ago

AND who gives a rat’s patoot what this nobody has to say about anything? She is just not important and her words and opinions are meaningless.

3 years ago

She is very wise, she understands if it can happen to Trump it can just as easily happen to anyone. I knew leftists hated the 2nd Amendment and parts of the 1st but I did not realize they hated all of the the 1st Amendment or wanted it to be applied selectively. There is no place in this country for this kind of selectivity based on ideology, this is exactly how tyrants take power, without a dissenting voice. We have become very stupid in this country to let the narrative be written by those that don’t believe in freedom for all. They riot over racism all summer and then want to subjugate 50% of the population to follow their beliefs, it is amazing. What is so fearful about hearing people’s words or freedom to say them, is someone afraid they might be convinced of something that they did not believe previously? People would be jailed today for saying the world is round if this mentality were adopted, how exactly is that progressive?

3 years ago

So the big question is:
Does Keri Hilson now see the viciousness and hypocrisy of those she aligns with??????

3 years ago
Reply to  Eliot

I wondered that too.

butch t
butch t
3 years ago

The dems are calling on these reps, whoever they want to stop getting in their way for their socialist gov. why isn’t anything being done about Swalwell? I can tell you the reason, he’s a dem. of course.Just like trump going to the border, the fear factor the dems have instilled in the american people is down right scary especially because the spineless representatives of the rep. officials are worthless and we need a new party.

3 years ago


3 years ago

I agree with you, even though I am a Trump supporter. This is no longer about Biden/Trump, it is about our rights and freedoms. We call all be targeted at any time, if this is allowed to continue.

3 years ago

Social media stinks!!!! The internet is no stinking good!!! Pull the encyclopedias out and let’s get back to the real works of reading and writing!!! Stupid sheep

3 years ago

They came for him, when will they come for you? When someone else controls your freedom, it’s not freedom!

Poor White Boy
3 years ago

“Slowly but surely (censorship),” she warned. “If the leader of the ‘free world’ can be removed. Imagine that same right of civilians. Imagine believing every time you read ‘false information detected’ and propaganda, deceptive reports, and flat out lies being the only thing we see”……..

That’s what the left has been doing for decades…except now that are no longer hiding it as they have enough brainwashed lemming to agree with them.

3 years ago

This is the next path forward, first block twitter and facebook from your internet provider, the state of Idaho internet provider blocked them both. 
 Tech bubble is imminent, close tweeter, FB, Instagram accounts, dump their stock if own any from your IRA, 401K check your mutual funds that have Twitter or FB included, Twitter down again, dump before they go to zero, stop buying from Amazon, buy direct from the mom’s and pop’s stores near you, don’t wait DO IT TODAY .

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Marina

Done Done & Done and have been done with may of them US haters for a long while. Pay a lil more for some things,but it’s worth it.

Poor White Boy
3 years ago

American Update ? Or just another 1st Amendment abuser….why are my comments being ‘approved’ In other words…will NEV\ER BE SEEN

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy


Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy

celebrated patriotism

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy

a deviation away from the politics of the left will not be tolerated

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy

President Donald Trump

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy

 his presence could incite violence

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy

merely posed a threat to the monopoly of the Silicon Valley

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy

 pledge to only protect viewpoints that are sanctioned by the incoming administration

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy

This is what the left asked for and wants…..

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy

apparel retailer that its ads on the platform are permanently banned, for no apparent reason

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy

But when you put my whole post together it get censored….WTF

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  Poor White Boy


3 years ago

This sounds like a liberal I could actually sit down and have a rational and civil discussion with. I’m impressed. I wish there were of few more like this. We might not agree on anything else, but the biggest problem in this country is that nobody wants to even talk with someone who’s on the other side of the political aisle. To give the other person an opportunity to explain their position and to actually listen to them. And yeah, that incudes most conservatives too!

Poor White Boy
3 years ago
Reply to  dnett

Oh I beg to differ with you….I try all the time to talk to the lefties. You know what every one of them says like a friggin’ parrot. I don’t want to talk about that. And I feel it is becasue that have NO FACTS to back up their hate and rhetoric. I find that posting on sites also. One will make a statement…most times an outright lie, and I will ask them why they said that and can you back up that statement and I have NEVER ONCE RECEIVED A REPLY.

Poor White Boy
3 years ago

In the latest news…..This is what the left asked for and wants a fascist regime…..
Facebook has informed a pro-American apparel retailer that its ads on the platform are permanently banned, for no apparent reason, other than they celebrated patriotism.
In recent days, Big Tech has de-platformed thousands of Americans, including the President of the United States. The message seems to be clear: a deviation away from the politics of the left will not be tolerated.
Sure, Twitter attempted to justify banning President Donald Trump from its platform last week by claiming his presence could incite violence. Arguably, Trump’s presence merely posed a threat to the monopoly of the Silicon Valley tech giant and its apparent pledge to only protect viewpoints that are sanctioned by the incoming administration of president-elect —-sniffer

Ed Griffin
Ed Griffin
3 years ago

She is right we need to wake up to what is going on before it is to late

George Horvat
George Horvat
3 years ago

Would someone please advise this well-intentioned young lady that we are “not” a Democracy! We are a Constitutional Republic and there is a huge difference between the two. A Democracy has no set of rules such as our Constitution. It is rather, the rule of numbers. Whoever has the greater numbers gets their way and the minorities “always” get screwed and can’t say bupcus about it! Democracy is just a hair-breath away from pure Socialism and this is the Holy Grail for Democrats.Most of the Democrat Party members are Socialists and this is what they want this country to be. That’s why they keep calling us a Democracy and will never use the word Republic.

3 years ago

In a free country, freedom of speech is not stifled. In a country with dictators, freedom of speech is banned or censored because the media is owned or controlled by the government or those who control the government. Which sounds like what is going on here?

Big Boss Hog
Big Boss Hog
3 years ago
Reply to  Brian

What’s going on here is that the deep state and big business is more powerful than POTUS and Congress combined. They rule with an iron fist and will not allow us peasants to have a say. It is not based on ideology per se, it’s class warfare. The elite rich want complete control over us and we are supposed to just shut up and accept it.

3 years ago

I thing allot of people think that “freedom of speech” is for themselves and only for themselves


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