Stevie Nicks Claims That You Wouldn’t Have Fleetwood Mac if it Hadn’t been for Her Abortion

Wikimedia Commons, By Eva Rinaldi - Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Rock legend Stevie Nicks shocked many fans during an interview with The Guardian after she claimed that there would have been no Fleetwood Mac if she hadn’t of aborted her unborn child in the 1970’s.

Nicks went on to attack President Trump for his recent Supreme Court pick claiming that it would set the stage for overturning Roe vs. Wade.

As The Daily Wire reports:

Iconic singer and songwriter Stevie Nicks credited the success of band Fleetwood Mac to her decision to have her unborn child aborted.

During a recent interview with The Guardian, Nicks waxed poetic about her “decision” to have the unborn baby aborted as a sort of feminist event, noting that Fleetwood Mac had two female vocalists and writers — a rarity.

“Abortion rights, that was really my generation’s fight,” the singer started, noting of the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, her “hero.” “If President Trump wins this election and puts the judge he wants in, she will absolutely outlaw it and push women back into back-alley abortions.”…

“If I had not had that abortion, I’m pretty sure there would have been no Fleetwood Mac,” Nicks said. “There’s just no way that I could have had a child then, working as hard as we worked constantly. And there were a lot of drugs, I was doing a lot of drugs … I would have had to walk away.”

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Don M.
Don M.
3 years ago

Where would that child be now? Living the life she never had, thanks to the selfishness of whatever Nicks is.

Dan Feinberg
Dan Feinberg
3 years ago

And there would not have been a Fleetwood Mac if your parents HAD aborted you. But I guess you are more important that your baby.

3 years ago

She was doing a lot of drugs so she would have had to have stopped doing them to have a baby, damn it all! Does she even at this age understand the words that are coming out of her mouth? Nope, because as stated previously, she did a lot of drugs! The world would have been a lost cause without Fleetwood Mac, I can’t even imagine what life would be like without them, it could almost be called the Immaculate Abortion, right??? Rock and Roll and drugs are way more important than children, except when you are in politics and then everything that the left wants that they can inject children into the subject they do, “we have to think of the children”, except of course for the aborted ones, right?
I am a Republican free-thinker that would be fine with the right to choose and limited up to 20 weeks on when a abortion can be performed. I wish there were no abortions and that people took the topic more seriously but I am a realist too. But to have an imbecile say without an abortion Fleetwood Mac would not exist, wtf? Hey Stevie, maybe Fleetwood Mac would have been better off without you? Maybe you would have been better off without Fleetwood Mac? Maybe God was sending you a signal with that pregnancy and you chose the incorrect path? Do any of those questions ever pop into your head or was God such a Fleetwood Mac fan that your abortion was predestined? Man you really did a ton of drugs, maybe you shouldn’t speak in public much anymore.

3 years ago

Well . . . that would be a real shame! We only traded one life to have Fleetwood Mac. I bet that life wouldn’t have cured cancer, or anything like that anyway. What a Narcissist!

Charlotte Borter
Charlotte Borter
3 years ago

The more I read the more disillusioned I become with all these Artists. I have been spending quite a bit of money to attend Fleetwood Mac concerts & even FM Tribute bands. But I did not know this information about Stevie Nicks. I am fortunate that I can attend any concerts that I choose, but I will become way more choosy as to whom my money will support in the future!

3 years ago

I’m in my thirties, work by butt off and have two small children. As a woman, it’s hard on me because I do feel pressure to stay at home due to the nature of my work. I travel a lot even during this so-called pandemic. So my husband and I find ways to make it work. He works twelve hours days just like me. Stevie Nicks had the wealth and riches to help her so she has NO excuse. She also could have had a guardian family member step in.

Poor White Boy
3 years ago

Maybe she should have kept her legs crossed….The reason there is a Fleetwood Mac is becasue YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL TO the DEVIL. Abortion and killing a baby is NOT A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL.

3 years ago

I could have done without Fleetwood Mac

3 years ago

She talks as if “not having Fleetwood Mac” would be a bad thing.

Jenny Mills
Jenny Mills
3 years ago

So you did a lot of drugs, screwed around a lot, and you murdered your baby. Fleetwood Mac had a following, I was not one of them. But, I am sure you could of turned to adoption instead of murder.

Louie Rey
Louie Rey
3 years ago

I thought that the gist of the article was if Stevie Nicks had been aborted there would have been no Fleetwood Mac and I thought, “is she supporting Trump?” And then I read the article. Well, what do you know. Do you think that we’re all going to feel sorry for you or the child that you aborted? Although they weren’t superstars but Fleetwood Mac was doing very well without you. You narcissist.

3 years ago

baby or drugs? what to do, what to do. bye bye fleetwood mac adoration you’re a sickening human being stevie nicks

Tom M
Tom M
3 years ago

Actually she is very wrong. Fleetwood Mac was started by Mick Fleetwood, Peter Green, Jeremy Spencer and John McVie. Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham didn’t join until 8 years later. It may have not sounded the same nor had the same amount of success, but who knows what her baby could have done.

Pissed Off Amerian
Pissed Off Amerian
3 years ago

Don’t spread your legs and use birth control stops a lot of these problems. At least give the kid up for adoption. I’m sure GOD is keeping notes on this bs. I never got married or slept around because If could not take care of my kids if they were to happen. But never abort. Ten minutes of fun and a life time of problems and NO KID deserves that. The little head don’t rule my life. Her doing lots of drugs the kid would have been an addicted mess for some else to deal with.

3 years ago

Hey, Leftist B*tch, Fleetwood Mac was around LONG before you!

3 years ago

there wouldn’t have been a fleetwood mac?i learned something a long time ago.if you think you’re indispensible try dying.someone will walk right in and take your place

3 years ago

I think she has burnt her brain out on those drugs.

3 years ago

That is the face of EVIL personified !

Thomas Torrell
Thomas Torrell
3 years ago

You, Stevie Nicks… had a choice, didn’t you? But your unborn baby didn’t have a choice. You had a choice to use drugs and get pregnant at the same time, and you took that chance. Then you decided you career was more important than your unborn baby, so you threw your baby away. You are not a very nice person Stevie. In fact, you are a murderer.

Poor White Boy
3 years ago

Maybe she should have kept her legs crossed….The reason there is a Fleetwood Mac is becasue YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL TO you know who. Abortion is NOT A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL.

3 years ago

Nick’s statement is either one of two things.

  1. An admission that Roe v Wade was an unconstitutional decision.
  2. A baseless accusation that Judge Barrett is not the Constitutional textualist she claims to be.

Neither reflects well on Nicks or anyone else who holds this position.

3 years ago

I wonder how she will try to answer God.

3 years ago

But then again, is Fleetwood Mac really essential to the operation?

3 years ago

So she is a murderer, it is past time to arrest here and send up to the pen. She killed a baby so guess she thinks it is ok to kill you and me. This child just might have been the next President of the USA.

3 years ago

No mention of how she could have avoided the abortion if she hadn’t of had premarital sex/adultery.

3 years ago

Then so be it. No Fleetwood Mac. Small price to pay for a life!

Billy Inmon
Billy Inmon
3 years ago

So…she put her child on an alter and killed him/her for power and money ?

3 years ago

Even though I have enjoyed some of her music, I could have lived without Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac! Especially if I were the one to choose between Fleetwood Mac and “KILLING” and unborn baby! JMO

Victor Orozco
Victor Orozco
3 years ago

Like my pastor tells me, there is a cure for a disease or a technology that can change the world but isn’t because that inventor was killed before they could be born at all.

ProBiz Conservative
ProBiz Conservative
3 years ago

Stevie Nicks ruined Fleetwood Mac. Wish she hadn’t had that abortion…

3 years ago

Dont really care about Fleetwood or you maybe world would be better off if you mother did the same. But in the long run killing babies is wrong, use birth control first then if you dont want the baby kill yourself would be better

3 years ago

Fleetwood Mac existed looong before you were a member Miss Narcissist. Christine McVie and John McVie were members with Mick Fleetwood long before you and Lindsey came on the scene .I like Chris’s voice and writing better than I did yours…. And when Peter Green was with Fleetwood Mac…what a beautiful guitar he played….
So…Fleetwood Mac has existed before and after you…..let’s just set the record straight.