“Ted Lasso,” a highly acclaimed American sports comedy-drama television series, was developed by Jason Sudeikis, Bill Lawrence, Brendan Hunt, and Joe Kelly. The show centers around the character Ted Lasso, an American college football coach who unexpectedly finds himself coaching an English soccer team, AFC Richmond, despite his limited experience in the sport. Despite initial doubts, Ted’s folksy and optimistic leadership style proves surprisingly successful.
The series premiered its first season on Apple TV+ in August 2020 and received widespread praise for its performances, humor, writing, themes, and uplifting tone. The first season earned an impressive 20 Primetime Emmy Award nominations, making it the most nominated first-season comedy in Emmy history. Notably, Jason Sudeikis, Hannah Waddingham, and Brett Goldstein received awards for their performances, and the series itself won the Outstanding Comedy Series Emmy. The second season premiered in July 2021, and a third season followed in March 2023.
Within the show, Sudeikis portrays Ted Lasso, who manages to charm and win over AFC Richmond’s owner, Rebecca Welton, played by Hannah Waddingham, and the team, despite initial skepticism towards his unconventional coaching methods. The premise of the series explores Ted’s personal journey and his ability to inspire others through his kind and compassionate approach.
The season three finale, titled “So Long, Farewell,” has left viewers speculating about the show’s future and serves as a potentially definitive ending to “Ted Lasso.” While the creators have remained ambiguous, the show’s incredible success on Apple TV+ opens up possibilities for a sequel or spinoff involving characters from AFC Richmond. The finale revolves around Ted Lasso’s decision to leave Richmond and reconcile with his son and ex-wife, while Rebecca contemplates selling the team. The episode includes a heartfelt halftime speech, a triumphant match for Richmond, and intriguing flash-forward scenes that hint at potential future storylines. However, it remains unclear whether these glimpses into the future were real or part of a dream sequence. Despite any flaws in the season, the finale effectively captures the heartwarming and uplifting essence of the show, leaving viewers with a renewed sense of hope and personal growth.
At present, the status of the show’s future is uncertain. While it is evident that the ending of “So Long, Farewell” felt like a series finale, many fans, and critics question whether “Ted Lasso” will return for a fourth season. The creators and producers of the immensely popular Apple TV series have deliberately kept their plans ambiguous. The show’s immense popularity on the platform, however, leaves room for the possibility of a sequel or spinoff, although no official confirmation has been provided.
The Hollywood Reporter has engaged in speculation regarding the beloved TV show’s future, wondering whether this truly marks the end, saying:
All season long, the people who make Ted Lasso have been somewhat coy about whether the end of their planned three-season arc would mark the end of the series. Jason Sudeikis, Bill Lawrence and others have said multiple times that this season would mark the end of what they set out to do, while never quite stating that it would definitively close out the series.
The last installment of season three, “So Long, Farewell,” played no such games. The episode felt every bit like a series finale, with callbacks to the past and flash-forwards to the futures of several key characters (imagined or not; more on that in a few paragraphs). The fact that Ted Lasso is Apple TV+’s biggest series by far to date might mean that the streamer and Warner Bros. TV, which produces the show, might find a way to make a sequel or spinoff featuring some (or most) of the characters from AFC Richmond. A couple of those flash-forward scenes could easily form the basis for a continuation — but Ted Lasso (Sudeikis) has left Richmond behind.
“So Long, Farewell,” written by executive producers Hunt, Joe Kelly and Sudeikis — who developed the character a decade ago for an NBC Sports ad campaign — doesn’t play around (much) with the idea that Ted is following through on his heavily implied but not actually uttered promise to head back to Kansas from the previous episode. The first scene is a swerve, however, as Ted greets Rebecca (Waddingham) in her kitchen one morning, looking like it’s a morning after — then Beard (Hunt, in a thong) and Jane (Phoebe Walsh) show up, and Ted says thanks for letting them all crash at her place after a gas leak in their neighborhood.
Ted wakes up at the end of his flight, calling into question whether the montage was real or part of a dream (the weirder parts of the wedding certainly play that way). If some or all of those scenes are real, though, the continuation of the Lasso-verse could easily be contained in manager Roy or the founding of the women’s squad — should Apple, Warner Bros. and all those involved come to an agreement (after all industry labor actions are eventually settled).
The future of “Ted Lasso” remains uncertain after its potentially conclusive season three finale. While the show’s immense popularity on Apple TV+ opens up possibilities for a sequel or spinoff involving characters from AFC Richmond, no official confirmation has been given. As fans speculate about what’s next, the heartwarming and uplifting legacy of “Ted Lasso” continues to inspire viewers with its messages of hope and kindness.
“Ted Lasso” received numerous accolades, including 20 Emmy nominations and multiple wins for Outstanding Comedy Series and acting performances by Jason Sudeikis, Brett Goldstein, and Hannah Waddingham. The show was also honored at the Golden Globe Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, TCA Awards, and Writers Guild of America Awards. Additionally, the cast was invited to the White House to promote mental health and well-being following the release of the third season.