Left-Wing Filmmaker Michael Moore Wants Michigan Governor Whitmer to Close Down Entire State

Wikimedia Commons, By David Shankbone

Far-left filmmaker Michael Moore is now calling on Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to close down the entire state once again to stop the latest surge or coronavirus.

Whitmer has so far been much more hesitant to issue an order for the second wave of lockdowns than she was during 2020.

As The Daily Wire reports:

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore has called upon Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) to close down the state immediately, further endangering the economic lives of her citizens, despite widespread economic damage from the state’s earlier round of lockdowns.

Speaking on an emergency episode of his podcast “Rumble,” Moore said that the rising number of COVID cases in the state has created a “tragedy” that he called upon Whitmer to correct. According to Moore, Whitmer has been crippled by fear from the many violent threats she has received.

“I hate to say this, because I voted for her for governor, but she has been scared by people who seek to do violence to her, who bullied her,” Moore said. “The business community — the Chamber of Commerce — who have insisted that she reopen everything and this has brought a tragedy upon this upon the state, and so I need everybody’s help in pressuring … Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, to close things down.”

Moore insisted that Whitmer should ignore the cries of the business community, recommending that they apply for government help to keep themselves afloat. He also highlighted that Whitmer comes from a business background and is not anti-business.


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3 years ago

Where does he live ? Let’s keep doing the same thing over and over again. Obviously not working but the Dems are so incredibly stupid that they can’t think of anything new.

3 years ago
Reply to  CAK

The definition of insanity is “Doing the same thing over and over the same way and expecting a different outcome” That goes for the governor and Michelle The mooch .

Buck Fiden
Buck Fiden
3 years ago
Reply to  CAK

He said above here that he voted for her. This would normally mean he lives there. Does fat boy live in Michigan? I seriously doubt that. Another out of state illegal voter.

3 years ago

Micheal Moore is a has been who need to shut his fat worthless trap. Lock up whitmore & Moore!

3 years ago
Reply to  Bill


3 years ago
Reply to  Bill

“Porquelus has been beating his gums for way too long; obviously he’s very unhappy living in this country, so we should ship him to Red China and NOT allow him to come back.

Buck Fiden
Buck Fiden
3 years ago
Reply to  madmemere

He”d end up in the wet market!

Craig Murphy
Craig Murphy
3 years ago

The people of Michigan will disregard the law, en masse.

c b
c b
3 years ago
Reply to  Craig Murphy

Looking at the RIOTS, they already do not observe the law

3 years ago

Michael Moore can go straight to h-ll

F F Tramutola Jr.
F F Tramutola Jr.
3 years ago


3 years ago

He makes his cartoon emoticon look slim and slender. Where is his double chin? He needs to STFU.

Terry Roberts
Terry Roberts
3 years ago

What a douche!

3 years ago

Why does anyone give a shit what this communist loving idiot says

Harry Palmer II
Harry Palmer II
3 years ago

Perhaps Moore should ask the state of Michigan to confiscate all of his wealth,too. The state could redistribute his money amongst the business owners who have been hurt by the lockdowns. Seems fair to me.

3 years ago

Someone needs to tell this bufoon that obesity plays a dangerous role in the side effects of Covid. Not lockdowns. Professing himself to be wise he is a fool.

Mark Brickey
Mark Brickey
3 years ago

This guy has been one of the biggest fools of the last 3-4 decades, what with his “predictions” on Global warming, climate change, population, etc. You can see simply from his lifestyle that he definitely does NOT believe anything he “preaches” to us supposedly minions. look at his waist, look at his daily menu/food intake/types of food, look at where he lives, how he travels and on and on and on.
I am flat-out tired of whiny babies who try to pass on their pet issues to everyone but themselves. But, with MSM in tow, the Moores of the world are having a field day playing piggies (yes, a reference to Animal Farm…).

3 years ago

Moore needs to be shut down!

Slick willy sucks as does his wife
Slick willy sucks as does his wife
3 years ago

It is a virus, everyone will or has been exposed. Suck it up morbidly obese

3 years ago

Not even a Virus that is any different to any other? Scientists in California did tests on the so called positive tests. All negative just flu bacteria from before ! And they shut a State down for nothing! Masks however, are damaging lungs and throats Cancer of the throat and Bacterial Lung infections come from prolonged use of masks. Paper masks made in China contain Morgellons Tiny black worms only visible under a Microscope that went attracted to warmth and moisture start moving and they go into your brain You can do a test yourself, put it over a steamed kettle for a few minutes then get a magnifying glass

Original Anna
Original Anna
3 years ago

Moore lives in a million or more dollar house made off of a fake Vietnam movie where he made it look like American soldiers where killing so many poor North Vietnamese commies and piling their naked bodies in a pile the size of a mountain. He didn’t mention the American soldiers killed by bombs attached to South Vietnamese kids who were told to go get candy from the Americans by the North Vietnames soldiers. He didn’t put that in his “facts” Vietname War movie. My Brothers were not killing anybody in any numbers to build mountain piles of bodies. They killed or tried to in the forests Vietnam had only when they were shot at if they could find who was shooting at them in the Vietnam forests. The North Vietnamese were hiding in villages and the villagers kept it quiet as Americans approached due to fear they would be killed for warning the Americans. After the Americans were killed the villagers were killed so they couldn’t warn other villagers about the N.Vietnamese techniques. Moore didn’t put that in either. Moore is a communist who hates America but hasn’t hesitated to make millions off of his movies to promote his anti American ideology.

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

I wish some one would shut down Michael Moore by shoving his head up his fat ass where he can’t talk and we don’t have to look at his ugly fat face. He is about as important a TURD in a SPETIC TANK. No one cares and won’t go looking for it.

James Wood
James Wood
3 years ago

Mike Moore keep pushing someone will punch your ticket some day — you can’t push people and not expect to get a bloody nose – Mike Moore is a LOSER and Witmer is a criminal so the two of you are a match made in hell

Fran Heyob
Fran Heyob
3 years ago

Who does this big fatso think he is.

3 years ago

Go ahead gov. Witless that should ensure that the people of Michigan finally wake up and soundly defeat you at the ballot box.

3 years ago

Some fine Michigander quadrupole mask that demonic pig!

3 years ago

Hopefully this is all Optics to wake the braindead up? Im pretty sure Moore was on the list of those Gitmo’d because of Pedo island? Whitmer is up for treason? Also saw her name on a list? (Treason with Dominion Voting machines)

3 years ago

Of course the man (?) who is clueless, yet again makes ANOTHER STIPID REMARK…..no one cares about his opinion

3 years ago

It makes me ill when I think of how this guy could use his fame for good, yet all he does is bad.
Witchmer? Look for victimsofwhitmer – She needs to go.
I think Detroit should be moved to become part of Canada.
I live in Michigan…. I have always said, we have too many @$$wholes in this world. Moore and witchmer are two of them.

3 years ago

Why would the governor give a damn what that Hollyweirdo thinks about anything? Does Moore really believe anyone cares what he thinks, so he can “call on” anyone he wants but no one is listening.

Linda Morgan
Linda Morgan
3 years ago

Michael Moore is in over inflated Hollywood film maker with an even more inflated ego. He knows nothing of this country other than his little hole he pops out of now and again. He is a disgusting individual and I wish he would just go away. Maybe go live in North Korea. Perhaps that would be a big eye opener for him.

3 years ago

Nonsense! Follow the winning results of Gov. Ron DeSantis! There’s no need to let COVID destroy Michigan! Vote the tyrant Whitmer out! Vote out all democrats!

3 years ago

The only thing Mickey Moron’s brain ,and mouth are good for is shoving a fork in into them which he is very talented in doing at the moment !

3 years ago

He is grotesquely obese and therefor a prime candidate for Corona-19.

Zues Papadopoulos
Zues Papadopoulos
3 years ago

Every time he and Whitmer open their mouths, they weaken the nation. If either of them do not understand me, then I would gladly say it to them, face to face. Twits.

Michael Duffy
Michael Duffy
3 years ago

The fat bastard needs to be taught a lesson about how people will FIGHT to ensure their freedom.


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