Martin Shkreli Auctions Off the Chance to Punch Him in The Face

Martin Shkreli Auctions Off the Chance to Punch Him in The Face | American Update

Martin Shkreli Auctions Off the Chance to Punch Him in The Face

Martin Shkreli Auctions Off the Chance to Punch Him in The Face

“Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli, sometimes called “The Most Hated Man in America” for raising the price of life-saving AIDS drug Daraprim by over 5,000%, is auctioning off an opportunity for someone to punch or slap him in the face.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, and Shkreli’s personal Twitter account, the two highest offers to knock him square in his mug so far are for $78,000 and $25,000.

Shrkeli is offering himself for serious injury to the highest bidder in order to raise money for Mike Kulich‘s 5-year-old son Tyler, who recently overcame leukemia. Kulich, 29, was a personal friend of Shrekli’s and an an “adult industry veteran” who passed away in his sleep last week.

Shkreli made the announcement over his Twitter account on Monday.


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