Brett Favre Finds it ‘Hard to Believe’ Chauvin Killed Floyd on Purpose

Wikimedia Commons, By Paul Cutler

NFL legend Brett Favre doesn’t think convicted murderer Derek Chauvin “intentionally meant to kill George Floyd.” 

After former Minneapolis cop, Chauvin was found guilty of all three murder charges stemming from George Floyd’s May 2020 death, the football icon took to his podcast “Bolling With Favre” to discuss the verdict.

“I find it hard to believe — and I’m not defending Derek Chauvin in any way — I find it hard to believe, first of all, that he intentionally meant to kill George Floyd,” Favre said 

Though he did not support Chauvin’s aggressive handling of Floyd. “That being said, his actions were uncalled for. I don’t care what color the person is on the street. You do not … I don’t know what led to that video that we saw where his knee is on his neck, but the man had thrown in the towel,” he remarked.  “It was just uncalled for.”

Floyd’s younger brother, Philonise, believes the criticism against the Las Vegas Raiders is uncalled for as well. After the verdict came in, the official Raiders Twitter account posted, “I CAN BREATHE 4-20-21.” 

The tweet was widely panned, with internet critics calling for the post to be removed. Team owner Mark Davis refused to take down the tweet, saying that it was his idea and the wording came from Philonise’s comment after the conviction was announced: “Today, we are able to breathe again.”

Davis clearly has the support of the younger Floyd, who released a statement to address the critical backlash against the tweet.  

“On behalf of our family, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the Las Vegas Raiders organization and its leadership for their support of our family and for our nation’s ongoing pursuit of justice and equality for all,” Philonise Floyd commented.

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Fay Butler
3 years ago

In my humble opinion, if Floyd really couldn’t breathe, he could not had yelled, “I cannot breathe”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fay Butler

He died, so we know he is letting the police know he is in physical distress and was finding it hard to breathe. The callousness of the officer’s actions did much to help escalate race wars that Obama and the globalists are counting on to drive this world into their NWO. Life is precious and from what I can tell, the victim was not threatening anyone’s life, yet alone the police officers. The officer will have to accept the consequences of his unfairly and cruelly taking a life. I also doubt he meant to kill him, but he did and it wasn’t a split second timing situation either. Now, about the teenage girl intending to stab someone in front of police and getting killed, I am sorry she allowed herself to get so out of control, she had to pay with her life. But, the officer had a job to do. I just don’t understand why a taser couldn’t have been used or her shot in the shoulder on the side she was holding the knife. Tasers should be utilized more in many of these instances.

3 years ago
Reply to  Junie

And YOU were there witnessing the WHOLE scene which is WHY you can tell RIGHT????????????…What a bunch of BS.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fay Butler

I was a wrestling referee, kids tournaments, Jr HS, and Sr HS and tournaments for them, for 7 years. We had to take a written exam each year, and a clinic every two years. At my first clinic I asked the head referee, that was a referee at the state HS tournament some 20+ years, “what do you do when a kid is getting pinned and says: ‘I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe!’ ?. He said it is a judgment call. The kid may just be trying to get out of being pinned. If the said “I can’t breathe” more than 3 times in a row then he was breathing. Try that yourself.I believe it was said Floyd said that some 8 times.

Retired Marine
Retired Marine
3 years ago
Reply to  Fay Butler

You’re using common sense. That will disturb the libtards.

3 years ago

Anyone who idolized da bron is a turd

3 years ago

now no one charged or said Chauvin intended to murder Floyd, if so then there would have been a 1st degree murder instead of the 2nd Degree which is Depraved indifference, meaning you did not care if the person died and that was proven beyond any reasonable doubt, when Chauvin kept his knee and body weight on Floyd for over 2 minutes after being told Floyd had no pulse.

Retired Marine
Retired Marine
3 years ago
Reply to  Robert6391


3 years ago

The jury sacrificed Chauvin to the mob to protect themselves, their families and their city from violent riots, looting and arson, which was promised if the mob did not like the verdict. It’s as simple as that. If they had done their job, they would have found him guilty of negligent homicide. Murder carries intent to kill. Chauvin didn’t exhibit intent, he exhibited negligence.

3 years ago
Reply to  Koby

It doesn’t matter what he was convicted of because when he enters the prison system he is as good as dead. As an ex-prosecutor I find Koby’s comments right on point.
I’ve dealt with over zealous law enforcement personnel who, in performance of their duties, seriously injured or killed suspects during an arrest . Usually when that occurs, the officer in question has a prior history of such actions. I don’t recall reading anywhere that Chauvin had any prior complaints on his record for brutality. I’m pretty certain had they existed the media would have made sure everyone was aware of that history.
As a prosecutor you tend to look at the prior history of the officer in making a filing decision, all things being equal. The problem is, in this situation, all things were not equal. Mob mentality dictated much of the actions taken in this matter. However, unless his appellate lawyers can demonstrate that it had an effect on the jury he stands little chance of relief.
Given what I’ve seen from the State of Minnesota there tends to be a pretty liberal bias in its politicians. This probably carries over to who is appointed to its appellate court appointments. I don’t think Chauvin has much chance of appellate relief.

Dolores Linthurst
Dolores Linthurst
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I heard the officer was reprimanded 18 times during his 18 years as an officer for verbal abuse. No reports of physical abuse at all.

Retired Marine
Retired Marine
3 years ago

You obviously listen only with your left ear.

Douglas McDonald
Douglas McDonald
3 years ago


3 years ago

George Floyd was a career criminal. He resisted arrest and acted like the coward he was crying out for his mama! This after he held a knife to a pregnant woman while robbing her during a previous crime. Passing a $20 fake bill was just the one little thing that got him caught. He was a stupid druggie jerk and look how many lives he’s ruined and BLM has raised Floyd to the status of a saint. Yeah, he’s a saint alright living at the right hand of Satan and will burn in hell forever. Now a police officer may spend his life in jail for a rotten piece of human flesh that should be rotting in jail for his crimes to humanity! AND 27 million $ to his family? Where’s the money for the businesses that were ruined over all this from the riots BLM caused. Black Lives DO Matter! Riots don’t help anyone! BLM will go down in history as the worst; an organization that feeds on rioting, looting and murders. The leaders steal from those who give to BLM and use it to better themselves like a 1.4 million $ home in a “white upscale” neighborhood and then purchased a few more properties for personal benefit. I have worked my whole life with people of color, love them because they worked hard like me to better themselves. You won’t find those same people rioting, looting and murdering….NEVER! Chauvin was doing his job, he had no criminal intent to kill Floyd, Chauvin needs to be freed!

Dolores Linthurst
Dolores Linthurst
3 years ago
Reply to  kathi

I agree with you Kathi! Well said!

3 years ago
Reply to  kathi

No man you are disrespectful and wrong

3 years ago
Reply to  kathi

Well said kathi, I only hope there are more people like you brave and smart enough to see the truth and say it.

3 years ago

Three different charges of murder. You can only kill someone once. That was a bit of overkill. It will be overturned on appeal, on that you can take book. Probably be a retrial in a different location.

Michael Sanders
Michael Sanders
3 years ago
Reply to  Rich

Dont count on over thrown verdict.They needed a sacrifice…And they got it.
Sad day when a career criminal is made into a hero.
And statuesof Real Hero’s are being forced to be taken down

Dolores Linthurst
Dolores Linthurst
3 years ago
Reply to  Rich

Just heard recently they are looking into jury intimidation. If this has happened several lawyers I heard said his whole trial may be overturned! All lives maater, but BLM does not!

3 years ago
Reply to  Rich

Wrong that won’t happen

3 years ago

I do not believe that ANYBODY in their right mind would believe that Chauvin did it on purpose, so YES I agree with Brett Favre

3 years ago
Reply to  Ulla

It definitely meant to kill any anybody that can’t see that must have their beer goggles on

Robert Smith
Robert Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Is there a google translate for horrible English, or in your case ebonics?

Elizabeth Estrada aka CHIAKIA

LISTEN UP…GOD Says GEORGE FLOYD Died of ACCIDENTAL SUICIDE. HE took Xtra PILLSto go to the HOSPITAL not JAIL. HIS PLAN Backfired. HE knew HE was DYING and wanted to take DOWN the COPS with HIM. The KNEE was NEVER on the WINDPIPE. NO BRUISING on the NECK or WINDPIPE. N OONE outranks GOD. I Believe GOD. From SamuraiQueen…GOD’S ADOPTED DAUGHTER…Forever. 😄😄😄

3 years ago

Lol and I guess you spoke to God if so he would have told you how displeased he is in all of us

3 years ago

I think the reason Chavuin was charged with all 3 claims was they were all afraid of the mob that would attack them. What Mad Max did made matters worse, because she incited more violence. I really think the whole thing will get kicked out but it will take some time, not that Chavuin will ever be a cop again, because they will probably have to move and change their name.

3 years ago

Philonise??? Huh what is that????

Robert Smith
Robert Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  uuuuu

That is like many other black names, that were named by their uneducated mammy’s that can’t spell! I am surprised they spelled George correct!

3 years ago

Let’s start here…. The officer had no idea George Floyd had that much Fentanyl in his system. If he did, he likely would have called for paramedics as soon as he was in custody. Apparently there are a lot of people who think they are Fentanyl experts or think Mr. Floyd was an upstanding citizen. Unfortunately, Mr. Floyd made some very poor decisions and those helped put him in the situation he was in,

I was not there and did not watch the video all that much, but it did not appear to me that the officer was putting a great deal of pressure on Mr. Floyd, just enough to keep him down…Prevent spitting, biting, rolling over, getting up, etc.. I believe the charges were too extreme, but were “necessary” to prevent the violence that would have come from lower charges. And, we all can figure out, the jury had the easiest decision to make – find him guilty of all charges and live, or find him not guilty of any and have the rioters attack them and their families….and with no protection other than their own…

The whole situation is more than sad. But it fits with what The Bible predicts. Have you read it? Are you ready to meet The Creator? Some day, you will meet Him… be ready today!

3 years ago

There was a history between the two men, animosity, Floyd was taunting the cop in their personal times together, Floyd was far from a decent human being! This trial was not a fair trial, although I did not like what I saw on the tape, I feel as though the officers could have done things differently, the coroners report should be a strong point, if the officers were following protocol, and Floyd died from the drugs in his system, the O. J. Simpson jury of peers stole another one! It’s a sad situation either way, but the powers that be are actually part of the problem and everyone knows that Obama is a piece of shit, as is his Administration, and his Communist Chicago anarchists, Soros, the entire shebangabang!

Robert Smith
Robert Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Segway much? wtf does Obumble have to do with Floyd? If Floyd and Chauvin knew each other, it was due to Floyd being constantly interacting with law enforcement. They bounced together ONCE, that doesn’t make them pals. Chauvin held Floyd down, because they knew he was on something, and for EVERYONES safety he was confined until paramedics came.

3 years ago

The niggers in America have a good thing going for them, the 1970 Communist Anarchist and domestic terrorists! Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, Eric Holder, Obama, Kerry, Clinton, and they have a dual citizen Hungarians billionaire drug trafficker George Soros!

3 years ago

I think manslaughter was a more appropriate charge. Although I remain neutral here, I can’t understand why THREE murder charges were brought against Chauvin.

Ursus Logicus
Ursus Logicus
3 years ago

There must be some school in our colleges and universities, which constitutes the Department of Racial Demogoguery, and which teaches Black thugs the words to say in hopes of (1) Avoiding arrest, (2) Temporarily disarming or diluting arresting officers’ efficiency in gaining control over one who is viciously resisting arrest or seeking to elude, and/or (3) gaining the sympathy of bystanders and Democrat Media.

Because nearly ALL of them say it and similar absurdities when caught doing criminal stuff. And those are the ones who are not otherwise engaged in trying to kill the arresting officer.

Incidences of White Caucasian officers shooting Negroid offenders are small in comparison to Caucasoid and Negroid officers shooting White Caucasoid suspects. And, the percentange of incidences reveal and even greater discrepency. The entire assumption of the converse is statistically, demonstrably, absurd and a lie…exemplified by the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” narrative which arose after the justified shooting of the “Gentle Giant,” Micheal (the Teenaged Felon and Bully) Brown.

The domestic enemy of this nation is not “privileged” Whites, or “out of control” Blacks, or “dirty” Mexicans. The enemy of this nation is the Anti-Christ, Anti-American, Democrat Media…and their allies in Big Tech. With domestic enemies like those, who needs China?