Conservative Actress Gina Carano Blasts Former Democrat Senator for Disgusting Smear

By Senate Democrats - MC0_6968, CC BY 2.0,

Conservative actress Gina Carano is blasting back after being smeared by former Democrat Senator Heidi Heitkamp, who referred to her as a ‘Nazi’ who ‘hangs with white supremacists.’

As The Daily Wire reports:

Heitkamp, who lost her Senate seat to Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) in 2018, was met with pushback even from liberal HBO host Bill Maher for such an accusation.

“Who was the woman in ‘The Mandalorian’? What did she do? She liked something?” Maher asked.

“Here we have more of the dehumanizing phase of cancel culture,” Carano tweeted in response to Heitkamp’s attack.

“Repeat lies over and over until the population takes them as ‘truth,” she continued. “False, disturbing & disgusting language coming from a former US Senator.”

Of course, there is absolutely no evidence of any of Heitkamp’s claims being true. Should Carano punch back by launching a defamation suit against her accuser? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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3 years ago

someone needs to be held accountable… while the left removes our freedom of speech, they abuse it and us.

3 years ago
Reply to  BrewDubbs

Personally, I’d favor legalizing duels. With Democommies being cowards …..

Tom Brown
Tom Brown
3 years ago
Reply to  Rivahmitch

How about a cage match?

3 years ago
Reply to  Rivahmitch

You notice no one ever calls her out in person? Probably not smart to rile an MMA fighter.

3 years ago
Reply to  BrewDubbs

Well, with a name like “Heitkamp”, she probably knows a thing, or two about nazis; irregardless, she is simply “projecting” – -that’s what liberal democommies do.

Charles Ace Pilkinton
Charles Ace Pilkinton
3 years ago

You damn right she should – none of he socialist democrats have been held accountable for repeated lying to us. If some have to pay, then maybe the lying will slow down; however, I do not expect it to stop.

Kjersti Harter
Kjersti Harter
3 years ago

WOW, I don’t even know where to begin.

3 years ago

Absolutely. That’s how you hurt those pieces of trash like the x us senator.

Anti communism
Anti communism
3 years ago

It’s always ironic that a person that is exactly what they want to brand others as being is actually what they espouse others to be. The authoritarian ways of the democratic party is closer to the third reich than any conservative would ever be.

3 years ago

that is the way it is REPEAT A LIE OFTEN ENOUGH AND PEOPLE believe it and never question it. Unfortunately it has been effective

3 years ago

Carano should sue the h*ll out of that fat pig Heitkamp. She would definitely win. Until conservatives start growing a pair and slapping these libs down, the libs will continue to do this.

timothy meidinger
timothy meidinger
3 years ago

I’m from North Dakota and Heidi is a bitch. She intentionally lied about and exposed abused women survivors without their permission, for political gain. She obviously doesn’t give a crap about anyone except her self. A truly strong self empowered woman like Carano is the bane of Heidi’s existence. Heidi needs weak self doubting so called helpless people to justify her position. Without them she serves no purpose. Strong women terrify her.

3 years ago

Sue! sounds like sour grapes but worthy of a defamation suit!

3 years ago

Sue her pants offM

3 years ago

“Anti communism” has it right! The left is ALWAYS what they accuse Republicans and Conservatives of! They always spin a 180 on just about everything puking out of their lying pie holes! True Republicans (RINO’s excluded) and Conservatives are Constitutionalist, trying to abide by the laws of our once sacred America. The leftist socialist/communist democrats, feel our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, are shabby old documents of irrelevant rubbish written by a bunch of old white dudes. Joe Biden and his socialists are hell bent on destroying this country, first through the “Great Reset”, which is simply phase one in their goal of creating a new “One World Order”, whom they think they will be rulers of. China’s Xi Jinping has other ideas however! China’s out in the open goal is to become THE “World’s Super Power” by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CCP by Chairman Mao, in 1949. The “useful idiots” of the so called “American(?)” left will simply be “disappeared”! The CCP is very efficient at that scenario! So Hietcamp, suck wind, you worthless treasonous POS bitch!

3 years ago

Heidi Heitkamp, that is a German name. So I guess you are the “NAZI”. I am of German descent. You offend me. How did you get to the Senate with a mouth like that? Oh, that’s right, if your a Democrat you get a pass to LIE, CHEAT and STEAL. You are what’s wrong with this country. Someday we’re coming for YOU!

3 years ago
Reply to  George

So true

Ronnie Sherwood
Ronnie Sherwood
3 years ago

Absolutely! The longer these people are allowed to get away with this sort of thing, the worse it will get!

Ingrid Forsberg
Ingrid Forsberg
3 years ago

YES! A defamation suit. Why? To help others think twice & deciding not to do the same kind of thing. Do you want someone to spread lies about you?

3 years ago

Sue her, this garbage needs to stop!

3 years ago

Yes, if more people sue these people, they would stop spreading lies, but then again all Democrats lie about everything. Just evil people.

3 years ago

The Evil way Heitkamp is talking about someone she has probably never met is why she lost her job in Congress. I think it would be a great idea to stand up to her with a law suit.

Richard Manfredi
3 years ago

Every one is a NAZI to liberals these days. Actually , Germany won WW2 , and forgot to tell us. Here are some LIBERAL NAZI examples: My NAZI wife did not lay out my cloths, so I was running late. I ordered a donut and coffee black . The NAZI waitress brought me a cream cheese bagel , and brown coffee . To make up time I was speeding. The NAZI cop made me wait, and gave me a NAZI ticket for speeding . I got to work a half hour late, and my NAZI boss docked my pay. YES NAZIS EVERYWHERE.
Get over it ; there are other well founded points of view besides yours . It wont kill you to listen to them.

Tam O'Shanter
Tam O'Shanter
3 years ago

A name like Heidi Heitkamp and she accuses Ms Carano of being a nazi? Just like the left–accusing an innocent person of being what they themselves are.

C. Wyatt Hertz
C. Wyatt Hertz
3 years ago

Gina should take Heidi Hoe to court. The more it costs those who insist on defaming people who disagree with them politically, the sooner this crap is gonna stop.

3 years ago

Sue the bitch . Could the dembots please keep their racist thoughts and opinions to themselves. I’m sick of hearing dem politicians and Hollywood idiots that have no idea what they’re talking about slam others. Shut up dembot!

1 year ago

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