Hillary Clinton Slams Conspiracy Theory that Claims She Drinks Blood in new Borat Film

Flickr, by Gage Skidmore

Hillary Clinton finally address rumors that she and her political allies regularly drink the blood of children in a new ‘Borat’ film.

As the New York Post reports:

One such bonus scene includes Jim and Jerry, a pair of passionate conspiracy theorists who play a prominent role in “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm.” As hardcore QAnon supporters, one theory they espouse implicates Bill and Hillary Clinton, among other powerful public figures, as modern-day vampires.

“The Clintons are very evil,” Jim and Jerry told Cohen, disguised as Borat, who quarantined in real life with the ostensibly heterosexual life partners during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic

Cohen then played a recording of the discussion of the conspiracy theory to former failed Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who then responded:

“Hello, Jim and Jerry. This is Hillary Rodham Clinton, and I know you’ve heard a few things about me that you might believe,” she began.

“I know that you’re not alone,” she continued, with a nod to the QAnon proponents who subscribe to Jim and Jerry’s claims. “It’s hurtful, I’ll be really honest with you. It’s hurtful, not just to me and my family but to my friends and other people who know this is not just false but sometimes painfully false. So just as one American to another, I hope we can start trying to find common ground again and overcome all those forces that are trying to divide us and put us into little boxes apart from each other. Wouldn’t it be great to kind of come together instead of drift apart? I hope that’s possible. Thank you.”


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Robert the Bruce
Robert the Bruce
3 years ago

Pregnant mother’s spontaneously abort when they see Hillary Clinton. The fear of having a child that in any way remotely resembles her is repugnant to them.

3 years ago

That hillary is a alcoholic, a sex predator collaborator, a pedophile lawyer, a liar, a embezzler, a 2 times presidential loser, a racist, a troll, a diviser, drinking blood seems to be the least damaging…

lionel s ducote
lionel s ducote
3 years ago

Naw, She drank it, prior and after.

3 years ago

She should complain she doesn’t drink blood she takes her bath in it

Lawrence Mitchell
Lawrence Mitchell
3 years ago

I don’t believe that she drinks the blood of children.
Wine and lots and lots of it.

3 years ago

She probably drinks blood in her Bloody Mary! That is why she is such a vampire!

3 years ago

She wants us to all come together! Ha ha ha. Remember she gave us the deplorable label.

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago
Reply to  Clergylafy

We should all come together for the hanging of all of them. I’ll bring the rope!

3 years ago

You bring the rope, but *I* get to drop the trap!

Mike W
Mike W
3 years ago

Clinton Breaks Silence on Shocking Rumors” Is Breaking Silence now the politically correct term for LYING? There have long been reports about the aborted babies from Planned Parenthood being used for Satanic Worship. Planned parenthood contributed $1.000,000 to the Bitch of Benghazi’s campaign. That money came from contributions – misappropriated funds or an investment? The Hildebeast former campaign manager and trusted advisor – John Podesta has been exposed as a Devil Worshipper. Like ALL of the perverts and pedophiles the Clintons are associated with – If you hang around with horse thieves long enough and people are going to think you are a horse thief too.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mike W
SP Raymond, Ca
SP Raymond, Ca
3 years ago

I wouldn’t doubt it since she is a Freemason. All their ‘levels’ are just for weeding out the weak and sorting out the ones they really want to work with. Only then are they introduced to the true religion of Freemasonry, which is Satanism. Look it up and see the truth from a former member, with documentation, for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZ4NTdSK5ac

3 years ago
Reply to  SP Raymond, Ca

My WWII D-Day veteran Grandfather was a Freemason, and he was nothin but tough, intelligent, very hard working, and damn near fearless…he, like me and EVERY HUMAN ON THIS PLANET WHO HAS AN IQ ABOVE 70 was an atheist…he wasn’t “satanic” mainly because there is NO SUCH THING AS “satan”…if I were to hear you, or any other religious whackjob piece of s**t (which is exactly what you are) say somethin like that abour my Grandfather, or about me, I’d twist you into a pretzel and force feed you that book of fables and lies you call your bible…and you’d eat that entire worthless piece of fiction I gaurantee….you punk…

Clifton Brewer
Clifton Brewer
3 years ago
Reply to  LiberalsSuck

I’ll give your grandfather credit for being tough as nails. You on the other hand sound as tough as a wet noodle. Enjoy your free life that all of us served to make sure happened soy boy.

Peg M.
Peg M.
3 years ago

Yeah, I believe ya, but what about regular flights to California to worship at a satanic church. Who can’t this washed up bitch keep her stupid mouth shut. She has a lot more spainin to do than that. she is a power hungry liar that can’t stop wanting to be in the public eye. In her mind she still thinks that people care about hearing more lies. Her own husband stated that she has slept with more women that he has

3 years ago

4 words, Benghazi ,Haiti, Clinton foundation. nuff said.

Tom Dursee
Tom Dursee
3 years ago
Reply to  Terry

Jail her!!!

3 years ago

She knows she’s a loser, no matter how you cut it!

3 years ago

Why do they bother to continue to give this Loser POS a platform to spew her venom to anyone that will listen??!!??
Please, PLEASE, let it just fade away into dust, never to be heard from again!!!

Thomas Bodine
Thomas Bodine
3 years ago

If she drank urine it would be denigrating to the donors bladder.👿

Bob - Houston
Bob - Houston
3 years ago

Oh yeah, she’s guilty! What a flimsy and pathetic rebuttal. Vague and hollow. What about the ‘face covering’ she tried on? I’ve heard about that from multiple, totally unconnected people, just in the last week. Why do you think the left is so adamant about all of this being a conspiracy theory? Instead of just brushing it off as complete nonsense? That right there tells you all you need to know.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

Can someone please tell me when she and her ilk are jailed. Otherwise I could care less.

3 years ago

AMEN, lotta people that crossed the CLINTON’S are no longer with-us.
Makes you wonder, doesn’t it !!

Tom Dursee
Tom Dursee
3 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I don’t wonder! The Clintons hired crooks to kill those people so they would not go to JAIL!! There is some time left so we can PRAY for them to suffer in Jail, AMEN!!

roy le
roy le
3 years ago

i believe she is in gizmo going thru a military tribunal but media is very quiet about it!!

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

DON’T CARE! PLEASE disappear and take Bill, Obummer, Commies Joe, and yourself to the nest cesspool and jump in. Please enjoy a TURD and no limit. Another BS statement for another flash in the pan media story. GO AWAY.

3 years ago

I didn’t think much of these rumors until now. This is a woman who wouldn’t be denying it if it weren’t true.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

scuse me Hill, you’ve got a little red stuff dripping on your chin

Carolyn Mayzik
Carolyn Mayzik
3 years ago

Current information is that Hillary Clinton was executed by hanging on May 26, 2021 for her many crimes. The military tribunal lasted 3 days with Clinton saying nothing as evidence was presented. She was tried for Crimes against Humanity and Treason. Some of this is based on the fact that she is SATANIST and has participated in child sacrifice to Moloch which includes the killing of children, the younger the better. The body double, clone or hologram that is Hillary Clinton is there for end game that is rapidly approaching.

Alex Robinson
3 years ago

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