Jussie Smollett Forced to Return to Court in Chicago

Wikimedia Commons, By Sister Circle Live

The notorious hate-crime hoaxer Jussie Smollett was once again forced to appear in court in relation to new charges accusing him of lying to the police.

As The New York Post reports:

Former “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett returned to court in Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, on renewed charges that he lied to Chicago police about an alleged racist and homophobic attack Smollett said happened outside of his apartment back in January of 2019.

Smollett assailed the process on his way into a Chicago courtroom, maintaining his innocence and calling the morning’s proceedings — where a judge will hear arguments over a potential conflict of interest with Smollett’s attorney — a “dog and pony show.”

“Smollett told Fox News that he is innocent while entering the court, referring to the proceedings he was about to participate in as a ‘dog and pony show,’” the network reported on Wednesday.

Smollett is facing six counts of “felony misconduct” for allegedly lying to Chicago police in two interviews conducted after Smollett reported being the victim of a racist and homophobic early morning attack outside of his Chicago apartment in the city’s tony Streeterville neighborhood.

Will Smollett finally be forced to face justice for his crimes?


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Allen Brown
Allen Brown
3 years ago

He’s going to make wonderful “girlfriend” for someone in prison…Karma’s not the only bitch in this story. Pucker up buttercup!

Cathy L King
Cathy L King
3 years ago

Let’s hope so needs to pay for his crime and so does Kim fox

3 years ago

We need to quit spending time and money on this worthless human . They have the evidence, convene the jury, hold the trial and if convicted send him to jail, but quit wasting our time and money on this low life.

3 years ago
Reply to  Falcon

Falcon –

Your attitude is correct. Except the solution should be applied to the entire Democrat Party, which is no more rational or truthful than Smollett. And, as a matter of fact, which one can observe over the last two to four years, the Democrat Party is responsible for trash like Smollett appearing all across the American society.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jamey

jamey…you are so spot on that you could have taken similar words right out of my mouth. Teach the moron not to waste peoples’ time and money…..

3 years ago

Black hate crimes are just as bad as whites committing hate crimes against blacks. Yes, he should definitely see some jail time.

3 years ago

Michelle Obama needs to stay out of swaying judges and courts.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lois

Bathhouse Barrys manbride will never stop trying to get back into politics. Just saw an email that asks would you vote for Michelle Obama if she/he ran for Prez or would you vote for Barack for a third term, Two of the most rediculous questions ever conceived on the web. I’m sure there are more moronic ones but I haven’t seen them of late. Come on America,is this all there is,? Whether Jussie Smollett is a low life or not, or Bathhouse Barry and Michael deserve to stink up the peoples house for another term? How about our border crisis, Military being corrupted, our children and grand childrens, futures being mortgaged by the Democrats and that absolute senile moron in the Whitehouse, Hope you have something more substantial than those worthless topics.

3 years ago
Reply to  Lois

has Big Mike struck again?

3 years ago

Chitcago needs tore down and rebuilt for Patriots not wennie washers

Jane Stacy
3 years ago

fry him

3 years ago

This is sadly the new America we’re facing, JS stages the fake event and then when Chicago demands to be repaid for the wasted man hours to find out this was all bs he calls it a ‘dog and pony show’ ..without an ounce of shame for what he’s responsible for creating…let that sink in.

3 years ago

No, there will be no justice. He is a black homosexual and therefore not guilty. You witey’s need to learn that, and get used to it

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

If Democrats stay in control of government, Smollett could wind up being president some day.

3 years ago

Ha, why should we think he will be held responsible for his actions? I was gifted with never getting away with anything, made me walk the straight and narrow! Yes it’s a gift to have a conscience!

3 years ago

I hope he suffers in some way from his own selfishness and stupidity…..

Richard Wood
Richard Wood
3 years ago

Probably not. Is he a lying neo liberal ? Does a bear shit in the woods ? Is it one law for these scum and persecute the rest ?? There is your answer.

1 year ago

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