Monday Update: Josh Duggar Can’t Go Home, Alyssa Milano Mocked, Does Britney Spears Have Dementia?

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Duggar Legal Drama

After pleading not guilty to possessing child pornography, Josh Duggar won’t be able to go home if he makes bail. Due to the nature of the crime, he’s accused of, the US Attorney said if he is released on bond, Duggar will not be allowed to reside with minor children, even his own. Parents Jim Bob and Michelle are praying for the truth to come to light, “no matter what it is.” Sister and former victim Jessa and her husband also “desire for the truth to be exposed.”


Disturbing Dementia Claims

 According to a new report, Britney Spears’s father Jamie claims dementia is the reason behind the pop star’s 13-year conservatorship. Journalist Mobeen Azhar says court paperwork shows that Jamie’s justification for keeping his 39-year-old daughter from making her own legal, health, and financial decisions “is related to dementia placement or treatment as specified.”


Won’t Get Woke

The Kentucky Derby refused to back down from playing “My Old Kentucky” at the infamous horse race, despite liberal pushback decrying the song as a “pro-slavery” anthem. The beloved song has been played at every Kentucky Derby race since 1921 and has been described as “a condemnation of Kentucky’s enslavers,” by Smithsonian Magazine.



Oscar-winning actress, Olympia Dukakis, of Steel Magnolias and Moonstruck fame, died in New York City at the age of 89. The former star of The Rifleman and original Mouseketeer, Johnny Crawford, died at 75 after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2019. Anne Buydens Douglas, the widow of Spartacus icon Kirk Douglas, died in her Beverly Hills home at 102.  


Charmingly Condescending


Liberal activist and former Charmed star Alyssa Milano got owned on Twitter when a Black woman mocked her woke activism as being condescending to Black men. “I know your heart is in the right place, but you are everything you preach against. You’re not helping. You’re making things worse. You’re causing more division. You’re causing more fear,” said Savannah Edwards. “Statistically speaking, homicide by cop is very rare, but people like you find power in fear so you keep it front-page news.”

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3 years ago

Glad someone decided to put Alyssa in her place!! She is not helping one little bit, she is part of the problem. Stop looking at COLOR and look at the person.

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

The African American community should be telling all these white snowflakes to STFUP! It makes me crazy when I see all these little turds out protesting about stuff they know little or nothing about.
Instead they should all read a history book.

3 years ago

Good for this young woman. Alyssa needs to pay attention and learn something.

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
3 years ago

It’s no secret that Milano is another celebrity dropout FROM HIGH SCHOOL!! It’s also no secret that she hopes someone — anyone — will believe her ridiculous political opinions. Frequently, she takes the issue du jour and plops onto her flash cards a few phrases she reads from a variety of leftist scholars.

Then she uses her oversized megaphone to turn the empty heads of a few sub-millennials away from freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. Perhaps if she’d go back to school, learn a bit of history and dump the arrogance, she might gain a few legitimate listeners. A few might even be conservatives.

3 years ago

Kudos, Ms. Edwards! When people STOP glorifying criminals and START punishing them for their crimes, then not only will black people benefit, ALL people will benefit. PERIOD. So PROVE you care for people and DO WHAT IS RIGHT, LEFTIES.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

That young lady has waaaayyyyy more sense than that that moron Milano .If Milano actually had a brain her IQ would more than likely be MINUS 14…..
What color does she think she is? She is talking that smack to make people think she actually gives a darn about someone besides herself….No chance of that….

3 years ago

Alyssa likes the attention.


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