‘Real Housewives’ Star Claims She Was Fired for Being Conservative

Screenshot via People on YouTube

Kelly Dodd said she’s leaving “The Real Housewives of Orange County” after a five-season run, because she was let go for being politically conservative.

Dodd didn’t shy away from speaking about the reason she was dismissed from the popular Bravo reality series on social media. 

When a fan asked if she was fired for being a bully, Dodd claimed that her antics weren’t the reason, just her politics. “No, because I’m conservative! That’s why I got fired pure and simple,” she wrote in the comments section of an Instagram fan page. 

Dodd took out her rage on fellow castmate Braunwyn Windham-Burke, who is also leaving the show, when she sent her a text about their departure. Dodd shared an alleged screenshot of the conversation.

“I hope you’re okay, I know we’ve been through hell and back, but I’m here,” Windham-Burke wrote.  

“This was your fault. We’d still be on the show if you didn’t make things so dark and ugly and brought all that political “woke” BS,” Dodd snapped back. “Your lies about me, calling me a racist and a homophobe were horribly destructive and your phony storylines didn’t help either.” 

Windham-Burke replied, “Well I’m still sober and still gay, like I said, if you ever want to talk, I’m here.” But Dodd was having none of her concilary remarks and wrote a long post alongside the screenshots.  

“I can’t believe this, Braunwyn has the audacity to text me,” Dodd exclaimed. “She went on a podcast. She said she was fired from the show because we all didn’t like her because she’s gay. Not because she’s a horrible person.”Windham-Burke replied to the jab in an interview. “Only Kelly Dodd would post screenshots of her own texts that make her look wildly immature,” she said. “I guess that’s what being bitter is like, and I tried to empathize with her, as you can see.”

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patricia zabala
patricia zabala
3 years ago

Kelly nothing personal but you’re really not losing anything but money. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but all those ‘Real Housewives’ shows are an embarrassment. Grown women with, it looks like alot of money, act like they are in highschool. And are the cheerleaders/ mean girls club. Backstabbing, clicks, social judgements, does any of this ring a bell? Difference is they are all grown women that like to put all this out to the world to see. And I’m not judging because if I don’t like it then don’t watch it. Other people do like it. Cool. So what u guess I’m trying to say is, you can handle one if two ways. 1…. Apologize for something you didn’t do or did and taken out of contexts, because that’s how America is going, or #2… Say the money was good but not good enough to make me think I did anything wrong except have a different political view point. Which I actually thought that was what America was about? I don’t care what people think, do, say or believe. Their prerogative. Their right. But same respect has to go two ways. I have alot of friends with different political views. And from the beginning I acknowledge their view stated mine and said from this point forward we keep politics and religion out of friendship. We are going to believe what we want, and that’s ok, but it’s not enough to ruin years of friendship on. There are so many other things to talk about. Like how to raise good, decent human beings to just love one another no matter whether we agree or not.

3 years ago

The new season of all the housewives shows have become “woke” adding asian and black members who complain about how white people are racist. They are “faux” offended and “triggered” by the most innocuous comments. The white members apologize for their “white privilege” and vow to “do better.” Next they’ll be washing the feet of these “oppressed” members…disgusting. I hope the entire series gets canceled.

Janice E. Prescott
Janice E. Prescott
3 years ago

Sue their asses off.

Pamela Ellingwood
Pamela Ellingwood
3 years ago

I believe you, Kelly. Of course you were fired for your political leanings. There is no more free speech. There is even no more free thinking. Anyway, good luck. I found you quite refreshing.

Linda Morgan
Linda Morgan
3 years ago

I don’t watch these shows. I could care less. Why air your dirty laundry on tv. Seems to me like they are a bunch of spoiled brats.

3 years ago

I just gotta say – “Reality TV” I never watched the show and don’t have a clue about the people on the show… Just Reality…. some people just can’t get along forever.

irene M charbonneau
irene M charbonneau
3 years ago

Thanks for having the guts to stand up to this irrational thinking of the left!! Kudos to you!!!!

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