REPORT: Prince Harry to Write Tell-All Memoir Attacking his own Family

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According to shocking new reports, Prince is allegedly preparing to further betray the royal family by writing a tell-all memoir about them.

As The New York Post reports:

Get ready for the most explosive book of the decade. Page Six has learned that Prince Harry has been secretly writing a memoir for nearly a year, and that he’s sold it to Penguin Random House.

Insiders tell us that Harry — whose schism with the British royal family has turned the institution on its head and created a cultural storm on both sides of the Atlantic — has been working on the book with power ghostwriter J.R. Moehringer.

Pulitzer winner Moehringer has previously written memoirs for tennis legend Andre Agassi and Nike co-founder Phil Knight, as well as his own autobiography, “The Tender Bar,” which is being made into a movie by George Clooney.

We’re told that a manuscript was due to be turned in in August, but as the lives of Harry and wife Meghan Markle continue to be engulfed in a swirl of drama, the deadline for the sizzling tome has been pushed back until October.

Is HArry the most disgraceful member of the Royal Family of all time? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Dolores Cortlessa
Dolores Cortlessa
3 years ago

Well I guess the first thing that Harry has to protect his his wife he loves her and that’s the main thing and he’s doing everything for love he is hurt by the fact that they have actually demised her and that’s very sad so I can understand where he’s coming from I don’t know whether I would go to that limit but I do understand where he’s coming from Love Is Love no matter what and remember he’s had two children with this beautiful woman and I think she is beautiful I don’t care what color she is black purple white or green I don’t care it’s his wife and he’s taking up for her just like he took up for his mother against his father Charles and Camilla and they worth are so I commend him even though it my demise the royal family a little bit but maybe it’s about time they stepped up to the plate to

3 years ago

but Dolores Charles and Camilla were in love too. If you base treachery, as it is claimed Harry is doing , as a reaction to your love’s hurt feelings, , you demean the love. I think Harry is after the bucks…to pay for the mortgages and life style he and his wife think they’ve ‘earned’. Harry sounds like the dullest knife in the drawer. Led around by the nose. The British love their Monarchy. Harry has set out to destroy it. Just another jab at white humanity. He has self loathing. Why? Probably because he never worked at any job. His grandmother and his mother did their job. And are loved and respected. His brother , with his wife , is doing it now Harry plays fast and loose, and is building a house of cards. It will tumble in around him. Deservedly.

jose and india obafial
jose and india obafial
3 years ago

I think this is very sad.we feel Harry is being motivated by this so called social climber

Doris Lauter
Doris Lauter
3 years ago

Strange. Harry told Oprah that he didn’t know he was trapped and unhappy until Megan told him he was., So now is it Meghan telling him that he hates his family now? Why does he use the title PRince Harry if he is no longer a royal? And Meghan calls herself the dutchess of something or other. They will always attract the gossip columnists but maybe that is all. They are plain Harry and Meghan.

3 years ago
Reply to  Doris Lauter

Rather a sad situation; Prince Harry is simply brainwashed (so easily) by mucky meg; someday, he may wake up and hopefully, it won’t be too late to save his relationship with his own family. Meg appears, to me, to be one of those “destroyers” – -the type of person who manages to exert control over others and destroy them and all they love, in the process. They now have two children, so Harry is, indeed, “trapped’. IMHO, she was able to “cast her spell” because Prince Harry felt the “need” to be loved, as his mother loved him, when she was alive.

Jennifer Ann Mendez
Jennifer Ann Mendez
3 years ago

We Americans tried to warn the Brits but they didn’t listen. Meghan is a skank who only cares about fame and money. She is a demon!!

paw paw
paw paw
3 years ago

I agree with the royals in regards to Harry’s wife. Her own father called her out on her selfish motives. I think it’s very, very wrong of Harry to “air out” the “family laundry” in public. He needs to be reminded that what goes around comes around and he must be feeling pretty self-righteous about his own life to do such a thing. I think this book is going to come back to haunt him!

3 years ago
Reply to  paw paw

So what is his tell all going to be? That the royalty line of his family is really from Germany and they are not really British at all?

Now that would be interesting and probably closer to the truth than anything those 2 spoiled brats will tell.

3 years ago

Harry , the Queen is still a very powerful woman. A lot of people owe her “favors”. If you cross her (by profiting off of your heritage) , you will be sorry. Remember what happened to your mother, it can happen to your wife! Don’t be stupid!

3 years ago

Meghan is no Diana.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dale

Not even close….

3 years ago

In 1776 we kicked the crap out of these idiots so we didnt have to deal with their BS.

Sly Fox
Sly Fox
3 years ago

The House of Windsor is on its way out at this time so what does it matter? The Throne does not belong to them as they were only the titular heads of the Throne called “The Throne of David” of Scripture promised to Jesus at his soon Second Coming. Meghan will never accept this ‘Second Coming’, and most likely will not let her husband either, as she was brought up a Papist. The (Jesuit) Pope and the Throne of David historically have always been at odds with each other and always will be. The Vatican represents ‘The fall of Great Babylon into the sea” in the Book of Revelation that Christ will totally destroy one day, sadly taking an unrepentant, backsliding, Meghan and Harry with it.

3 years ago

Harry and Meghan win the award for the most narcissistic couple of the century, possibly for all time.

Hate communism
3 years ago

Should be ashamed of himself but he is not. His wife is pulling his strings.. Didn’t think he was that big of a pussy. She destroyed his relationship with his family and she doesn’t care about Harry. He will be sorry in the end but it will be too late. Pitiful young man who listens to lies from his hateful wife.

3 years ago

This is guy is a total fool! The Royal family needs to cut him loose. No more title, he is no longer a prince, no more allowance, no more contact with the family. He will regret the day he made his decision to backstab his family. He is also depriving his son of any relationship with the Royal family. What a selfish and self-absorbed pair these two are.

3 years ago

This shows how removed from reality Harry, Oprah and the gaga press are. How this spoiled brat could condemn his childhood. How many ghetto kids would have loved to have his life. Frankly, I think he is a weak-minded fool manipulated by his puppeteer Meghan. She wants to out do Kate. She will never succeed. She has neither the class of style of a true royal

3 years ago

I was hoping he was going to get a real job instead of being a blood sucking leach to his country like the rest of them!

3 years ago

A sad teist of what has happened to the Royal house of Britain, when it got “infected”….Can onlly hope that Harry got enough willpower to “push-back, since from where I am sitting it would all be meghan’s srory and from the way she thinks it should be…

3 years ago

Harry, why don’t you and your wife grow up and get real jobs. Do you really think we care about your family problems(which you have greatly contributed to). You both are your own worst enemies.

Pat Fast
3 years ago

Harry is really kicking the Queen and the Royal family where it hurts, but I think that Queen Elizabeth has probably had enough of Harry and Meghan’s behavior, waiting for the outcome of his tell all depends on the Queens action, I personally hope she strips them both of their titles, and blocks them from any return to the U.K!

3 years ago

I don’t care much about the “Royal” family but good ole Harry seems to be a slimy guy willing to do almost anything for money. His wife is a dirtbag and dragging him down with her. It’s a shame but he is allowing this to happen. He’s making his own choices.

3 years ago

Me thinks this reeks of Lil Miss Pissy Megan’s desire to stay relevant. Her star power is fading fast, she’s about done in the limelight she craves so much. Having Harry Writing an Tell All puts her right back in the middle of the limelight she secretly craves yet publicly denounces. Harry, Do Better next time son.

3 years ago

They are all a bunch of hypocritical narcissists.
Why they think anyone gives a rat’s potoot about them just blows my mind. Neither one of those 2 self important people have anything about them that is interesting. They are so called “famous” because they are riding on the coattails of others that have a heck of a lot more prominence than the combined 2 of them will ever have….

3 years ago

Like J.R Ewing said in the TV show “Dallas”: When you lose your integrity, everything else us a piece of cake!
That applies perfectly to Harry & Meghan!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Lan

Everything else is a piece of cake.

3 years ago

If he ever gets out of her crouch, maybe he will be able to think on his own again. I am really sick of hearing about both of them. No more.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jancie
