Tucker Carlson: Is Biden a ‘Wannabe Dictator’?

Photo edit of Tucker Carlson. Credit: Alexander J. Williams III/Pop Acta.
Photo edit of Tucker Carlson. Credit: Alexander J. Williams III/Pop Acta.

Tucker Carlson strongly criticized Fox News for apologizing and firing the producer who portrayed Biden as a “wannabe dictator” during Trump’s court appearance. The Biden administration’s indictment of Trump, the first President to face federal charges, raised concerns about the country resembling a banana republic where leaders misuse the law to suppress political opponents.

In his fourth episode on Twitter, Tucker Carlson addressed internal conflicts with his former employer, who tried to silence him with a cease and desist letter. He then focused on comparing Biden’s actions to those of a “wannabe dictator.”

While acknowledging that Biden is not a true dictator, Carlson sarcastically remarked, “Just because he’s trying to put the other candidate in prison for a crime he himself committed, doesn’t mean he has a totalitarian impulse.” Carlson emphasized that jailing political rivals alone is insufficient to earn the title of a “wannabe dictator.”

Carlson highlighted the corrupt practices of such wannabe dictators who enrich themselves and their families while their countries suffer. They take kickbacks from businesses and other dictators, using official functions to funnel cash to themselves. They live lavishly while their citizens languish in poverty, saying:

“Of course, Joe Biden is not a wannabe dictator. Just because he’s trying to put the other candidate in prison for the rest of his life for a crime he himself committed, doesn’t mean he has a totalitarian impulse. Come on. That’s absurd,” Carlson jokingly said. “It takes a lot more than jailing your political rivals to earn the title ‘wannabe dictator.’”

Carlson added that ‘wannabe dictators,’ “enrich themselves and their families, their tribe, even as the countries they govern grow steadily poorer and more desperate. They take kickbacks from businesses and from other dictators. They use the official functions of their government to funnel cash to themselves. They don’t bother to hide the fruits of this,”

“They live in garish mansions, with big lawns far from the teeming cities, even as their own citizens languish in growing poverty in some cases, literally living in tents on the street.”

He also pointed out the risks faced by protesters, exemplified by the arrest of Ashli Babbit’s mother during a Washington, DC protest. Babbit tragically lost her life on January 6th, 2021, not at the hands of Trump-supporting protestors but by Capitol Hill police officer Sergeant Mike Byrd. Carlson raised questions about Byrd’s unnecessary use of lethal force, describing it as a political assassination.

Carlson criticized the suppression of dissent, unequal treatment, censorship, and erasure of opposing opinions. In a dictatorship, public protests are banned, expressing grievances from home is prohibited, unauthorized internet opinions are censored, and truths challenging the regime are erased. Carlson stressed that dissent is limited under such circumstances, stating:

“People can’t gather in large numbers to protest the rule of the dictator if they try that they’ll be arrested by his state security services, even years after the fact.”

“And by the way, it’s not just public protests that would be banned in a dictatorship, you wouldn’t be allowed to complain from your own home, unauthorized opinions expressed on the internet would be censored. Go too far, press too deep, tell too much truth, and they’ll just erase your opinions. They have no choice really.”

Carlson would also criticize a video posted by “The White House” on Twitter, where Biden claimed a sense of “ownership” over American children while honoring LGBTQ Americans. This drew criticism from Republicans and moderates, raising concerns about polarization and controversial LGBT-related lesson plans in schools. Carlson humorously suggested that parents now share joint custody with Biden, comparing him to a father figure leading the nation.

Carlson cautioned against labeling the country a dictatorship to avoid the need for a disavowal statement, despite highlighting concerns about Biden’s actions and the erosion of dissent and opposing opinions.

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