Tuesday Update: Bezos Rockets To Space, Bella Hadid Blasted For ‘Palestine’ Soccer Team Post, LeBron James Is The Most Hated Player In The NBA

Wikimedia Commons, DoD photo by Senior Master Sgt. Adrian Cadiz

We’re tracking the conservative culture clash with woke Hollywood hypocrites to keep you up to date on who’s winning and who we hate. 

 Here’s what happened today:

Up, Up And Away

Former Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced that he would rocket into space next month on the first crewed mission of his company Blue Origins.  

“Ever since I was five years old, I’ve dreamed of traveling to space,” Bezos said  on Monday. “On July 20th, I will take that journey with my brother. The greatest adventure, with my best friend.”

Bezos and his brother Mark will be joined by the winner of a public auction that currently has a bid of $3.5 million for the seat. “I want to go on this flight because it’s the thing I’ve wanted to do all my life,” Bezos continued. “It’s an adventure. It’s a big deal for me.”

Blue Origin’s rocket ship New Shepard has flown over a dozen successfully unmanned flights, their first crewed journey will mark the 52nd anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.  


Bella’s Blunder

Supermodel Bella Hadid was razed by critics after she posted a 1939 photo of a soccer team she claimed was from Palestine, but a closer look revealed that all the players were Jewish and had the Star of David stitched on their uniforms.

“Bella Hadid uploaded a story on her Instagram showing a photo of a football team and saying Palestine versus Australia in 1939,” remarked Israeli Arab activist Yosef Haddad. “Now I’m not sure what she’s trying to say here, but, this team, all Jews, with even Hebrew writing on the jersey. This team wasn’t representing the “Palestinian state.” They were representing the British mandate.” 

“The stupidity is astonishing,” commented another replier. “Does she actually not know or is she willfully lying?”


Comedy Fail

Comedian Katt Williams says cancel culture isn’t real, and comedians should get out of the business if they’re afraid of it.  

“[People] weren’t all that extremely funny back when they could say whatever they wanted to say. At the end of the day, there’s no cancel culture. Cancellation doesn’t have its own culture,” Williams said on “The Joe Budden Podcast.” ”I don’t know what people got canceled that we wish we had back. Who are they? It’s done for the reasons it’s done for and it helped who it helped.”

He explained that it is comedians’ job to entertain and they should be able to do so while they’re censoring offensive language. “If all that’s going to happen is that we have to be more sensitive in the way that we talk, isn’t that what we want anyway? I’m saying, your job as a comedian is to please the most amount of people with your art,” he continued. “So if you wanna offend somebody, nobody took those words away from you… But don’t call somebody this word when you know it affects all of these people.”

He concluded that any stand-up comic that can’t work within those parameters should quit. “If these are the confines that keep you from doing the craft God put you to, then it probably ain’t for you,” Williams remarked. “Growth is part of being an adult.” 


Not A Fight

Mariah Carey took to Twitter to dismiss rumors that her break-up with Jay-Z’s management company Roc Nation ended anything but amicably. Tabloids claimed that the two mega stars got into a heated confrontation about the future of Carey’s career, which led to her leaving the company, but the “Heartbreaker” singer set the record straight.  

“The only ‘explosive’ situation I’d ever ‘get into’ with Hov is a creative tangent, such as our #1 song ‘Heartbreaker,’” she tweeted Monday along with a clip of Jay-Z’s 2001 hit “Izzo (H.O.V.A.).”

In conclusion, she wrote a line from the song. “To the people who make up these lies I say ‘Poof! —Vamoose, sonofa*****’!” 

Most Hated

LeBron James is the most hated player in the NBA according to Twitter data. After proving to be a poor sport by walking off the court during the Playoffs and promoting violence against the police by tweeting “You’re next,” to the officer who shot an armed woman, the Lakers star was voted the 20-21 most hated player in 24 states.  

Kyrie Irving came in second place, with 18 states, likely due to spreading conspiracy theories that the CIA killed Bob Marley and that the Earth is flat.  

“For what I’ve known for many years and what I’ve been taught is that the Earth is round, but if you really think about it from a landscape of the way we travel, the way we move and the fact that — can you really think of us rotating around the sun, and all planets align, rotating in specific dates, being perpendicular with what’s going on with these ‘planets’ and stuff like this,” he commented on a podcast.


The Next Manning

The nephew of legendary NFL quarterbacks Peyton and Eli Manning went viral for throwing a 50-yard touchdown pass while visiting Clemson’s football camp this weekend. 

The sixteen-year-old high school junior is considered to be the most highly sought after recruit of the 2023 graduating class. He already has scholarship offers from Clemson, Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Notre Dame, Ohio State, Stanford and Texas.

Check out this kid’s arm: 


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Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
3 years ago

I wish Manning luck but have some doubts. The “woke” folks have all but destroyed the NBA and MLB, seriously damaged the NFL brand and all other commercial athletic endeavors. Looks like they’re also training their sights on college athletics. We could be witnessing the end of a century-long era.

Mike W
Mike W
3 years ago
Reply to  Gene Ralno

When I was a kid pro ball players did not make the kind of money they make today. In fact most of the players had jobs during the off-season. They have enjoyed multi-millionaire status for a few decades now – but the current bunch of losers are ruining the good thing “THEY” have for all the kids coming up behind them. It was not that long ago when Pele became the highest paid athlete in the world. When he signed a contract for $1,000,000 a year. These socialist will drive athletes salaries way back in time – I have traveled to socialist countries many times. I have been to see concerts where the headliners made a whopping few hundred bucks a night. The band members only made $8.00 a night. Highly skilled and trained musicians making $8.00 per night. Yaaaay for socialism.

3 years ago

lets take it positive. Maybe Bella is extending an olive branch and recognizing the Jewish people of the Middle East as her brothers and sisters!! Unlikely but we can hope

Nine Island Girl
Nine Island Girl
3 years ago

I absolutely CANNOT STAND L James.
Such a pompous ass with an attitude.
Totally privileged in every way.
People, please STOP WATCHING THE NBA. Problem solved!

3 years ago

A Divorced Mom With 4 Kids Lost Her Job in Pandemic, But Was Able To Stay On Top By Banking Continuously 15000 Dollars Per Week With An Online Work She Found Over The Internet .TRUMP TO WIN AND GIFT FF TO THE JOBS Before Elections But Unfortunately Election Fraud. It’s easy, just follow instructions on home page, read it carefully from start to finish Check The Details….. 𝐣𝐢𝐯𝐞𝟒.𝐜𝐨𝐦

3 years ago

A Divorced Mom With 4 Kids Lost Her Job in Pandemic, But Was Able To Stay On Top By Banking Continuously 15000 Dollars Per Week With An Online Work She Found Over The Internet .TRUMP TO WIN AND GIFT FF TO THE JOBS Before Elections But Unfortunately Election Fraud. It’s easy, just follow instructions on home page, read it carefully from start to finish Check The Details….. 𝐣𝐢𝐯𝐞𝟒.𝐜𝐨𝐦

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