Actor and comedian John Leguizamo attacked the group ‘Latinos for Trump’ on the Bill Maher show Friday.
Lequizamo compared Latinos who support Trump to Roaches supporting Raid.
As The Daily Wire reports:
“Latin people for Republicans are like roaches for Raid,” responded the actor, as reported by Newsbusters. “I just feel like there’s a level of self-hate or just a lack of care of the rest of your Latin brothers and sisters who are in cages, who are being demonized by this President. I mean, hate crimes against Latin people are way up and how can you not — 23 people were shot in El Paso just for being Latin and you don’t care? So you are going to vote for this braggadocio president? I feel like it’s self-hating and selfish.”
Leguizamo went on to credit Republicans for being “clever” with their attacks on Biden by characterizing him as a socialist who will turn the United States into Venezuela.
“Latin people for Republicans are like roaches for Raid” – actor @JohnLeguizamo on #RealTime
— Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) October 17, 2020
“They are spreading this stuff that Biden is about to steal the Virgin Mary. First off, he’s a Super Catholic,” said Leguizamo. “And in Florida, they are going after Colombians telling them that if you vote for Biden he’s a socialist and he’s going to turn Columbia into Venezuela because they know we have 400,000 registered Colombians in Florida that could help flip it to Biden. They’re really clever, insidious but we are working, we’re going to figure them out.”
John Leguizamo has been outspoken about Latin American identity in recent days. Last month, he boycotted the Emmy Awards due to a lack of “Latinx” representation.
Further proof liberalism is a mental disorder. It’s getting old
The thing is these people are not liberals. They obviously believe in communism if they support the Dems. Communists are not liberal.
They start as one, then they deteriorate and become communists, thinking that they’re exempt to the rules. They’re better than the peasants, the rulers, they can do the thinking and the talking for everyone else, they know better. Shhh, they can have opinions but you can’t. Sit and take it.
His liberal arse should leave the US with the rest of libtards . He’s not much too be talking about other Latinos and being Catholic. He shows he’s a total liberal idiot , and being on Bill Mahers show isn’t helping him one bit.
Yeah sure, Biden is such a Catholic next to satanas. I’m sorry no Catholic can ever support abortion! The church will never support killing a helpless, defenseless baby. Two God hating pendejos talking about Corrupt senile Biden being Catholic, what a joke.
It is a disease that has to be eradicated.
God forbid if anything was said opposite to offend these “people”. They would burn your house down.
Stealth is the word in dealing with them.
another lame actor that has now outed himself as a total asshole
That settles it. ALL Celebrities are crackpots and lacking in brains and are full of themselves. Think they are relevant to the conversation. Celebrities must be born with disfunctioning brains if they are born with any brains at all. Just a lump of goo up there (at least that is how they are acting).
They’re all narcissistic arses.
Just another ultra lib “celeb” who thinks what he thinks is just So Important!!
Who is this guy, never heard of him, hmp.
Same here the left is the roaches
Another irrelevant ‘celebrity’ from long ago who tries to remain relevant and in some sort of spotlight by spouting the leftist lines bashing the President. As with so many celebrities who need attention, they failed their U.S. history courses in high school and have no clue as to how they became wealthy through American exceptionalism and affluence unparalleled in other societies past or present. Please, if John L. is so unhappy here, he should renounce his American citizenship and go to Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Afghanistan, China, or any other repressive regime. A cooperating airline might give his brethren a discount rate for a charter flight. The IRS will happily claim a 25% exit tax of any assets and still continue to collect on U.S.-based income.
Isn’t using race to color all your thoughts and actions the definition of racism? Everything the left does is based on race. They are the racists. Conservatives don’t care about your race. They are NOT racist. (BTW, my wife is not white.)
Let’s not forget hatred and division. They’ve mastered those very well. The DemoncRats!
Just another low life Tinseltown bitch
your an idiot the cages was already proved to be under obama asshole your the roach
Leguizamo is a disgrace to the Latino community… he has fully guzzled the drippings of Hollyweird… another full on psycho!
Pendejo as pendejo does it!
Who the hell are you? I have never heard your name in my entire life. Who cares who you are and what you think? The people you speak of have a right to their own opinion and choices. So but out jerk!
Never heard of this pendejo as well. Donkeys butt.
That’s awesome, the guy that left Columbia is going to disparage other Columbians for being worried that Columbia could turn into Venezuela. Guess what John, 20 years ago Columbians would have loved to have had what Venezuelans had, and now 20 years later the roles are reversed, that was because one country went in the wrong direction, so the fear is borne out of something that they witnessed in their own lifetimes. You know the only people that supported the Venezuelan regime that created that mess? It was a few leftists in Hollywood and leftists like Bernie Sanders, so you will have to forgive the Latinos if they don’t yet understand that the left likes to say the exact opposite of reality and try to make you believe it makes sense, like “lead from behind” or “shovel-ready jobs” or “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” or “your healthcare premiums will go down by $2,500 on average for a family of four” or … you get the point yet?
It’s Colombia, not Columbia. Otherwise your point is valid.
Are you serious, you could have said it nicely or you’re just like any liberal yourself. Your point is not valid with your delivery as well. OMG!
Absolute truth thank You for being honest.
Interesting. I’ve never even heard of this jerk.
Apparently, this moron doesn’t know the difference between Latinos and illegal aliens. It’s possible that his problem is a failure to clarify the terms Latino, Hispanic and Mexican. A clarification program should explain that the only term that truly fits is “illegal alien” for several reasons. I’ve been trying for years to eliminate some of the confusion regarding illegal aliens and the use of two terms.
As a 50-year resident of a state that’s overrun by illegal aliens, I’ve become accustomed to the following and correct definition of the term “Hispanic.” It’s an American — not English — word derived from the Spanish word “hispanohablantes,” which means “Spanish speaker.” It encompasses Spain, Puerto Rico, and a few South American nations. The point is, it’s neither a race nor ethnic group.
Similarly, the term “Latino” also is an American word that originated around 1945 and is derived from “Latinoamericano” or “Latin American.” It carries a powerful 70-year-old connotation of citizenship. Decades ago, an ignorant Census Bureau employee originated widespread confusion of the term Hispanic by using it to define an ethnicity or race.
Open borders activists, leftists, liberals, Mexicans, Democrats, La Raza, LULAC, MALDEF, ACLU, SPLC and many others intentionally misuse these terms because they commingle 20 million outlaws with three distinct and well defined groups. Mixing illegal aliens with sovereign Hispanic nations, Latino citizens and immigrants, creates a confusing, amorphous blob of humanity that defies description. Illegal aliens survive in this confusion in the same way that birds survive in flocks and fish survive in schools.
The problem is most illegal aliens aren’t Spanish or Puerto Rican. And they’re neither citizens nor immigrants. They’re simply what their national labels say they are. Bluntly, they’re Mexican, Guatemalan, Honduran, et al. But hiding in this amorphy makes it difficult for law-abiding Americans to focus on them.
Certainly the moms and pops who work for a living have little time to deal with such fine details. Pro-illegal-alien activists and racists really hate this clarification because it removes much of their camouflage, and perhaps, deep down, they might consider the term “Mexican” or “Guatemalan” too coarse for polite conversation.
They’ve already written volumes objecting to the terms “illegal” and “alien.” It’s a dilemma for them, because I doubt they’d openly object to the terms “Mexican” and “Guatemalan” even though they cannot quite bring themselves to use the terms. I hope congressional leaders will help in this effort by including this information wherever appropriate and by using the terms correctly.
The bottom line is Latinoamericanos or Latin Americans are just as American as German Americans, Anglo Americans or Chinese Americans. They’re all Americans. Most Americans now resent Mexicans because of their lawlessness and arrogance. Latinos need to join with their fellow Americans or they’ll be commingled with Mexicans and equally resented.
Only the race baiters believe this issue is about skin color, bigotry, racism and hatred. They’re well known liars who profit from divisiveness, bigotry and hatred. Mexicans count on support from Latinos because they share ancestry. But that motive is as thin as Anglo Americans supporting the UK in its disputes with the US. Or Chinese Americans supporting China in its disputes with the US. Time for Latinos to stand with us or with them.
Really? Attacking President Trump is common and we are over it but calling Latinos for Trump cockroaches is way beyond the pale. Latinos for Trump KNOW that their lives will be better under President Trump and socialism under Biden. People are tired of hearing libs lose their collective minds over President Trump and the people that support him. If you don’t like President Trump, that’s fine, but don’t demean the Latinos.
Hey John, I have NEVER heard of you. You need to stop drinking the kool-aid & do some research for yourself. A person has to be blind, deaf & dumb NOT to see what has been happening to this country for at least 50 years. We are losing our rights & freedoms, families are NOT together for many reasons, NO respect for adults, people would rather be on welfare than support themselves (LAZY), HATE is at an all time high, are taught there is NO God (WRONG), rioting & looting by evil thugs, no love of country or for the flag or rule of law.
Looks to me John that the demoncrats have DESTROYED EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH. I would say LIEbralism is at fault.
Grandstanding like the vultures who were attacking Amy Barrett. Sad!
Can’t fix stupid. Pendejo!
Imature Clown!
A “Super Catholic” that supports abortion and letting 8 year olds to transform sex.
What a diclesswonder.
Joe Biden should be excommunicated from the Catholic church, forget he’s “super catholic”!
Everything he believes and has voted for demands it.
I’m absolutely appalled how many of my fellow Catholics will vote for him. It’s absolutely disgusting! The same goes for Piglosi, Durbin, Kerry,
and let’s not forget John Roberts on the SCOTUS.
GOD will deal with them all.
Well, well, well. Another egotistical “celebrity” who thinks anyone gives a damn what he thinks. Go tell it to someone who cares.
Wow he just called all latinos roaches including himself.
The lowering of standards to pacify all indeed hurts all and beware the anti-American democrats tools for hate and division of America the bought out biased medias propaganda LIES! The medias are paid further to cause civil unrest and the promotion of racism all for their ratings and profits! Furthermore a voter does NOT have to vote for all candidates to finish voting, They can just vote for all the patriotic Conservatives [Republicans] and just ignore all the unpatriotic , anti-American democrats!
The liberal lowering of standards to pacify all indeed hurts all! Spread this around people You do not have to vote for all candidates in order to finish voting, you can just vote for the patriotic Conservatives [Republicans] and ignore the unpatriotic, anti-American democrats! So beware the anti-American democrats and their tools for hate and division of America the bought out biased medias propaganda LIES!
WHY would ANYBODY vote for a dimocrat????? and this guy is an ASS. I do not know him, never heard of him but he is yuge ass!!!!!
Another know it all fly on the wall!!
I’ll get my fly swatter.
This is another washed up actor that thinks his opinion is word to everyone else! He’s the guy that claimed to be Puerto Rican for years tell his father came out and said he was not Puerto Rican he is from Colombia!! He’s either a liar or an idiot either way he’s Lefty so he’s both!!
WOW! Now the Left is begging help from 3rd rate actors who happen to be Latino! Hey, John, been to California lately. See how many Latino businesses have gone under because of that Biden Wannabe- Newsom! I have friends in Mexico who are now sending money to family in California- thanks to that “woke” Dem Newsom!
Biden is not a super Catholic because he doesn’t condemn abortion. Frankly,
Biden is a gangster and his son is a cocaine punk.
It always amazes me that these so called “celebrities” really think people care what they say or think. What a joke! I’ve never heard of him, so there’s that. But, if any of us showed up outside the gates of say, Barbara Streissand with a matter of life or death, plan on dying! They’re ALL PUNKS!
Wow, I wonder Why he left his beautiful Colombia and came here. Probably, because he was running from the terrorist group. And now that probably his country is so close to Venezuela, his country can be converted to Socialism and Communistic. He only talks like that because of his ignorance. We love this country, it is the best in the world. If he only talk like that in China or Russia, he will be killed.
Is this the guy that cleans the monkeys cage in the New York ZOO ???
i would rather be a roach then a scum eating amoeba like you John
Your Latin brothers and sisters would not be locked in cages if they hadn’t crossed the Boarder Illegally. No one invited them to come here, they heard about the Free Stuff that the Democrats/Leftists/Liberals/Socialist are giving away and thought they should get some of this Free Stuff for themselves. Let us not forget that the Cages were built by obama’s Socialist Regime and had been used for 8 very long years under that regime. The answer is very simple, if you do not wish to be arrested and locked up and then deported stay in your own country.
MORE HATE from the fascist communist democrat crowd out of Hollywood…
BOYCOTT whoever this person is, I don’t know him…..must not be a ‘somebody’ by Hollywood standards…LOL
Leguizamo must think all Latinos are stupid. They know what Trump’s talking about. It’s illegal aliens, and not just Latinos. Leguizamo talks like he thinks any person in the world has a right, for any reason to enter the US and take up residence and automatically become a citizen some day. He won’t admit that no other country on earth allows that. He won’t admit how generous our immigration system has been. He’s not against legal immigration. He only thinks the system should be managed. That’s why he has favored a wall be built. And he doesn’t want a 2000 mile wall. Only in parts where it is needed. You are a liar Mr. Leguizamo.
Of course, he is a fricking idiot. He thinks he has done something cool for the commies when in fact his moronic outburst will have the effect of driving more Latinos to Trump. We need more useful idiots like him.
never heard of him and no one i know does either!
U are being demonized!! John but the question is by what?? Or by who??? That’s the question John L.. demonized against president Trump huh!!
Wow I can’t believe I live in America remember when BAM BAM wife u know the black POTUS sad only now am I happy in to be American Wow 74 million Americans can say . What a shame and disappointment that I live America . Because unlike Demokrats we are not going to say we are moving no we will stay and fight for or country.