Alec Baldwin Demands Trump be Buried in ‘Nazi Graveyard’

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Uber liberal actor Alec Baldwin shocked many on Sunday morning when he sent out a tweet declaring that President Trump should be “buried in a Nazi graveyard with a swastika on his grave.”

The unhinged comments were extreme even by Baldwin’s increasingly low standards, as The Daily Wire reports:

Baldwin, who often portrays the president on “Saturday Night Live,” has criticized Trump for not conceding the presidential election, as well as others who question its legitimacy. Responding Sunday to a video of Trump voters expressing skepticism that Biden managed to secure more votes than any presidential candidate in history, Baldwin wrote, “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, get these people some mental care[.]”…

Baldwin has used strong language before to hit at Trump and his supporters, going so far as to claim in April that any one who votes for him is “mentally ill.”

“Trump has reached for, and nearly gained, a control of the federal govt unrivaled by other Presidents. He fired huge numbers of govt professionals,” he wrote. “He steamrolled the Congress, whenever possible. And now this. If you vote for Trump again, you are mentally ill.”

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3 years ago

how does his wife stand him he is gross and hate filled. this is truly a democrap thought. God help us all.

Ollie Octopus
Ollie Octopus
3 years ago
Reply to  cher

She probably thinks like him. Alec Baldwin should be buried in an animal grave
yard with a pitch fork up his rear end.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ollie Octopus

We are on the same wave length. Live like an animal, die like an animal, be buried like an animal.

Jane Stacy
3 years ago
Reply to  Ollie Octopus

thats an insult to the animals

Thomas Blackwell
Thomas Blackwell
3 years ago
Reply to  Ollie Octopus

Fork end first !

3 years ago
Reply to  Ollie Octopus

Not even in an animal grave. It would be insulting for animals which are moreoften more inteligen that this motherf#%*er.
TRUMP,again .

3 years ago

Trump is a maniac? Look in the mirror. It is said that those accusing others are the exact ones with that trait. Remember your phone conversation with your daughter that went viral??? THAT is a maniac!

3 years ago
Reply to  Judy

Haven’t you noticed? All ultra liberals accuse their enemies of exactly what they do. It’s call projection in the psycho trade. I’m sure his daughter would agree with you too.

Al Rinaldi
3 years ago
Reply to  Judy

Judy you can always expose your kids to Epstein, Clinton, Wienstein and that glorius Dem Cosby. Good luck with that

3 years ago
Reply to  Judy

Are you a Democrap? The way you talk, you are.

Bernie 99
Bernie 99
3 years ago

Typical liberal pig.

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
3 years ago

Fair representation of the hollowood crowd. He’s projecting.

3 years ago

Every time this so called actor opens his mouth it shows this man has MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES! I remember how he talked to his daughter on the voice mail he left her! She was a child! He has always been a C class actor! I can’t understand how his wife puts up with his rants! He has gone off on every day people time and time again! These people from HOLLYWOOD think they can say and do anything and people will think how great they are! They are all like a bunch of MIXED NUTS and no they aren’t the SMARTEST in the room!

Susan K Dudak
Susan K Dudak
3 years ago

How do these sickos mAke it through life. They need to be put in mental hospitals. Really. Are they that intellecturely dumb. I mean, I always heard actors became actors because they were too dumb to do anything else that took some mental ability. Guess I heard right. No brains at all. And I would like to tell this actor idiot, what goes around, comes around. He better watch himself.

3 years ago
Reply to  Susan K Dudak

Some, not all, actors have no real personality with knowing. They get by with imitation and in them it diminishes their own existing personality. They live in a made-up world of their scripts and the personas they adopt. Only in the world of Hollywood can they become idols. That’s the real sad part.

Christine Leveille
Christine Leveille
3 years ago

What a hasbeen a hole! Dems are vicious and crazy and he just proves it along with Whoopie, Kathy Griffin, Allysa Milano etc. I have never seen a bunch of coolade drinking crazy demented a holes like these people. I hope they like losing a lot of viewers for their hasbeen shows.

Thomas Blackwell
Thomas Blackwell
3 years ago

If enough real Americans stopped supporting Hollywood, it might make a dent in these overpaid jackasses, not all but far too many.

2 years ago

don’t leave out deNiro.

3 years ago

This tard is further proof liberalism is a mental disorder.

3 years ago
Reply to  IH8LIBS

Lots of tards out there. Not enough insane asylums though.

3 years ago

Alec, you are a moron, grotesque, third rate actor, as a person a NOBODY to be buried on Hart Island, Grave of Nobodies. Keep up the good work you will excell at being Hell’s gatekeeper.

Tom DeBeaudry
Tom DeBeaudry
3 years ago

And we will bury Baldwin with Lenin, Stalin, Mao…well divided and face down.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tom DeBeaudry

Oh No!!! Just take him as high as a plane can go & throw him out. Let him blow up when he hits the ground. Now that is JUSTICE!!! No one will remember him & the animals won’t even come to eat…….

Thomas Blackwell
Thomas Blackwell
3 years ago
Reply to  blondie

Better over the middle of the Atlantic, then nobody would have to clean up all of the fertilizer.

Al Forlano
Al Forlano
3 years ago

I use to like to watch TV shows and go to the movies to watch good stories played by good actors. Why now do I get an upset stomach very time I have to listen to a raving actor who thinks whatever they say must be the only thing that is the correct response to any issue. The shows are not much better in what Hollywood tries to tell us is the only thing we should watch.

Thomas Blackwell
Thomas Blackwell
3 years ago
Reply to  Al Forlano

Try old reruns with real people not a bunch of prima donnas. Wayne, Murphy, and many many more, they had talent and did not have to go around half naked to draw attention to themselves.

Louie Rey
Louie Rey
3 years ago

Just wait until the election is overturned. Then He’ll have a meltdown of enormous proportions. Just like ALL the rest of Hollywood. He’s a pathetic has been.

Ollie Octopus
Ollie Octopus
3 years ago
Reply to  Louie Rey

Maybe even much more.

Joseph C. Moore [USN Ret.]

All the unseeing, anti-American, intelligence deficient basis for comment of the Left resides in their Idiotic Marxist reasoning

Dennis L Ruffin
3 years ago

This buffoon took time off from physically beating up parking lot employees & publicly berating his teen age daughter to spout more hate. Some patriot needs to teach him a lesson.

3 years ago

I demand Alex Baldwin not get buried but driven out to the desert to feed the buzzards so he does at least on good thing in his miserable life.

bob d
bob d
3 years ago

Boycott this deranged POS for all eternity! Where does he get off?

Rebecca Schwarz
Rebecca Schwarz
3 years ago

Pathetic pos. Hopefully KARMA will kick in very soon for all of the hateful, racists hollywood creeps..

3 years ago

Alec — you are the one who has an evil twisted mind. Your place in hell is reserved for you and it ain’t pretty. It must come naturally for you to be so frippin stupid. Nothing he has to say would influence how I think. Too bad cause he was, at one time, a pretty good actor. I don’t know how his wife or anyone puts up with him. No wonder Kim Basinger left him. I don’t think anyone will miss him when it’s time for him to meet his maker.

tractor man
tractor man
3 years ago

When has the socialist party ever excepted Trump as President and treated him with anything other than raw demonic hate? You really expect us to roll over with your fake claims of wanting to all get along? Your current mantra is what you guys call “restoring civility” ?

Molly trump
Molly trump
3 years ago
Reply to  tractor man


Rhesa F. Cook
Rhesa F. Cook
3 years ago

He is filled with hate & if he thinks CA. is hot wait until he goes to Hell. The devil has a grip on this man & he doesn’t even know it. There is no mercy in Hell and also no water.

3 years ago

The gallows you build for Trump will be the gallows YOU hang on. Read the Book of Esther.

3 years ago

Alex, Where you are buried is unimportant. But I believe God may have decided where each of you will spend eternity. Lucky for you, you still have time to repent

C. Terrill
C. Terrill
3 years ago

They should just let the vultures take care of Alec Baldwin after he dies.

3 years ago

First, WHO cares about loser Baldwin. Second, he should be concerned where he will spend Eternity, unless he repents of his sins he WILL spend Eternity in hell. Third, he has no power where our Great President Trump will be buried.

3 years ago

Mentally ill?? Did he forget this failed actor made a good living on SNL acting like the president? When he dies I suggest to bury him in a dog park so the dogs can do their duty on his miserable rotting corpse.

3 years ago

Little bird brain Alec should prey for himself. Nobody know who is 1st in line. For sure he want be welcome by Angel Gabriel.
Lucifer is most likely. Line to hell is getting longer, and longer every minute.

Charlie Wright
Charlie Wright
3 years ago

I must be mentally ill. Still a deplorable after all of these years.

3 years ago

And Alec is the judge of who is mentally ill?
He needs to call his daughter and apologize.

Angelika Griffin
3 years ago

How could this country possibly “unite” with this FILTH around….NEVER….A PURGE is necessary FIRST…..!!!!

Ginger Firestone
Ginger Firestone
3 years ago

His demands mean less than nothing. He’s a has-been. He can flap his gums all he wants and it still has no effect on life in general. When will these actors figure out that they are entertainers and not known for brains and the public doesn’t really care what their politic opinions are. Guess they lash out so they get publicity – like it’s said, any publicity is good; keeps their names out there.

3 years ago

i thought he he left the country when trump was elected?normally i wouldn’t stoop to such low ignorance but he won’t know what i’m goiing to do on his
grave after he dies.i do make exceptions

Al Rinaldi
3 years ago

Baldwin should be prosecuted and buried in the PervGrave Yard. He is a very sick man.

Richard Manfredi
3 years ago


3 years ago

why are theses nasty, hateful demon possessed demons in prison? When in the history of our Country anyone ever treated a sitting or out of office President? Gitmo is the place they all should be. Horror filled.

3 years ago

STERN: You are a sick man. You need to go onto the NAZA side so that they could enjoy you being buried in the graveyard next to them. You need U to get down and your kneel and pray to God you don’t bet the dust just yet. The devil loves you.

rick reeve
3 years ago

who are them baldwins anyway they are like the clintons the obabas and poluskys theys the ones who should be wearinf swtickas

3 years ago

Baldwin: Why don’t you do the world a favor, & jump into the Ocean with weights tied to your legs ?

3 years ago

baldwin, got to hell

3 years ago

why does anyone pay attention to those morons. just stop warching and hurt them in the wallet.

3 years ago

Alex Baldwin–We all know what and who he is and it ain’t pretty.. The Fool has dill pickles in his head for brains. Alex, you gotta leave that booze alone

2 years ago

hmmm… Alec. Trying to sound relevant? or Not Guilty? well maybe you should have turned that gun around. You are the disgrace. Not Trump.