BET Founder Robert Johnson BLASTS Biden For ‘You Ain’t Black’ Remark

Wikimedia Commons, President Donald J. Trump Signs an Executive Order

The founder of BET, Robert L. Johnson blasted former Vice President and presumed Democrat nominee Joe Biden for his recent remarks in which he claimed African Americans who supported President Trump ‘ain’t black.’

Johnson went on to say that the remarks were one of the biggest turnoffs he had ever heard from a politician.

As The Daily Wire reports:

BET Founder Robert Johnson told Fox News during an interview this week that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s recent “you ain’t black” remark was one of the biggest turnoffs that he has ever heard from a politician.

“I only speak for myself, I can’t speak for other African Americans,” Johnson said. “I don’t know Joe Biden, I can’t recall when I’ve ever spoken to Joe Biden but there are a couple of things about Vice President Biden it gives me personally a lot of pause about his true belief in African Americans having a equal seat at the table in the Democrat Party on issues that we consider important to us.”

“Now whether he was as he said trying to be a wise guy or whatever, but if you’ve been supposedly hanging out with black people, you’re eight years Obama’s vice president, you don’t think like that,” Johnson continued. “There’s something in you that tells you I can’t be halfway wise guy, halfway cute by telling a black man and by extension every black person listing that if you even think about voting for somebody other than me and then to use this so-called colloquial expression ‘you ain’t black,’ that’s the biggest turn off I’ve heard from a politician in a long time.”

Johnson was referencing a remark that Biden made during an interview last month on “The Breakfast Club” with host Charlamagne tha God in response to Charlamagne telling Biden: “Listen, you’ve got to come see us when you come to New York, VP Biden. It’s a long way until November. We’ve got more questions–”

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4 years ago

…but the dumb nigro will vote for biden anyway.

4 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

90% will for sure….Some things will never change.
Jobs mean you gotta work.
Welfare means you don’t have to work.
It’s a no brainer.

4 years ago

Democrats have been using Blacks for hundreds of years. First as slaves then buying their votes. As far as Democrats are concerned, Blacks have always been for sale.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bernie99

Increasingly, blacks are calling out all of these white punk azz fellow rioters and looters for being phonies!!!
I love it!!!!

4 years ago

Perhaps, he should have told his fellow black Americans to get off the Democrat Party plantation. Stop shopping at the company store.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Biden’s not THAT bad!!!
lol lol lol

Jenny Mills
Jenny Mills
4 years ago

This guy is just another blow hard. He’s going to vote for racist Biden because he can’t think for himself. He has always voted democrat even though democrats crap on him and his family since time began. He doesn’t have the guts to vote for someone that will actually give him a real voice. This article is staged and paid for by the democrat party and he and his are bought and paid for.

4 years ago

Just look at the facts President Trump has done more for minorities in three years than the career politicians have done in the previous 30 + years. Black dems in congress have plenty of money so do al and jesse, what did they get for you?