Far-Left Filmmaker Michael Moore Labels Trump ‘Psychopath’ Predicts Big Biden Victory

Wikimedia Commons, By David Shankbone

Notoriously unhinged far-left filmmaker Michael Moore is now predicting a major victory for Joe Biden in the Presidential race, in spite of the fact that many key swing states are still undecided.

In the unhinged rant posted to facebook Moore also referred to the President as a ‘Psychopath’ and a ‘bigot.’

As The Daily Wire reports:

“First, I just slept like a baby in my chair with the TV blaring. For 3 hours. That’s cause I dozed off at 4:30am knowing this: Millions of ballots — all of them from early and mail-in voting which the majority of Democrats did — had not been counted!” he said. “In Pennsylvania, I knew that the majority of those 2.2 MILLION uncounted ballots were from registered Democrats. When I fell asleep, the map of Michigan showed Flint as red! Hahaha!!”

Moore cheered over the fact that Trump has lost states to Biden and did not flip a single state that Hillary Clinton won…

Not all was cheerful for Moore, however. According to him, the one piece of bad news for the night is the fact that Americans did not “repudiate” Trump in a huge blowout.

“And finally, sadly, as to why our fellow Americans did not repudiate Trump yesterday in a massive way, as to why nearly 70 million Americans still embrace a bigot and a psychopath — well, we must have that discussion soon as to who we REALLY are. Shameful. Apologies to our Black brothers and sisters, and apologies to the rest of the world,” he said.

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3 years ago

yes, we apologize for allowing him loose on the world. M.Moore should be locked in a nut house, no offensive to the insane.
Talk about a virus…. he is one.

3 years ago

Nutjob Moore should think this thru a little more. Bidumb has promised massive tax increases. This will undoubtably cut in to Moores’ Twinkies budget. He might actually lose a few gross tons as a result…

Michael Hudspeth
Michael Hudspeth
3 years ago

It is telling that even Michael Moore, upon observing the huge crowds and enthusiasm exhibited by the public for President Trump, in supposedly liberal states, repeatedly warned Democrats not to trust the polls and media and that Trump was likely going to win in a landslide. So the obvious has happened within the states controlled by the Democrats – voter fraud and ballot rigging. In many cases there has been no attempt to even hide this fraud. Should the Federal Government allow this to stand, the voters will lose all faith in the electoral process, pushing the citizenry toward the only option left open to them to effect change and influence the government. I see why the Democrats are so intent on the disarming of America and it has nothing to do with street crime or deranged individuals. Being forced into using violence as the last resort to effect change in government is what we left behind almost 250 years ago and we certainly do not want to return to it. We must restore faith in the electoral process or see the country plunged into turmoil.

Linda Berry
Linda Berry
3 years ago

When war starts he should be first to go!!!

3 years ago

Wait, this goof was claiming Trump was going to win just a few days ago.

3 years ago

We’ve been apologizing for your sorry ass for years.

Willy Willy
Willy Willy
3 years ago

He is a fat stooge! Nuk, Nuk, Nuk!

3 years ago

if you look up psychopath in the dictionary, this fat boys picture is right there!!!!! What an ass!!!!!

3 years ago

why does aytone even pay attention to shim

2 years ago

Communist uneducated idiot. Who would listen to his lies?

1 year ago

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