Fox and Friends Host Loses Job After Showing up to Work Sick During Early Days of Pandemic

Wikimedia Commons, by Christopher Servello

Fox News has parted ways with a talk show host who came into work visibly ill during the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

Heather Childers, the former host of the four-a.m. hour of Fox and Friends First, alarmed Fox News’ staffers when she showed up to work on March 18 and was obviously sick during filming.  According to Childers, she visited a doctor after wrapping for the day and was told she was fine. 

The TV host returned to work the next day while she was still clearly ill and was reportedly sent home prior to shooting her morning show. She has not appeared on her show or the channel since. 

A spokesperson for Fox News released a statement this week that Childers was no longer with the network. “Fox News and Heather Childers have parted ways. We wish her all the best.”

The former host didn’t go willingly. Childers took to social media to petition for her return to the network in late March. When asked on Twitter why she was no longer appearing in the four-a.m. slot, she replied that she had “Coughed & sneezed on air,” went on to report her due diligence by visiting a doctor, who claimed she was fine, and “Haven’t been back since.”

Days later she posted a video that showed her negative Covid-19 test results, and in a separate post claimed that she, “Never went to work feeling sick,” but got tested because she was told it would be “most helpful.“ 

After weeks off the air, at a network she had been hosting on since 2012, Childers tweeted to President Trump for help.  “I’ve had TWO negative COVID19 test results,” she desperately posted, “Can I go back to work?”  

According to Fox News, she can’t.  

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4 years ago

Never watched that show, but Fox News is becoming a joke to me. I no longer (and have not for a long time probably three or more years) watch Fox, because I am not sure they are much better than CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC. I am sure I left out someone, but no mainstream media is allowed on my TV.

4 years ago
Reply to  Allen

Agree with you I stop watching after 9 am won’t wat h it again till 8 till 10 pm rest of its garbage

3 years ago
Reply to  John

Actually, if you have access to FOXBusiness, Maria Bartiromo (6am-9am), Stuart Varney (9am-12n), Charles Payne (2-3pm), Lou Dobbs (5-6pm & 7-8pm repeat)and Elizabeth McDonald (6-7pm) are good options.

3 years ago
Reply to  Allen

Hey, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham are the best shows on cable TV. Tucker received the highest ratings of all cable shows in June of this year. Go back to CNN, idiot.

Desert Rat
Desert Rat
3 years ago
Reply to  Allen

Try OAN best of the bunch!

No longer a fan
No longer a fan
4 years ago

Old man Murdoch doesn’t control Fox News anymore, his liberal children do. Enough said.

4 years ago

There is at least one big piece missing from this picture. The Spartan work ethic is not the reason. Can you spell pretextual?

4 years ago

That’s really to bad. I liked her cheerfulness and happy demeanor. Not hard to look at either. I hope they either allow her back or hopefully she can sue them.

Mark Winters
Mark Winters
4 years ago

Absurd. FOX is WRONG on this. Every cold ( I’d like to see proof that noone ever came to work with a regilar cold ), is NOT the Bubonic Plague ( covid 19 i mean ). This has all gone way too far. Irrational overreaction!

4 years ago

Weird. The pathetic juan williams has shown up stupid every day, but keeps his fox gig? OAN gets more of my viewing time every day.

4 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

@ernaldo – best comment I’ve read in a long time…and that’s saying something!

3 years ago
Reply to  PDC

Hey, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham are the best shows on cable TV. Tucker received the highest ratings of all cable shows in June of this year. Go back to CNN, idiot.

Mac McMillian
Mac McMillian
3 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham  come on over to newsmax the water is fine

4 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

He his awful dumb or plain dishonest.

4 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

He his awful dumb or plain dishonest.

4 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

Juan is a NPR reject who got fired because his views didn’t line up with theirs so you can imagine their views same as AOC and Bernie and slow Joe

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Sleepy Joe is slow Joe also. That guy without any doubt has dementia.
Some days far worse then others, but he definitely has it.
But do as Joe said in 2-2020, and vote for him for Senate!

Jason Anascavage
Jason Anascavage
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I liked her nice rack

4 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

I wish I could get OAN on my TV. I understand that I should be able to get it on my computer, but so far, I haven’t found it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Get a ROKU!
If you have highspeed internet (10mbs or better) oan is 4.99 per month, newsmax is free, and thousands of channels free or little cost.
The BEST PROGRAMMING comes from overseas if it’s crime, drama or comedy you want.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


Mac McMillian
Mac McMillian
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

newmax app go and download it its free a lot better then fox

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


3 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

Funny ! True also !

Mac McMillian
Mac McMillian
3 years ago
Reply to  ernaldo

juan williams i use to see him hoping to get to use a big word , But he is a black ass hole all know it but him

4 years ago

I watch Fox at 4 and 5 AM. Nothing after that. I’m sorry they let her go.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hey, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham are the best shows on cable TV. Tucker received the highest ratings of all cable shows in June of this year. Go back to CNN, idiot.

Julia T.
Julia T.
4 years ago

I’ve been done with Fox for awhile now. The left will NEVER trust them and now the right will NEVER trust them. I think they’ve seen their best days…

3 years ago
Reply to  Julia T.

Julia, You make absolutely no sense at all. Carlson, Hannity, and Ingram are the best and really just tell it like it is and truthful. Don’t know what planet your from, but Fox has been getting the highest ratings for awhile now. Viewers are #1, while CNN is 1/3rd and MSNBC is 50% of the viewers they had from 2016. Turn whatever object you use to watch TV on your planet to Fox. Your planet needs to stop promoting the liberal leftist new channels. With your comment, I wouldn’t doubt that you freak over the Covid-19 issue & masks. The flu has been just as bad but no mention of it. Current masks (95) only block particles from 3.0 microns in size and larger. Virus’s such as the flu and Covid-19 are 0.3 microns in size and pass right thru those masks. The DEM’s are forcing things on you as you should really wise up that they demand to dictate and control you. Again, your planet needs to wise up. Your as bad as democrats.

4 years ago

Looks like NewsMax TV for me. As soon as Hannity’s contract is up, Fox will be washed up.

3 years ago
Reply to  WIJoe47

You add things up, Hannity will be around on Fox for at least 4 more years. He and Tucker Carlson are hitting the highest ratings also. Trump for 4 more years means Hannity for 4 more years. Also by what things he says, he will be around longer then that.

4 years ago

This is ridiculous and she should definitely sue them as this was an unjust termination. I cough and sneeze all the time because I have allergies and asthma but I’m not sick with Covid19. No fever, loss of taste or smell, no aches or pains just my normal respiratory problems I’ve always had. You definitely show not be able to terminate someone who tests negative.

4 years ago
Reply to  D D

I agree, She should sue them.

Terry L Earl
Terry L Earl
4 years ago

FOX is letting America down. It appears the family supports radical leftists, and plays both sides for profit. Give the people one message during the day and then the total opposite during the evenings? You either support this nation or you don’t. Quit palying both sides FOX. It’s too bad that the family sides so much with tearing down America!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Terry L Earl

Hey, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham are the best shows on cable TV. Tucker received the highest ratings of all cable shows in June of this year. Go back to CNN, idiot.

4 years ago

She is a nice lady and needs to come back on Fox. Shame on you Fox.

4 years ago

Fox has gone way of fruitcakes lately ?

4 years ago

Well, you got SCREWED! Now what are you gonna do?
4 years ago


4 years ago

FOX just keeps getting worst

4 years ago

take her isn’t fair what they did to her

4 years ago

It was just a excuse to get rid of her so they can make room for another Liberal nut job! They have been trying to get rid of all of them for a long time, Tucker will be next.

3 years ago
Reply to  Yvette

You think that Tucker is in trouble.Thing is, that what the DEM’s created on Tucker over what he said a few times – what he said is True. He backs up with proof to support what he says and he did. The DEM’s still want to cause issues to anyone against them and that doesn’t stop Tucker at all. If Tucker gets fired, Fox will be sued and lose to Tucker over it. Fox Liberals know this, and have to leave him alone. They can’t fight him and win when Tucker has the evidence and proof of things he comments on. That simple. By now if you watch Tucker, he knows how to play hardball. If he or Hannity gets fired, either of them will beat Fox in court in a lawsuit. Thing is, that Fox also has head people opposite of their liberals, so their side is actually weak if they go against either. When both also have no.1 ratings, that makes it hard for their opposition to fight. Those ratings are putting cash in those liberals pockets also and big time. The DEM’s try to make it sound as if Tucker lost sponsors and companies who show their commercials during Tuckers show. But if you watch his show, he has plenty of commercials that hour. Those who left, opened the door for other companies to fill. So pay attention to both sides, as Fox says, they give fair coverage on both sides. So they have to do so as well in court also. Otherwise, that goes to garbage and Fox loses their shirt over it, and ratings will drop in major proportion. Allot less cash then goes to their pockets also. They will be the next CNN with 1/3rd of viewers also. Who really is stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot and make claims it was someone else’s fault? Especially when they know those two can show evidence on what they report. All any of this that has occurred on either, just makes either one have to show proof of what they say now also to protect themselves. Making the liberals upstairs to just already have shot themselves in the foot trying to take over that they only report liberals and DEM’s their way, and their liberal DEM agenda as CNN and MSNBC does. It also only aided the viewership with both as well. So the liberals upstairs can’t complain either, adding cash to their pockets. So what you have is a stalemate. I just told both sides. I should work for FOX ! LOL !

Roan Garcia-Quintana
Roan Garcia-Quintana
3 years ago

I never cared for this lady – her voice early in the morning or at anytime for that matter, made me cringe. Won’t miss her.

3 years ago

I had no problem at all with her, her voice was also nice. As she appeared on TV as a genuine nice person, she from what I know about her, is actually really nice and honest in public as well. Oh yes, with some people on TV they appear as nice, but are genuine egotistical and shitty to people in person and away from TV.