NFL Legend Troy Aikman Caught Mocking US Military Flyovers on Hot Mike, Claims They ‘Won’t Happen’ with ‘Biden’

By Arnie Papp - Flickr, CC BY 2.0,

NFL Legend Troy Aikman was caught on a hot mic mocking flyovers of NFL games by the US Military.

Aikman went on to insinuate that they were a waste of US taxpayer dollars and wouldn’t be happening under a Biden administration.

As Yahoo Sports reports:

Fox broadcasters Joe Buck and Troy Aikman pointed out just how much of a waste flyovers have become this year on Sunday afternoon, though they didn’t mean to be heard.

Aikman and Buck were heard on a hot mic ahead of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ dominant 38-10 win over the Green Bay Packers on Sunday bashing the flyover that had just taken place.

As Raymond James Stadium in Tampa is allowing just 25 percent fan capacity, the two longtime announcers didn’t understand why a flyover was happening at all.

Aikman has since attempted to walk back his comments and claim he isn’t anti-military, but his comments seemed to insinuate that he may be planning on living under a Biden/Harris Administration in the near future.

Are Aikman’s words just being taken out of context here, or is he genuinely an anti-military liberal? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Jimmy J
Jimmy J
3 years ago

They won’t happen for two reasons:

  1. Military budgets will be cut to the bone. Get used to paper planes.
  2. There won’t be any more of your sport.
3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy J

Oops didn’t see your post I said almost the same thing! LOL

3 years ago

If enough Americans would quit shelling out money to attend these waste of time ball games, then we most definitely could stop the flyovers because there wouldn’t be anyone in the stands!!!!!
Attention white males – quit living your lives vicariously through your fantasy football gladiators!!!!!
Professional sports are a scam and YOU are the victims.

Charles M.
3 years ago
Reply to  kbhret

I’m white, but believe me I don’t watch any pro or college sports anymore . They’re caught up in politics, and bend over too liberal arse holes . And Buck and Aikman just showed how much of a liberal jerk they really . I agree if people stop supporting these rich a-holes ,they will need too get a real job . They’re all overpaid jacks .

3 years ago
Reply to  kbhret

You couldn’t be more right, it is time for a Civil War, I’m ready for it, it is coming on the 4th of November when Trump win’s this election. We NEED TO RESTORE AMERICAN TO ITS GREATNESS by getting rid of free loaders like Troy Aikman and all those darkies who want to go home to Africa, I’ll pay their way 1/2 if they like and dump them off, will you do the same?

3 years ago
Reply to  kbhret

and Black Males

3 years ago

Aikman was a mediocre QB on a team of superstars. He never misses a chance to badmouth the Packers. And, now it seems the U.S. military. I guess he forgets how much the NFL is paid by them to promote our military. He’s right it should stop and so should the money.

3 years ago

The pilots are required so many flying hours to stay flight qualified. So they are doing two things at one getting their fly hours a demonstration for the American public.

3 years ago
Reply to  chsrlie

Haters don’t understand It’s so hard to pray for such ignorance. They can take their Antifa and friends and jam them where the sun doesn’t shine.80% of the people that do watch sports are people that gamble.
God bless our President and the patriots that voted for him. Hershel Walker is
a man that truly Loves his Country. Amen

Turner Jones
Turner Jones
3 years ago
Reply to  chsrlie

I’ve been a Troy Aikman – Joe Buck fan for years. They are probably the best duo in the business; however, sports fans/listeners are not interested in their or anyone else’s political opinions when watching a football game. BTW, those flyovers are to honor America, the flag and the military who keep us safe and free. Announcers should see who and what they are really supporting when they degrade the USA. I’m sure Joe and Troy are not aware that BLM and Antifa are on George Soros’ payroll to cause unrest in the USA. Soros gave BLM $100 million this year. Perhaps, they should google BLM and read their manifesto – read it all. They want to destroy the American nuclear family; they hate America, God and men. Men is not mentioned in their manifesto. So, before one opens his/her mouth he/she might want to educate themselves to see who or what they are supporting.

3 years ago
Reply to  Turner Jones

You need to reevaluate you position of a fan of Buck and Aikman. They are both big time A**holes that could care a big rats behind about you and or this country. All they are interested in is money and fame. If not for that they both would be bums.

3 years ago
Reply to  chsrlie

i live near patrick afb in florida and they have test flights everyday!like you stated they have to have many flying hours to becamo a pilot.does it really matter where they test fly?

3 years ago

Aikman’s ignorant statement proves he’s taken too many hits during his career if he thinks our country will be in better shape under a Biden/Harris administration ? Why don’t these over priced ball players stick to sports and and stop mixing with politics ?

3 years ago

Wealthy punks who got the best America has to offer because of the men and women who fought and died for him to be able to pursue what he desired to do and they show no respect or honor for these good people. Punks and nothing more. It’s amazing how self serving liberals are. God bless our military and our President Trump and God bless America.

Calvin Couchman
Calvin Couchman
3 years ago

Those two jerks need to be fired and never broadcast another game of any kind. They need to study how our military become and stays the best in the world. It sure hasn’t been from sports!

W Price
W Price
3 years ago

Hey guys this is football. Keep your personal opinions to your self. It’s not good for your ratings. Don’t believe me? Just ask espn or the nba what happens when they focus on personal opinions instead of their prime focus. Sports. Morons.

3 years ago

First of all they used this time for training for the military pilots. And it comes from that part of the military budget.
No apology is going to work, this is just telling us when you run with Biden this is what you get.
The thing is, Troy said Harris Biden

B Bruce Bluemel
3 years ago

What a Jackass. Just another bonehead Jock that sits on his brain. I used to like this guy. Now I know his true loyalty.

3 years ago

Well #1 they bare training flights that take place before or after to fly over. #2 Biden will not have fly overs because he’ll cut the military funding by so much they will not even be able to buy bullets!

3 years ago

This is a flagrant case of Yellow Journalism. I heard the hot mic conversation, and this reporter is twisting its meaning every which way but truth. Troy Aikman is a class act and a proud patriot. Shame on you, American Update.

Cee Jay
Cee Jay
3 years ago

I wonder if these 2 sports gurus have any idea how close they were to MacDill AFB? About 5 miles. Those pilots practice out over the Gulf and are happy to do a flyover for games at Ray Jay – Bucs or USF Bulls.

3 years ago

Did everyone notice that not only did Aikman and Buck act like total aholes but listen to what he said. Just like Harris and everyone else said. He sad the Kamala/Biden ticket. Not the Biden/Harris ticket. Also didn’t even say Harris/Biden ticket, LOl. He used her 1st name. Does he have a chocolate fetish there???????. As far as IU concerned it isn’t Kamala but I prefer CAMEL–A.

3 years ago

Just say you are sorry and that you weren’t thinking and yes you have been hit to many times on your heads…..

Linda Brodzeller
3 years ago

Aikman runs after a dam ball and makes big money he’s a asshole that knows nothing about the military. And if people had more sense they wouldn’t even watch there shit. They should go some where else and play like out of the country see how money they would be sitting on then. Jerk. If it wasn’t for the military we would be under a different law and then he’d have some complaining to do. I don’t watch the games it’s a waste of time and money. There’s people out there that bust there ass every day for just enough to barley make ends meet and you have ass holes like that who make big bucks chasing a ball around the field wow. Try working in factory’s and putting a honest days work in for once in your low life ways. Military is essential in this country with out them we would be up shits crick without a paddle. He’d be the first to run with his tail between his legs if the enemy came in. Legend my ass.

3 years ago

Evidentially, these two millionaires never spend a minute of their wonderful lives in the Armed Forces.if they did, they would understand that pilots have to train to maintain their flying status. Those fly over count a part of their flight time. I’m a Veteran of the USAF and highly recommend these two beauties spend some time at Walter Reed and then say something stupid to our wounded Men and Women and thank them for protecting their sorry asses.

tom m
tom m
3 years ago

Aikman, take your sorry ass to one of the third world countries that Biden and Harris want to turn us into and try making millions and slam their military and see how long they put up with you, you are lucky to live in a country that not only has allowed you to become very wealthy but very free thanks to the very military that you bad mouth… asshiole

3 years ago

Just like so many other NFL players that after their career if over all they want to do is bash this country. They got their college paid for then went into playing at million dollar salaries and then when it is over they have nothing but bad things to say about this country. They should all be required to pay back every cent that is cost them to play in a college sport and then on to pro sports.

3 years ago

Was said in a sarcastic way! You notice he said it wouldn’t be done in a (Harris Biden) administration not Biden Harris administration!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy

You might have been right, except they tried to walk it back. Sarcasm wasn’t part of the explanation. They are both idiots.

Joe K.
Joe K.
3 years ago

I used to be fans of Buck & Aikman. Not anymore ! They are the same liberal a…holes that you see on ESPN such as Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman.
Who needs them.

3 years ago

Troy 8 minutes is an a****** to begin with I wish he would pack his bags to leave the country.

Gene Klosinski
Gene Klosinski
3 years ago

Just imagine how much you can love and respect someone~ and lose it all when they reveal their true selves. Jerk!

Gene Klosinski
Gene Klosinski
3 years ago

I now CRINGE at thinking of or hearing the name “TROY AIKMAN!”

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