NFL Quarterback’s Wife Forced To Apologize After Blasting Michigan Governor Whitmer as Dictator

By Julia Pickett - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The wife of Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford, Kelly Stafford blasted Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Thursday for enforcing draconian Covid restrictions that she likened to living under a ‘dictatorship.’

Stafford made the announcement in an Instagram video she posted to her social media account, as The Daily Wire reports:

“I’m over living in the dictatorship that we call Michigan,” Stafford said. “I understand there’s a pandemic and I understand it’s very scary. I’m scared of it too. If you’re at risk, do not leave your house until there’s a vaccine. But shutting down all these small businesses, things that people have worked their life for, shutting them down again is not the answer. Because they will not make it.”

“So once we are able to leave our house, once this dictatorship decides to let us have some freedom, there will be nothing left,” she continued. “I’m just over it. I see all these people and it brings me to tears.”

“Believe me, I know there are people out there stating ‘that’s really ignorant of you, how could you say that.’ Listen, I know not everybody is going to agree with me. Not everybody is going to agree with my every move I make. That’s life, okay?” she said. “This is my opinion. I feel for these small businesses. It’s not that I don’t feel for the people that have COVID or the hospitals. I do. But this is my opinion: I do not like living in a place where they tell me what I can and cannot do.”

Stafford later apologized for her comments after receiving blowback on social media. She said she should not have used the word “dictatorship” and said she does not “know the answer” to dealing with the coronavirus. She posted the follow-up message Thursday evening on her Instagram.

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Lifelong Skeptic
Lifelong Skeptic
3 years ago

Do not apologize when you are right.

3 years ago

What a gutsy 30 year old woman. It is a shame she apologized. Life threats, burn down your house, who knows what actually happened.
POS Whit. could care less about other people. Own a small business, who cares, 50/50 chance your out of business. Detroit has been going downhill for 60 years. She wants hard working business people to join them in going broke, all for political reasons.

Joseph C. Moore [USN Ret.]
Reply to  Rastus

POS Wit. COULD’NT care less. She is already at the bottom of the leftist cesspool.

3 years ago

Grow a spine and rescind that idiotic apology! You never apologize when you speak the truth!! I believe there is a place in the bowels of HELL for people like Witmer. I’m from WI and we have a piece of garbage for a gov. as well!

Dennis L Ruffin
3 years ago

“Truth is the perfect defense…”. Oliver Wendell Holmes

Kevin Grimsley
Kevin Grimsley
3 years ago

Do not let the Michigan witch win. You are absolutely right, and no reason to apologize.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Grimsley

Exactly. The left never apologizes for the comments they make about Trump, and they’re usually a lot worse.

3 years ago

why apologize for stating the truth?

Bernie 99
Bernie 99
3 years ago

Too bad she caved to the woke dictatorship.

3 years ago

Why are you apologizing for the way you feel? People should not be forced to apologize l If you feel someone is a ASS that’s how you feel! Between you and I Michigan’s Governor is a ASS and a DICTATOR!

3 years ago
Reply to  Robyn

The witch needs to be kicked out of office. I would not live there or even travel there as long as they are as corrupt as they are. I have family there and they are planning to move out of that Hell hole.

carrol hoel
carrol hoel
3 years ago

When someone acts like a dictator, talks like a dictator, and does like a dictator, then they are a dictator even if they say its their opinion that does not make it right.

3 years ago

I totally agree with her. WHY are Conservatives CONSTANTLY told to apologize to Liberals? STOP doing that! You have a right to your opinion. As far as I’m concerned Liberals are right MOST of the time. In fact, I’m trying to figure out when they are right!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Sorry, that was supposed to be Liberals AREN’T right MOST of the time!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Karen

We knew what you meant.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Thanks, Tom!!!!

Joseph C. Moore [USN Ret.]
Reply to  Karen

They are not “liberals”, rather, they are “LEFTISTS” WHO think they are right ALL the time.

3 years ago

I disagree with the apology, you were spot on!

3 years ago

I think she used exactly the proper word. Isn’t a dictator someone who consolidates all power under him or her? Isn’t that exactly what Whitmer has done? She has usurped the legislatures power to make laws. She has usurped the judicial branches power to make sure the other branches follow the law. Isn’t that the very definition of a dictator?

3 years ago

Never apologize when you speak the truth – – –

3 years ago

You should never have to worried about stating your opinion. If you do we have truly lost this GREAT COUNTRY. It is time to take back this COUNTRY and not allow this to continue.

3 years ago

Do Not Apologize. People that live in Michigan ARE LIVING UNDER dictatorship.
SOON, millions more in this nation will know what dictatorship is except for the states that are under republican rule….
don’t really care about what the world thinks or anyone’s opinion is,
TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT UNTIL 2024, have a nice day one and all. :)))))))))))))

3 years ago

and it’s ok for them to call trump a dictator!such hypocrisy!

tractor man
tractor man
3 years ago

The left has said far worse about Baron Trump and THEY get celebrated.

3 years ago

I agree with you!!!

3 years ago

Well you may be scared of it. I’m not.

3 years ago

I agree….do NOT apologize to a bunch of liberal haters who can’t face you so they cancel you on “social media”. They are not worth your time!

3 years ago

She had NOTHING to apologize for. Whitmer runs her state like a Dictator and she’s going to get slapped by the Courts.

3 years ago

ONLY THE CONGRESS can make laws.
What those governors are doing is NOT constitutional.
They play with FEAR, while not obeying to those laws themselves.
The DEMONRATS are nothing more than what they want to institute in the USA: DICTATORSHIP, just as in china, russia, venezuela, cuba. Those countries are bankrupt but for the leaders: BILLIONS in offshore accounts. PUTIN HAS OVER 200 BILLIONS. Maduro, chavez, castro, and all the chinese politburo who get 51% of all the foreign businesses in china. LEARN, darnit!!!!!

3 years ago

Isn’t it sad that we now live in a country where we can’t have or say your opinion. Welcome to the USSA.

3 years ago

Kelly – Do not let the PC police and leftists bully you into an apology for simply and plainly stating what your feel or believe. They always want to intimidate and bully people into submission or silence when they have contrary opinions. The Governor is acting “dictator like” or at least very authoritarian, and perhaps she is not even obeying the laws enacted by the legislature. Stand strong and please do not apologize for expressing your beliefs in the future. There will always be nasty people out there who will want to shut you up and “cancel” you.

David Boober
David Boober
3 years ago

God bless you for your courage and ability to see past the BS that the media is handing out. I say, keep it up!

3 years ago

There is no reason to apologize for telling the truth

3 years ago

4 more year til retirement. Goodbye Michigan. Hello Florida! Can’t wait!

Old salty Vet
Old salty Vet
3 years ago

She may not have used the wording in her message but she said it like it feels to HER which is her right. Many will agree with her feelings I am certain. What she has described in her message is nothing less than much of the dialogue our politicians are saying these days and we don’t hear much to censure that.

ProBiz Conservative
ProBiz Conservative
3 years ago

Phuck SM… Kelly is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!
Demand a trade. You and Matt are way too classy to remain under the thumb of that bicycle-itch…

downing hitt
downing hitt
3 years ago

apologize for what? tell it like it is- did u expect anything more from that airhead-i applaud u

3 years ago

Why should she apologize? Her statement is true. This social media tyranny needs to stop. A person has a right to say what they want. The right needs to start fighting back. Don’t let these hateful people shame you into submission.

Marie Crawford
Marie Crawford
3 years ago

I don’t think you have anything to apologize for. She is a dictator. Enough is enough. She like all democrats are trying to ruin our America. They have to be stopped NOW!!!!

3 years ago

No reason for apologies. Those Democratic governors have no right to tell us how to live and die.They r abusing their powers. In fact they are destroying America. Enough of those clowns telling us what to do while they do exactly the opposite.

3 years ago

Only a dictator would demand apologies from citizens. Michigan is FUBAR. If Biden gets into the White House, the entire economy will die overnight. All those jobs, small businesses & manufacturing will be destroyed. Gone forever. If they’re Biden voters, they DESERVE it.

Maureen Brophy
Maureen Brophy
3 years ago
Reply to  Susan LINDAUER

Don’t understand why people can’t see what is going on.
once this train leaves the station no stopping it.
never apologize for your opinion. We need to stand our ground.
civil War is brewing

Beverly Seitz
3 years ago

Why apologize?? It is the truth!!

3 years ago

You are absolutely right. Period. And I don’t believe that the people in Michigan living under that dictator would vote Democrat Joe Biden for Pres. I think they have seen the true colors of the Democrats and do not like what they see.

3 years ago

Way, way.. .. the word “dictatorship” hurts my woke feelings…
But if you don’t agree with blm and antifa, those fascists have the right to physically beat you to death….
Will the rest of the world ever wake up and take notice of what kind of dysfunctional America the baby boomer generation spawned???

3 years ago

I have not watched ONE MINUTE of the NFL since that racist idiot took a knee. I watched that happen and switched the NFL off. PERIOD. And I have thought a lot about it. You are good at sports. The PEOPLE pay you an outrageous amount of money to play your sport. PLAY YOUR SPORT!!! Enjoyable past-time. None of us can do it. We have to slave at our job. Some of us really enjoy our jobs. So we feel like you, playing your sport. You become an instant MILLIONAIRE. And you decide to INSULT what unites this great country, because of your racist thoughts????? As an imbecile, you stand out. As a stupid man you stand out. As a traitor you stand out. You have a certain level of intelligence, you have reached the level of play in the sport you are good at. But, BOY YOU ARE STUPID!!! Can you at least thank this country for the freedom to think as you do?

John Lee
John Lee
3 years ago

Since when do you have to apologize for telling the truth???

3 years ago

There you go she apologized to the dictatorship.

Jane Stacy
3 years ago

everyone stop apologzing enough

Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor
3 years ago

If the state governors do not want to be called “dictator” then quit acting like one. The adults in this nation over 200 years ago went to war to prevent this draconian reaction to a problem. These people need to post recommended procedures and show they work and quit saying these are laws. We have procedures for laws and there has been plenty of time to submit the bills to see if they can become laws. As a side question…why are we paying these government persons to continue to make laws? Ignorance of the law may not be a defense but there is not anyone alive today that can tell you how many laws exist that can be broken.

Joseph C. Moore [USN Ret.]

Kelly, NEVER apologize for exercising your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to free speech.

3 years ago

That’s part of their tactics. Don’t back down, you were most certainly right, and there are more of them in other states.

sue lavite
3 years ago

Listen Kelly Stafford, if you are so insecure and afraid of your own thoughts and opinions, I think you should stay off the media and keep your shakey opinions quiet. Face it, you have CAVED IN to the demoncrats’ viciousness. Of course they are allowed to criticize and demonize anyone they choose!! You need to grow a pair of nads, or be quiet until you grow up enough to state an opinion and stick to it. BTW, do you remember Paula Deen, the darling queen of the TV cooking shows? She had an absolute empire! But someone started some shite about her saying the “N” word some 20 or 30 years prior, and she went on every show she could, saying” I don’t remember, but I’m so sorry.” Bawling and blubbering like a fool, she caved in to her attackers and “repented publicly”. Now WHO IN THE WORLD HAS NEVER SAID THE “N” WORD???????? EVERYBODY, AT ONE TIME OR OTHER. GO AHEAD,you can admit it. I do. Paula Deen is no where to be found these days, after she assisted in the crucifixion of her own reputation and her career. Her empire fell soon after her “confession”. How digusting and self defeating. The racist haters won again. So sad.

David R McLaughlin
David R McLaughlin
3 years ago

She shouldn’t apologize for stating her feeling nor for calling a fact a fact. I think that she needs to move out of Michigan, with or without her husband. If he does not support her position 100% then he is not a husband but only another prima donna looking for the big bucks no matter who he hurts or cares about.

william Souther
william Souther
3 years ago

Well good for her! She won! Well…sort of!!! Her husband got traded from one state with a dictator to another State (California) with one!!! Though he’s up for recall! As Whitmer should be!!

rick reeve
3 years ago


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