Redskins to Change Name Despite Owner’s Resistance

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The Washington Redskins released a statement that the organization will change their name and logo. ESPN reported that no new name has been announced, but the franchise is planning to continue to use gold and burgundy as the team’s colors.

The move to change the 87-year-old name was not unexpected, due to recent pressure from major sponsors, though team owner, Dan Synder, has opposed renaming the team for years. 

Native American groups have been protesting the use of the Redskins name and imagery for decades. Then in 2013, they garnered national attention and support from prominent civil rights, religious, and academic organizations. In response, Snyder wrote an open letter asserting that the Redskins Nation owed it to fans and players to preserve the team’s heritage.     

In 2017, The NFL came under scrutiny for the decision to allow the Redskins to host a game on Thanksgiving, but the backlash was not enough to provoke Snyder to reconsider his stance.  

That all changed in June, when a letter signed by an investor group worth $620 billion was sent to Redskins’ sponsors, imploring them to suspend business with the franchise unless the team’s name changed.  On July 1st, FedEx, who has naming rights to the stadium, requested the team change its name. The same day, Nike removed all Washington merchandise from stores.

The franchise released a statement on July 3rd announcing a formal evaluation of the team’s name. Head coach, Ron Rivera, said “I look forward to working closely with Dan Snyder to make sure we continue the mission of honoring and supporting Native Americans and our Military.”   

The team posted a status on twitter July 13, which stated the Redskins name and logo would be retired.

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4 years ago

Sad… Mascots are to “strike fear” in their opponents, not belittle them. Who thinks the UC Santa Cruz Banana Slugs are a powerful force?
How come no one cares about the Vikings (my ancestors), the Cowboys, the Angeles, the Buccaneers, the Patriots, Golden State Warriors, etc?

Medd H Dauman
Medd H Dauman
4 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael, don’t worry because there will be people protesting about those names soon. After all why have a history when some, cannot say what I want because it wouldn’t be politically correct. want to tear everything AMERICAN down?

Dennis B Anderson
Dennis B Anderson
4 years ago
Reply to  Medd H Dauman

If we went back to calling them all nigers maybe we would get some respect. You almost had us.

4 years ago

It’s too Bad the team has to cave in to some of their sponsors demands to be “politically correct”! Make Them pay for all the expenses of converting everything! The Indians and all the surveys I’ve seen all oppose being forced into this extremely expensive change of all the things related to the team!

4 years ago

When polled 95% of Native Americans report not being offended by anything about the Redskins (other than their lousy play on the field).
The squeaky wheel always gets the grease. In the PPCC (Peoples Political Cancel Culture)small loud mouthed Minorities get their way. Most Corporations have been infiltrated by PC types which is why they cave. For example, the head of AT&T is a PC idiot of the first rank. These Corporatists all speak the same language with the exact same phraseology. It is babble-speak and predominately soy-based.

Medd H Dauman
Medd H Dauman
4 years ago

The Redskins have a history, a good history, and to me the name is not offensive. In fact I think the native Americans would be proud to have an NFL team for their nationality. Another look at these gooodey two shoes praise the communist Kapidik.

Bobby Jay
Bobby Jay
3 years ago
Reply to  Medd H Dauman

The Native Americans signed a peace treaty with the government and it has them in a shit hole ever since. Teams should be proud to have a Native American as a mascot.

But then the racists are at work again.

rick reeve
3 years ago
Reply to  Bobby Jay

there ya go racists at their finest

4 years ago

They should rename it the Washington Dipshits after our congressmen and women.

4 years ago
Reply to  David

I like Washington Dickheads better.

4 years ago

If they change their name – I will never again watxh their games!

4 years ago
Reply to  Marc

Same here although if they kneel when the Star Spangle Banner is played and if they play they play that black anthem that will do it for me.

thomas robinson
thomas robinson
4 years ago


4 years ago

They should be called the Washington Cop Outs. This satisfies multiple levels. First it is a stand against police which the PC police will love. Second it is the truth. This is a cop out. Some of the suggested names I have heard are the Lincolns, Congressmen etc. My question: if it is and insult to the Indians to name a team after them, then why is it not an insult to anyone having the team named after them? Also, just to mention, the name and the logo were made in conjunction with and approval by American Indians. sheesh.

4 years ago

The team formerly known as The Washington Redskins will be henceforth known as the PC Foreskins.

Jenny Mills
Jenny Mills
4 years ago

So everyone is going to cave in to people that don’t even help pay the teams salaries. Those people that find something to complain about just for the sake of causing an uproar. Do you know how many native Americans are redskin fans? Does any body?
Well, it’s a lot more than aren’t fans! So whose opinion counts towards the name? The few that don’t even care about the team or the thousands that consider the name an honor to their heritage.
When will this garbage stop? It’s wrong and totally insane.

4 years ago

How about the Washington Thin Skins?

4 years ago

Wow..the Indian nations are in favor of keeping the Redskins name! A bunch of chumps are pushing changes in America with no idea why. They have no grasp of the history involved. They have no love of the time, effort, and sacrifice that this nation has endured and to erase our history because of some lunatics

4 years ago

Let’s wipe out all of our history that our ancestors fought and died for. That way nobody will know what to complain about when the loony left takes over.

4 years ago

The Dumb leading the Dumber? … I guess we can just ERASE the NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS from HISTORY while we are at it? The RED SKINS NAME was a Point Of PRIDE! … Folks were PROUD to be a RED SKIN! And A RED SKIN FAN! Now, the loud small few are making LOVING A A RED SKIN a point of SHAME? WHY? This makes “ZERO” sense to me. GOODBYE BELOVED “RED SKINS” Never To Be Heard Of Again. Just let them disappear into nothingness. Poof

rick reeve
3 years ago

they could call themseleves the pigskins

rick reeve
3 years ago
Reply to  rick reeve

how about mouse farts

rick reeve
3 years ago

always got to bee a bunch of racist a holes sticking their nose in it dam people

rick reeve
3 years ago

they could call them selves the demorats

3 years ago

This web site is called American Update and this article is nearly a year old!

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