Rudy Giuliani Calls NYPD, Gets Last Laugh On Borat Prankster Sasha Baron Cohen

Wikimedia Commons, By Crzrussian

Rudy Giuliani told Page Six that he recently called the New York City Police when Sasha Baron Cohen tried to prank him into giving a hoax interview.   

Giuliani was at the Mark Hotel on Tuesday, for what he believed to be an interview about the Trump administration’s coronavirus response.  The interview was held in a room that was outfitted like a professional on-air video set, complete with a female interviewer who started off their conversation asking easy questions.

Just minutes in Giuliani said they were interrupted when, “This guy comes running in, wearing a crazy, what I would say was a pink transgender outfit.” He went on to describe the ensemble as “A pink bikini, with lace, underneath a translucent mesh top, it looked absurd.”

The former mayor wasn’t initially aware the man was Cohen, noting, “He had the beard, bare legs, and wasn’t what I would call distractingly attractive.” Giuliani recounted that the man came in screaming and ran away, which led him to believe that the interview was “a scam or a shake-down, so I reported it to the police.”

Police responded to the hotel, but Cohen, who was reportedly seen running down the street in a bathrobe, was not captured.

In the aftermath, when Giuliani realized the man was Cohen, “I felt good about myself because he didn’t get me.”

The former mayor was indeed lucky to evade the notorious prankster. Last week, the “Borat” comedian snuck into an event in Washington posing as a racist country singer. He sang a song to the crowd that included the lyrics, “Hillary Clinton, what we gonna do? Lock her up like we used to do,” and “nuke them up like in World War II.”    

Organizers raced to remove Cohen from the stage, but he escaped the event in an ambulance waiting nearby and eluded seizure. It is speculated that the stunt was a prank for his Showtime series Who is America?  


In the end Giuliani admitted he’s a fan, “Borat in particular because I’ve been to Kazakhstan.”

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4 years ago

I got left wing, but cohen a comedian? A stooge, a putz, a traitor, a soy boy, etc…but NEVER a comedian.

Lice lives matter
Lice lives matter
4 years ago

If I saw this guy walking down a sidewalk in ANY city outside of New York State, I’d say, “Man, that guy has enough face hair to be from New York….Queens or Brooklyn or even Staten Island.”
Put a man’s sleeveless white tshirt on him and he’s a dead ringer for Brooklyn.

4 years ago

Should Cohen put the concert video on YouTube to disparage country western conservatives, I’d think the first band would have grounds for libel. Get some junkyard dog pettifoggers and go after Cohen.

Ben Matthews
Ben Matthews
4 years ago

It was funny when this ‘Jew boy’ made fun of ‘moose-slimes’…now, he just looks desperate!