Porn Star and Alleged Trump Mistress Stormy Daniels Makes Despicable Attack On Melania

First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump attends 152nd National Memorial Day Presidential Armed Forces Full Honor Wreath Ceremony to honor America’s fallen military service members, May 25, 2020 at Arlington National Cemetery. (DoD photo by Marvin Lynchard)

Porn star and alleged former mistress of President Trump Stormy Daniels made a despicable attack on first lady Melania Trump on Tuesday via Twitter, accusing her of ‘selling her soul’ and being in the United States illegally among other things.

Daniels’ remarks came after secretly recorded audiotape revealed that Melania had previous referred to Daniels, who was alleged to have had a secret affair with President Trump, a ‘porn hooker.’

As The Sun reports:

On Tuesday, the porn star took to Twitter to issue a foul-mouthed rant about Melania, 50, after the first lady was recorded saying Daniels was a prostitute…

Daniels’ rant came after Melania’s former aide Stephanie Winston Wolkoff released tapes of her calling Daniels – aka Stephanie Clifford – a “porn hooker”.

Trump’s wife reportedly made the comments after she learned that Daniels would be featured in a 2018 issue of Vogue magazine.

“Annie Leibovitz shot the porn hooker, as she will be in one of the issues, September or October,” she was recorded saying, as Winston Wolkoff can be heard responding, “Shut the f**k up – for what?”

After the release of the tape, Daniel’s unleashed a disgusting, despicable and foul mouthed attack on the first lady [WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE]:

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3 years ago

Who the hell cares what that idiot porn star has to say?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff BROWN

Democrats love listening to anything that falls negatively on Trump! Personally, I don’t care about Trump’s or Melania’s past, just how they are doing the job we’re paying them to do right now! In that respect, Trump is doing just fine!

3 years ago
Reply to  deerflyguy

Exactly what does it have to do with policy or taxes or lower energy she didn’t get millions for getting someone fired or millions from Russian mayors wife nor 1.5 billion from China and oh yea this other half of this deal is going to prison now let’s see what happens now he knows he is going to prison let’s see if he sings but yea these recordings are to do about nothing like I said these people Cohen needs to go back and play touch your toes in prison and her do called friend needs to go to prison too

3 years ago
Reply to  deerflyguy

That’s how rational people would look at it…. but we’re talking modern day Americans here!!! lol lol lol

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff BROWN

Must have been Soros money going into Daniels bank account just in time for the election.

3 years ago

this girl is despicable and disgusting! Talk about selling your soul!!!!!
The First Lady has way more class than this girl EVER will!!!

3 years ago

Well, maybe she isn’t a hooker. Seems like she just admitted she did not have an affair with Donald Trump after all. But she sure as hell is a foul mouthed b*tch. C U next Tuesday

Cee Jay
Cee Jay
3 years ago
Reply to  jimbosidecar

She got paid 130K. I’d say that makes her a hooker.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cee Jay

Actually, she recanted her story about the affair and it was found she and her Lawyer made the story up to hurt President Trumps run for office in 2016. She was sued by Trump had had to pay the money back !

3 years ago
Reply to  Cee Jay

And she accuses Melania of selling what she herself has been selling for years.

3 years ago
Reply to  jimbosidecar

Maybe not a hooker just a recreational reptile you know like a lizard slithers around look for money or snake which ever you prefer she is a real winner maybe a good mattress warmer but must not be no man has taken her for marriage but who would want to take her to meet parents “hey mom dad meet my fiancé well what does she do for a living son she’s a whore !

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
3 years ago

Let me guess. Daniels & Cohen are being funded by leftist millionaires who hope to sully the Trump family and diminish his chances for reelection. I’d guess the name Soros figures in there somewhere.

russell remmert
russell remmert
3 years ago
Reply to  Gene Ralno

add soros son-in law schiff in this

Phyllis Little
Phyllis Little
3 years ago

Stormy Daniels is probably being paid by George Soros to disrupt the status quo so as to try to disrupt Trump’s next 4 yrs in the presidency. Why would we think she would show any decency now based on her “hooker” past. The Dems role in all this hogwash that they’ve been doing should be to their detriment, Their dire consequences will eventually befall them because of their overriding evil intent rest be assured. Good riddance to Biden – I don’t event want to see his face or hear his name mentioned after the election that puts Trump in for another 4 yrsl. Dems have shown themselves to be evil this election and they deserve ill will

Larry Larson
Larry Larson
3 years ago

So what is she other than a porn hooker?

3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  mbtb


russell remmert
russell remmert
3 years ago

God Bless the First Lady, the best we have had, to the porn star get lost

3 years ago

Who cares what this loser says? Go away.

3 years ago

Stormy Daniels is a disgusting piece of filth. Melania now has good reason to sue Stormy for slander.

3 years ago

Daniel has had more action in her office office from more than D.Trump.

3 years ago

A porn star that makes money having everyone @ick inside is offended wow.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marina

If she had as many stick out of her as she has had in her she would look like a porcupine

3 years ago

So you like her t*ts! I’m sure it’s killing you that you didn’t get to sleep with her. And your jealousy is so obvious… you’re all crass and no class. A low life piece of trash.

3 years ago

Perhaps she doesn’t get paid for sex but I would think she being paid to Stare the pot.

Alan Doud
Alan Doud
3 years ago

I don’t really know or care what the Sun said. The Sun to me is the equivalent of the Enquire’ As I remember they use to do a nude in every issue. I once heard an interview with an x Enquirer’ Worker that revealed they don’t care about being sued because they make more money than they are sued for. I imagine many MSMs work this way as well. He went on to tell that they would plant a seed by calling a celebrity and say is the roomier true that so and so is gay? The star they called would than contact another saying I just heard so and so is gay. This was back in the day. Anyway one of them would call the enquirer’ and gossip, “There is a roomier that so & so is gay. than they would go to print. Slick Heh? In this day I don’t think these humors about posing nude shock anyone. It is a well known phrase “Couch screen test,” A lot of people got their start in movies by posing nude for playboy. So where is the shocker her.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Doud

Be careful telling your age

Alan Doud
Alan Doud
3 years ago

Excuse me but doesn’t a porn star get paid for sex?

3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Doud

Not this one she goes it for free notice she’s not very good been bam to stripping in bars and clubs now no director wants what s manhole can not cover

3 years ago

What class? What did you expect from a porn star and this so called friend should be brought up on charges secretly recording First Lady without permission just someone else desperate for their 15 minutes of fame and all about the money these low lives pay a lot of money for these tapes and for what it is a woman venting that’s all this is we all vent but this goes to show do not trust any do called friend me I prefer not to have so called”friends” just someone waiting to screw you over or ask for favors or money neither will ever be repaid these individuals like Cohen are a disgrace what low lives record people for what oh yea so you can blackmail people what losers

3 years ago

Evidently This porn HOE Stormy Daniels, is low on money and the Democrats have lined her wallet to make Slanderous statements about “ Out First Lady” ! Remember, Stormy Daniels recanted her statement and said she lied about her and President Trump ever having a sexual affair. She was sued by the President and the court found her And her Lawyer lied and tried to extort money and damage President Trumps run for Office in 2016 . She is Trash and it looks like Melania needs Sue her this time !

3 years ago

and just where is her pimp lawyer today?i see she’s suing him too he must not have been good in the bedroom!

3 years ago

I heard cnn is talking to Stephanie Clifford about being their movie critic at large.

3 years ago

good grief.

rick reeve
3 years ago

did she attack mel with one of her worn out di os