Kassidi Kurill, an otherwise healthy 39-year-old single mom, died suddenly four days after she took the second dose of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine.
The mother of one, was able to get the vaccine because of her work as a surgical tech for several Ogden area plastic surgeons, and got her first shot with no hesitation. “She was absolutely fine with getting it. In fact, she told all of us, ‘it’s fine, you guys should all get it,'” her older sister Kristen said.
Aside from a sore arm, Kurill experienced no other side effects after the first dose, but her body’s reaction was lethally different when she took her second dose on February 1.
She “got sick right away, soreness at the shot location, then started getting sick then, started complaining that she was drinking lots of fluids but couldn’t pee, and then felt a little better the next day,” according to her father Alfred Hawley, whom she and her nine-year-old daughter Emilia lived with.
Kurill was bed bound her second and third day after getting her final dose of the vaccine, by Thursday morning she asked Hawley to drive her to the emergency room. She began vomiting immediately and a blood test confirmed her liver was failing.
She airlifted to a trauma center where her condition continued to rapidly decline. Both of her parents offered to donate portions of their livers, but Kurill went into multi-organ failure and was dead within thirty hours of arrival at the emergency room.
Hawley was in absolute shock, “She was healthy, happy and active, the greatest mom you ever saw in your life, and then she was so sick that, in less than 12 hours, intubated and on life support.”
The family elected to get an autopsy to determine Kurill’s cause of death, but Utah’s chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Erik Christensen, said proving vaccine injury is next to impossible. “Did the vaccine cause this? I think that would be very hard to demonstrate in autopsy,” he commented.
Christensen, who can’t comment specifically on the case due to privacy laws, said many people are living with major health issues that have been undiagnosed. According to Kurill’s family, she had no known medical conditions.
Hawley said his daughter was “healthy and good… then she took the shot.” He pointed to “Occam’s Razor, where the simplest answer is mostly likely correct.”
Emilia, who’s father is a traveling civil servant and member of the National Guard, will continue to live with her grandparents.
So, we had one death from the vaccine, and hundreds are still dying daily from te virus. I’ll take the shots.
that’s all anyone is dying from is this virus. Use your head Chuck!
We will be reading about your death next.
There have been MANY deaths. We’re just not hearing about them. Look up the VAERS stats. It is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Site for people who have suffered side effects from vaccines and have reported them. This is not common knowledge so do your homework before getting this experimental shot.
We have no proof the vaccine is good but it’s good at killing healthy people
You go ahead it’s your life
Take the shot, Charles- you deserve it!
We’ve had about 300 deaths
I wonder if you be as smart alec acting if it was your wife or mother?
One death?? You better search that more. There are thousands
My friends Aunt, same exact events as this, dead within 3 days of second dose.
The so called virus is 99.9% survivable. The so called vaccine is 100% harmful with 9 toxins and AI nanobot technology. Do the math…..
Many more have died from the Vaccine fool and many more are going to die as well…… how people can be so dammed ignorant…… Ignorant or complicit.
We have only HEARD about one, the left likes to keep bad news quiet!
“You can’t fix stupid…”. John Wayne
I am reluctant to to take this shot. After this women’s death l am even more reluctant
Listen to your gut feelings. I won’t be taking this poison anytime soon.
CDC said that at least 1600+ have died from shot so far. It could be more if honesty if being told.
you can have mine.
One death???? Are you kidding? There are hundreds dying but msm won’t report them. Check out ‘vaers ‘ it’s a site that documents deaths and other side effects from the vaccine. Oh yeah, it only reports 1% as well!!
Charles, just so you know, the number of deaths to date is WRONG.
A couple of months ago the CDC said as much, then took it down when people caught on. I read a story from a Colorado coroner who said she performed 2 autopsies on guys killed by gun shots, declared as Covid deaths.
That’s despicable! You can listen to corrupt joe and faucci. Me, I’ll pass.
Good take it you deserve it.
There are other lingering things going on with these vaccines. Anything that has Bill Gates fingerprints on it is poison. After all he is for depopulation
so it’s your choice.
No. Hundreds are and will die from the vaccine. You will just NOT be hearing about it from the Lying Left wing Media (CNN, NBC, ABC, CB, MSNBC, PBS, NY Times)!
You make perfect sense but some folks just don’t get it.
She could have had a cytokine storm where the body overreacts and starts attacking itself. I wonder if she had had the virus before the shots.
Wow is Joe administration giving Americans fake vaccinations
If you do YOUR research you will find that the mRNA in the vaccine CAN give you an auto immune disease like HIV which turns your body against itself.
It’s not a vaccine at all.. mRN
Gene therapy, DNA manipulation.
That’s right. Everyone needs to look up the term ADE, that’s Anti-body Dependent Enhancement.
Tal Brosh, Head of Infectious Disease Unit at a hospital in Israel say mRNA vaccines can cause systemic inflammatory responses that can lead to autoimmune conditions. Science Translational Medicine and International Journal of Clinical Practices et al concur.
Where can I find this info you speak of. I would appreciated the knowledge.
Also LOOK at what’s in the vaccine! Potassium Chloride (chemical used in executions), antifreeze, aluminum just to name a few.
I would be most interested in where you got any information about what is in the vaccine. Not a sham question but I am looking for information about it before taking one. At 83 I am still on the fence.
Search on DuckDuckGo for “Shot in the Dark | Dr. Sherri Tenpenny”
I’m 73 and have no intentions of taking it.
Look up ADE – Antibody Dependent Enhancement
Oh, James! You are SO brilliant and did such deep research! Potassium Chloride is nothing but a salt, used for multiple MEDICAL treatments & in impure state, is used as an ice melt. IF it is used in executions, unless they’re pumping him full of it, it would do nothing but make you thirsty!
Potassium chloride lethal injection
Potassium Chloride. Potassium chloride is the drug that causes death in an execution under current lethal injection protocols. Although the other two drugs are administered in lethal dosages and would, in time, produce the prisoner’s death, potassium chloride should cause cardiac arrest and death within a minute of injection.
Potassium Chloride is present in your body at all times! Without it, you would die!
We don’t plan, right now, to get the vaccine. NO one in my family and friends, including those in the medical field, are getting it.
There are people who just may be allergic to some component (s) in the vaccine! 😥
I’m praying for ALL those getting the vaccine and those choosing not to, including myself, family, and friends! 🙏❤
China should be held accountable😡
😳😳😳😳😳 scary! God bless her family!
My wife, my son and I have been vaccinated. No issues with vaccine at all. My son had a little fever the day after the second shot. It lasted only a few hours. I am sorry for the situation and reaction to this vaccine that some people go through but there are thousands of people like me that have no reaction. I am still a human and no changes to my DNA. I do have some underline conditions that had the potential to really destroy me, nevertheless I am here live and happy!
Drink a ton of water before you get the shot. Water water water!!
thank lord im ok after taking phizer 2 shots im vet i was hesitant about some other vaccines
That is why there is money in the government to cover vaccine injuries. They KNOW it happens, but this medical examiner has decided that because it is difficult to prove they won’t do an autopsy. Sorry, wrong! The family should know what happened and if the autopsy is the only way to try to do that, then it should be done. This is sad that a healthy individual died from a vaccine. It’s amazing how they always say there is an underlying health condition that caused the problem, not the vaccine.
…and yet, when it comes to counting covid deaths, underlying health conditions are never to be considered, even if it was a gunshot wound.
I had both MODERNA shots AND my wife also took both Moderna shots over 3 WEEKS AGO.
Thank Jesus we are doing OK.
I will not take any shot of vaccine. No real
study of all them as far as I’m concerned.
I’ll take my chances.
Good. More vaccine available for the rest of us.
No mention if the shot was from the same vaccine or a different Source .
I am not a lab rat Joe so you and the WHO can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.
Since when does the autopsy person decide on no autopsy because it won’t show the virus killed when the family wants an autopsy. Where I live, any suspicious death which this woman had, a suspicious death, an autopsy has to be performed. Just because she had the virus shots does not mean she did not die of something else. The family should demand the autopsy, they have a right to know if she died of something that could affect her child, maybe the woman was carrying something that she inherited and it finally got her. Her child has a right to know any medical condition that could determine her life too, period. And the person who said the autopsy isn’t necessary because it’s hard to determine if a virus shot killed her when maybe this is the time a virus shot could have killed her, he should be fired or at the least removed. How many other deaths has he said it wasn’t necessary to do an autopsy when there was no reason for the person to be dead.
My nephew got Covid-19 in his twenties good health almost died on a respirator 11 days left with heart ❤️ And lung damage my grandson 4 years old got COVID-19 left with type one dibedist I’m 88 so I got both shots no problem I’ll take my chances with the shots
You are so full of bull excrement. If the family wishes an autopsy they can pay for it but the medical examiner’s office does not have to perform them if the person is under medical care at the time of death.
In the mad rush and with FEAR of Covid, people too willing to get in line for vaccine. This substance not animal tested enough and its side effects may poison mankind later—to fulfill Bill Gates’s desire to depopulate—we want that to fail!
Take your chances if you trust them, gamble with your life.
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