Weinstein’s Attorney Claims That Client Will Die in Prison if not Released

By Georges Biard, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63418391

The attorney for disgraced Hollywood mogul and convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein is now claiming that his client will die in prison if he isn’t released.

As The New York Post reports:

Harvey Weinstein is broke and will likely die if he remains in prison, his lawyer said Friday at a hearing over whether the former powerhouse producer should be freed on bail pending an appeal of his Manhattan rape conviction.

“[Weinstein’s] physical and mental condition has so deteriorated, I do not think it’s an overstatement to say that if he is not released as part of this application, his chances of surviving in prison are rather low,” one of his lawyers, Barry Kamins, told Judge Angela Mazzarelli during a virtual hearing in the Appellate Division First Department.

“The defendant is almost blind, and he’s not ambulatory, and he’s on 20 medications,” said Kamins, adding that Weinstein is wheelchair-bound.

Kamins rattled off his client’s medical conditions — including diabetic retinopathy, coronary artery disease and spinal stenosis, or pressure on his back nerves, which causes a dragging foot.

Seeing as Weinstein is a convicted rapist, would his death in prison truly be a tragedy? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Ralph Kramden
Ralph Kramden
3 years ago

He will die in prison if not released???? What a brilliant statement!! I’m not convinced that he should be released, and that statement doesn’t change my opinion an iota..

3 years ago
Reply to  Ralph Kramden

He is probably on the clinton death list.

Honest Abe
Honest Abe
3 years ago

Choices have consequences. Any farmer will tell you that you reap what you sow. Sow to the wind, reap to the whirlwind.

Kathy L. McGuire
3 years ago

And that would be a bad thing?

3 years ago

Oh Well.

3 years ago

good riddance!

Susan M
Susan M
3 years ago
Reply to  Beverly

If he dies,he dies and so be it. This is the punishment for all the crimes he committed against all the women he abused in his life time.

Jimmy H.
Jimmy H.
3 years ago

If he can’t do the time, he shouldn’t do the crime.

3 years ago

Now, if we can get Clinton in the cell next to him for JUST as long, and maybe a nearby cell for Obama and Holder, too.

3 years ago
Reply to  H.D.

actually, your list of perps is too short. a few others can be added.

3 years ago
Reply to  H.D.


3 years ago
Reply to  H.D.

globalist puppet barry soetoro appointed all the correct criminals to the correct positions to protect all their criminals .

rick reeve
3 years ago
Reply to  H.D.

how bout poluski shummer fenstien etc

Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor
3 years ago

I think the judge should ask the victims to be the jury. If there was a procedural mistake maybe but just his health tough.

John Patterson
John Patterson
3 years ago

So what if he dies in prison – – that a$$hole deserves no less.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Patterson

All the globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ and globalist puppet whinenstine money in the world won’t prevent globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ and globalist puppet whinestine from death, they all should die in prison .

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago
Reply to  vladimir

End of a ROPE would be cheaper and more news worthy watching them kick for a while.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Patterson

Not sure less fits. Maybe needs to have more punishment. The bend over type.

s w
s w
3 years ago

Whether he dies in prison or at home, dead is still dead, which is fitting for this turd of human being…

3 years ago

If he is destitute he should stay in jail instead of being homeless.

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago
Reply to  Marina

I’m sure some Hollyweird child molester will take him in so they can make sure he don’t out all of them. Or may terminate him for their safety. With his health problems he will be award of the state. But he may have to fight the million illegals coming in for health care, welfare. PAY BACK is a BITCH!

3 years ago

TRUMP 2020

3 years ago
Reply to  Marina

Trump 2024 too, he should get his first 4 years back that the globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ and globalist puppet democrat criminal party and globalist puppet rino criminal party and globalist puppet fbi criminal organisation and globalist media stole from America and Trump .

3 years ago

If that’s a valid excuse, half the prisons will be emptied out. Weinstein won’t be the first to die in prison and he won’t be the last. Boo-hoo-hoo.

3 years ago

Broke, hell! If he’s broke, how does he pay that high priced attorney? Let him rot.

3 years ago

Oh, well.

3 years ago

Made your bed, lay in it.

Joseph C. Moore [USN Ret.]
Reply to  "CJ"

“Lie in it”

rick reeve
3 years ago
Reply to  "CJ"

my Dad always said u shit in ur nest now live in it

Patricia Arthur
Patricia Arthur
3 years ago


3 years ago

Transfer to HOUSE ARREST. Why burden the taxpayers with his medical expenses??

Gil McDonald
Gil McDonald
3 years ago
Reply to  flashy0ne

What medical expenses?

rick reeve
3 years ago
Reply to  Gil McDonald

the victims are paying his medical his food clothes as we all are we taxpayers he get to live hi on the turd pile at r expense he won u lost this happens with all criminals think about that boyes and girls

3 years ago


3 years ago

Hmmmm. Thats too bad!

3 years ago
Reply to  Sus

Let’s all “imagine” that we are libby snow flakes and cry for ourself .

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago
Reply to  vladimir

HA, HA, HA, Laughing ass off. I’d have to have 90% of my brain sucked out to do that? Stand tough as it’s about to hit the fan. ONLY the STRONG SURVIVE!

3 years ago

good, all globalists and globalist puppet $oro$ and globalist puppet weinstine and globalist puppet hiLIAR and globalist puppet barry soetoro and globalist puppet pa governor wolf etc should die in prison for their crimes .

3 years ago

God Fathers of Hollywood Sex Crimes knew there were consequences – some avoided abd still avoid them, others not so much and havey is now faing 6 more charges he wil be safer in Jail

Larry Larson
Larry Larson
3 years ago

A lot of criminals die in prison, good luck to weinstein.

3 years ago

He is scum. He received his punishment. You can find sympathy in the dictionary. Animals belong in cages.

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUp

I vote for a dead animal pit. Keep cemeteries for decent people.

rick reeve
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUp

at the ass busting taxpayers expence????????

3 years ago

There is no mention of his most debilitating ailment … dildosis.

3 years ago

Very short statement SO WHAT.

Coni Doyle
Coni Doyle
3 years ago

Why is this even a question? He is where his actions led him and his victims didn’t have the CHOICE. I can’t feel sorry for him … he sure didn’t have any “medical conditions” when he was ravishing those young women.

3 years ago

He is a criminal and should remain in prison. He is in no more danger in prison than in the public from the virus!

none ya
none ya
3 years ago
Reply to  JCE


3 years ago

So let me understand this; this POS abused his own body to the point of total destruction, and abused young women’s bodies who depended on him for career help. So we should somehow have pity and let him out. Sure, and let’s have Scott Peterson drive him home.

3 years ago

The world will be a better place without him. Let his friend Hillary follow him, along with Bill, Barack, Eric, Nancy, Chuck, Joe & Hunter, Kamala, ultra-rich Hollywood idiots, and a host of other self-serving, corrupt democrats.

3 years ago

Who cares. Weinstein should rot in jail

3 years ago


3 years ago

So this bag of crap rapist bully thug thinks ( like all the elite) that the laws of this state and nation don’t apply to him??? And he should be set free because it’s just too much for him??? Ha Ha……..F U Harvey. I hope you live to just one day short of your sentence….so you can live in that rat hole as long as possible.

3 years ago

Sorry, but he needs to stay there. He is no better than any other rapist. He is a shining example for others. You play you pay! He is sick both mentally and physically, that didn’t stop him from committing the crimes. Rot in prison, you deserve it.

Jenny Mills
Jenny Mills
3 years ago

So because he’s sick, his needs should attended to more than the other prisoners that are going to die in prison? I think not! Just because his crimes were concealed by the Clintons and the obamas and he didn’t get ratted on until he was much older doesn’t give him the right to be treated any different than any other old prisoner. He needs to serve all his time for every “couch” call performed for him for a job. He’s a parasite and should be left in prison.

3 years ago

He should die in prison. he killed a lot of people with his disregard of how he was hurting other women. He just didn’t care how he hurt them. His raping of these young girls was of no concern for him only his own pleasure. He does not deserve to live.

3 years ago

“For the wages of sin is death . . .”
It is no wonder than decades of abusing women sexually has taken its toll on Weinstein’s health. Unable to live in his bubble of deniability, he is left to contemplate how he wasted his life trashing others. He could not see it until it struck him across his face, so now he is blind. The stress and strain of “violence against the weak” has exhausted his body, so 20 medications are needed. He walked all over “underlings,” trampling them with disdain and disgust, so now he himself cannot walk.
And we are supposed to “feel sorry” for this monster?
As he did to others without mercy, let it be done to him.
Death in prison at the hands of criminal avengers sounds like justice to me.

3 years ago

Thats good to hear, he belongs a good deep sleep

Louie Rey
Louie Rey
3 years ago

So does anyone have a problem with that? I didn’t think so.

Pissed Off Amerian
Pissed Off Amerian
3 years ago

Sounds like a PERSONAL PROBLEM!. DEAL WITH OLD BOY! What goes around comes around.

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

SOOOOOOOOO! WHO CARES! He did the crimes, let him do the time. If he don’t live long enough that’s a PERSONAL PROBLEM! WHY should he get any special favors? If it was any of us we would never see daylight again. TOUGH SH*T! He will just become a ward of the state tax payers footing the bill. He must have some money or someone is paying his attorney. If not they disappear into the wind. Karma just caught up with him to bite him in the ass. Hope it was a BIG BITE and lots of chewing.

Amazes me how these kind of people think they will never get caught because they are above the law and powerful. (Like the Clintons / Obummers /Obidens) I am sure Karma is on the way any day now.

Pissed Off American
Pissed Off American
3 years ago

WHO GIVES A CRAP! The SOONER he DIES the BETTER as far as I’m concerned. Assholes always concerned about the THUG but never the VICTUMS. Just because he is rich and ugly make him a special case or what? He is going to die anyway, why should society give him any breaks? LET HIM ROT, Please add Bill and Killary, the Obumbers , Commie Joe Panty Sniffer and Many others to keep him company. SCREW HIM!

rick reeve
3 years ago

they should remove his balls kick him out on the street to live in a cardbord box not ever allow him back in the limelite when they find his lifeless body cremate it and dump the ashes in a dumster with the rest of the trash but not just him all like him murders child molesters these animals dont deserve life as good people do they need to stop being coddled and just slapped on the wrists


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